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It's all good!! If you guys weren't fired up what fun would be? Giants have 2 sb rings in 5 years. An owner who just took money out of your pockets how much more motivation can you have? FYI. Lets not act like you guys were completely innocent in that. Snyder new exactly what he was doing. In my opinion though the punishment was way excessive.

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Not the OP's fault and he's probably a good fan, but the Giants' because of their overt cheating are the scum of the sports' world now. They will get no love from me until they get their just deserts. Sad because it was a team I historically respected. Their owner is just scum.

It's not even that, to me.

(To me, getting mad at a team because of their owner is just silly.)

And I'm with you. The Giants are the only team in the NFCE that I don't hate. Who I respect, in fact.

I'm just still pumped from yesterday. I'll calm down.

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It's all good!! If you guys weren't fired up what fun would be? Giants have 2 sb rings in 5 years. An owner who just took money out of your pockets how much more motivation can you have? FYI. Lets not act like you guys were completely innocent in that. Snyder new exactly what he was doing. In my opinion though the punishment was way excessive.

He was executing league approved contracts. I hope and pray the NFL gets hit hard with collusion charges all because Mara wanted an advantage in the East and has a big mouth and admitted the collusion to the world.

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**** the Giants & **** John Mara. :)
With respect, **** your team and **** your underhand, gutless, colluding cheating **** of an owner of your piss ant team from New Jersey.

I'd rather lose to Dallas this year than lose to you. Your praise is falling on deaf ears.

Thank Mara for this response.


Yes to all that.

FYI. Lets not act like you guys were completely innocent in that. Snyder new exactly what he was doing. In my opinion though the punishment was way excessive.

You're wrong and here's why...

He was executing league approved contracts. I hope and pray the NFL gets hit hard with collusion charges all because Mara wanted an advantage in the East and has a big mouth and admitted the collusion to the world.

Exactly. He didn't just blow a whistle on the Redskins' and Cowboys' legal activities. He was willing to sell out the other 29 teams in the process. Truly a rat fink move. The collusion was quite a slimy enough move by the owners but then Mara turning informant on them in an effort to preserve an edge inside his division was cowardice.

I personally think NY is too talented for us right now, especially with our key injuries and penalized salary cap. However, I would love nothing more than to see us overcome that and win the division in spite of Mara's childish moves.

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I personally think NY is too talented for us right now, especially with our key injuries and penalized salary cap. However, I would love nothing more than to see us overcome that and win the division in spite of Mara's childish moