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Marco Rubio suggests Tim Tebow as replacement for Capitol statue


The Florida Legislature is actively seeking a replacement for the statue of Edmund Kirby Smith that currently resides in the U.S. Capitol. And Sen. Marco Rubio has a novel idea about who that replacement should be.


Tim Tebow.


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If you weren't aware, each state can provide to statues for display in the US Capitol for notable citizens/representatives of their state.  On a related side note, one of the two statues from the state of Arkansas which reside in the US Capitol is Judge U.M. Rose, after whom the Rose law firm is named.  He is my great, great, great grandfather.


And the ghost story about these statues is that every year at midnight when the new year begins the statues step down of of their pedestals and dance around to celebrate another year of existence of the union of states.


So now I'm trying to picture my great, great, great grandfather dancing with Tim Tebow.

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China: No, we are not sending cans of human flesh to Africa


China's ambassador to Zambia released a stern statement on Tuesday, seeking to battle misinformation that he said was harming China's reputation in Africa. "This is completely a malicious slandering and vilification, which is absolutely unacceptable to us," according to Yang Youming's statement, which was widely reported in Chinese state media.


The misinformation in question? That China was taking dead bodies, marinating them, putting them in cans and then selling them in African supermarkets.




Such rumors are, of course, untrue. As the hoax-busting website Snopes.com notes, the photographs shared online that purport to show "human flesh" were from a 2012 marketing stunt for the video-game Resident Evil 6.


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DOJ lawyers ordered to take remedial ethics course 




‘Intentionally deceptive’ Justice Dept. lawyers ordered to take ethics classes





A federal judge ordered the Justice Department to send its lawyers back to remedial ethics classes Thursday after finding that the administration repeatedly misled the court in the high-profile challenge to President Obama’s deportation amnesty.

Judge Andrew S. Hanen said the lawyers knew the administration was approving amnesty applications but actively hid that information both from him and from the 26 states that had sued to stop the amnesty.

Worse yet, even after the court ordered a halt to the whole amnesty, the Department of Homeland Security approved several thousand more applications, in defiance of the court’s strict admonition, Judge Hanensaid, counting at least four separate times the government’s attorneys misled him.

He even quoted from the scene in “Miracle on 34th Street” when the boy is called to testify to Santa’s existence and says everyone knows not to tell a lie to the court. Judge Hanen said the Justice Department lawyers have an even stricter duty: Tell the truth, don’t mislead the court and don’t allow it to be misled by others.

“The Government’s lawyers failed on all three fronts,” 

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CBS 5 Reporter Had a Really Crappy Monday


Goodyear Police arrested CBS 5 journo Jonathan Lowe Monday afternoon while he was on assignment, reporting on a former Arizona State University football player who allegedly sacrificed the family dog by putting him in a smoker in order to appease an angry God.


That doesn't begin to explain the kind of day Lowe was having, however.


"Lowe chose to use the front yard of a residence to relieve himself," Goodyear Police Department spokeswoman Lisa Kutis tells New Times. "An onlooker from across the street called it in to officers. They approached him, he said he'd had to relieve himself, and they arrested him."


Lowe was handcuffed and taken to the Goodyear Police station, where he was booked, cited, and released. Kutis says Lowe was cited under Goodyear code violation 11-1-30, "public urination or defecation," a Class 1 misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $2,500 or six months in jail.


Yes, we know what you're thinking.


Goodyear police haven't released the arrest report, but the department confirms that the citation was for defecation.


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Man arrested with gun, marijuana and box of squirrels


A bizarre bust in Chesterfield Township.


A man is arrested for illegally having a gun and marijuana - while also holding a box of live baby squirrels.


"Obviously you never know what you're going to find when you are digging into a vehicle," said Police Chief Brad Kersten.


A week ago in Chesterfield Township  Ian Breiholz  was going through a garbage bin.  Cops were called and found a gun, some medical marijuana, and more.


"The individual was arrested and a subsequent search of the vehicle turned up a cardboard box of with some squirrels," Kersten said. "Some baby squirrels on the inside."


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Drunk Vicar:  ‘I’m from the Vatican, you’re f*cked'


A Church of England vicar shouted: ‘I’m from the Vatican, you’re f*cked’ as he brawled with police after a vodka-fuelled nightclub binge.
Parish priest Gareth Jones, 36, yelled: ‘I have diplomatic immunity’ as he punched, kicked, bit and spat at a police officer and a paramedic who found him passed out in his clerical frock on Charing Cross Road, in Covent Garden, central London.
When paramedic Ian Pollock gently shook the passed-out pastor at 2.30am to check he was alright, he awoke and growled: ‘I am going to f*ck you up.’
Jones threatened to attack Mr Pollock but was unable to stand up after downing three bottles of wine, several pints of beer, a number of gin and tonics and vodka during a binge of Biblical proportions.
The married father-of-one, who was ordained in 2006 and serves at St Mary and the Virgin in Great Ilford, northeast London, then lashed out and kicked the emergency worker twice in the leg.
Fearing for his safety, Mr Pollock mounted the violent vicar in the street in a desperate attempt to subdue him.
‘Two police officers on the other side of the road see what’s going on,’ said prosecutor Edward Aydin.
‘Mr Pollock, fearing an attack, positioned himself on top of Mr Jones to protect himself.
‘Mr Jones is still attacking the paramedic, he punches him in the chest then tried to bite his arms and is spitting on him.’
As the officers tried to hold Jones’ legs during the struggle, he kicked PC Andrew Fletcher in the left cheek before claiming he was from the Vatican embassy in a cunning attempt to avoid arrest.
‘He says: ‘I have diplomatic immunity’,’ said Mr Aydin.
‘The officer says ‘which embassy?’ and he says: ‘The Vatican, you’re f*cked.’
‘He is growling makes no attempt to respond to a caution and continues to shout that he has diplomatic immunity.’
He added: ‘I’m not sure if he has anything to do with the Vatican because he is with the Church of England.
‘There’s no relationship between those two religions.’
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Hours-Long Police Standoff In Redford Ends With Raid On Empty House


REDFORD (WWJ) – An 11-hour police standoff following a reported domestic dispute is now over, after officers raided the home and realized it was empty.
Police surrounded a neighborhood in the area of Winston and Acacia, along Telegraph Road just north of I-96, just after 12 a.m. Saturday after getting reports about a domestic situation between a woman and a man who was possibly armed.
The standoff went for roughly 11 hours before officers made the decision to enter the home but once inside, police quickly realized that no one was there.
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London’s Muslim Mayor Bans Sexy Women In Advertisements



, “Nobody should feel pressurised, while they travel on the Tube or bus, into unrealistic expectations surrounding their bodies and I want to send a clear message to the advertising industry about this.”


Khan was not clear in what would determine which ads would be banned, as it doesn’t include all images of people in underwear or swimming clothes. Most underwear and bikini models though can be assumed to have non-average bodies.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/06/13/londons-muslim-mayor-bans-sexy-women-in-advertisements/#ixzz4BbppkBFy

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Dozens burned walking across hot coals at Tony Robbins event in Dallas


DALLAS -- Approximately 40 participants attending a Tony Robbins seminar downtown suffered minor burn injuries late Thursday after walking across hot coals in what is being described as a motivational event.
Trainers for Robbins' motivational seminars told News 8 walking on coals is a very emotional experience for people, and that participants were doing something they didn’t think was possible.
But we saw just how painful a reality that exercise was for a large group of people attending the “Unleash the Power Within” seminar in Dallas Thursday night.
Several ambulances were staged outside the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. Paramedics treated dozens of people from the sold-out program for burn injuries to their feet and legs.
Five people were taken to the hospital.
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Greenfield Couple Calls 911 Saying They Are Being Held Hostage by Cat


A Greenfield couple called police to tell them they are being held hostage by their cat.
It happened last Friday after the cat had a bit of a meltdown take a listen.
"This is gonna sound like a strange question but we have a cat and it's going crazy and it attacked my husband and we're kind of hostage in our house and we're just wondering who we should call to do something, get rid of the cat or help us,” said 911 caller.
The cat was captured and turned over to MADACC. No one was seriously hurt.
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Warning: transcript includes EXTREMELY vulgar language.

Ladies and gentlemen: the best courtroom transcript of all time:


The Court: I — I am finding — I’m finding you in contempt of court.

Mr. Allen: I don’t care.

The Court: I know you don’t. And I sentence you to twenty days for that. And if you say anything else, I’m going to add twenty days for everything you say.

Mr. Allen: **** you.

The Court: Forty days.

Mr. Allen: **** you again.

The Court: Sixty.

Mr. Allen: Go **** yourself.

The Court: A year.

Mr. Allen: Your mama.

The Court: Ten years.

Mr. Allen: Suck my ****.

The Court: You know something, this is going to be an interesting trial.

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Cats are evil evil evil....


Anybody being "held hostage by a cat" is an idiot.  Open the door and let it leave.  Or throw a blanket over it.  No way an animal that size can keep you hostage unless you're the ****.

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Eagle captured trying to carry off Australian boy during live show

A wedge-tailed eagle has been snapped reportedly trying to carry a boy off during a show at Alice Springs Desert Park.


The photo of the attack shows a boy, aged between six and eight years old, cringing as an eagle wrenches at the top of his hoodie, as reported by the BBC.



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There’s a guy outside Moscow who dresses up as Batman and beats up drug dealers


There's a man in the Khimki area outside Moscow who dresses up as Batman and raids drug dens, beating up any drug dealers he finds. The “Khimki Batman” claims to have captured roughly 40 criminals. 


Law enforcement officers told the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets that, earlier this month, a taxi driver in the Khimki area witnessed a man dressed as Batman exit a building that later proved to be a drug den. The taxi driver says the Batman threw some kind of fire bomb at the ground and then disappeared into the shadows (see the video below). Police officers soon arrived, entered the building, and soon walked out escorting two men in handcuffs.


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Muskegon River tubing trip turns into overnight nightmare for three women


MUSKEGON COUNTY, MI – They left for what they thought would be an easy float down Muskegon River Tuesday afternoon – but ended up spending the night on the river bank, scared and yelling for help.


The trio of young women were rescued 20 hours later after a fisherman eventually heard their cries, said Muskegon Township Deputy Fire Chief Bob Grabinski.


The women, all in their 20s, had never been tubing before and decided it would be a fun thing to do, Grabinski said. So  they bought some tubes and headed to the popular launch site at the Maple Island Road bridge, Grabinski said.


"They were informed by somebody at the bridge that the river goes in a circle and if they put in there they would come back to their car," he said. "Not knowing anything, they set off on their little adventure."


About six hours later, with darkness closing in and their car nowhere to be found, the trio decided to get out on the riverbank where they ended up spending the night, Grabinski said.


"They said they hugged a tree all night yelling for help," he said, adding that that stretch of river is very isolated.


About noon on Wednesday a fisherman floating the river heard their cries for help, investigated and then called 911. The women, one from Muskegon Heights and two from Muskegon, did not have a phone with them, Grabinski said.


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This belongs in the Mickalino 'moment with a squirrel' thread, but that's been archived so:


Three-year-old boy 'savagely attacked by angry group of squirrels in country park'


A three-year-old boy was left dripping with blood after apparently being savagely attacked by an angry pack of squirrels.
Finley Renouf was feeding the wildlife in Tehidy Country Park in Cornwall when a scurry of grey squirrels aggressively grouped round the youngster, his mother said.
One of the rodents then pounced on the infant, sinking its teeth into his hand.
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Welfare cards carry number for sex line instead of help line


Some holders of electronic benefits transfer cards in the US state of Maine have found that dialling the phone number on the back of the cards gets them a sex line instead of their balance.


A Maine government spokesman told the Sun Journal that officials were aware that the phone number on some welfare cards was off by one digit.


Lj Langelier, of Lewiston, discovered the error when he went to check his EBT balance before going to the grocery store. What he got instead was a message welcoming him to “America’s hottest talk line”.


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New homeowner arrives at house, finds woman's dead boyfriend in bedroom


By Cliff Pinckard, cleveland.com


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SIMI VALLEY, California -- A man who showed up to inspect his newly purchased home made an unwelcome discovery, finding the body of the previous owner's boyfriend in a bedroom, reports say.

It has led to the arrest of the Mary Karacas, 75, who is accused of killing her boyfriend, Salvatore Orefice, 84, the Los Angeles Times reports .

According to the Associated Press , Karacas told police she got into an argument with Orefice and shot him.

The new homeowner told police he had arrived at the home to check on the moving process.

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Anderson suspect’s hidden secret: A chastity belt


CLINTON — There was more going on than met the eye during this bizarre DUI stop, and the eye was met by plenty.


When Curtis Scott Eidam, 35, of Oak Ridge was stopped on suspicion of drunken driving at a sobriety checkpoint last month, his wardrobe immediately grabbed attention, an official said.


He was wearing "some kind of red mesh see-through hose" with a ribbon tied in his goatee, said Investigator Bobby Joe Higgs of the Anderson County District Attorney General's office.


Capping Eidam's outfit: "He had on some kind of little skirt," Higgs said.


Others familiar with the May 14 stop called the garment a tutu.


Eidam made a disclosure once in custody, according to the arrest warrant filed by Tennessee Highway Patrol Sgt. Dennis Smith — he needed a key.


Eidam told officers he was wearing what he called a locked chastity belt, and it was "attached to his penis," the warrant states.


One key was on his key chain, the suspect said, and the other on a necklace around his passenger's neck. That 44-year-old woman, described as "highly intoxicated" in the trooper's warrant, wasn't charged.


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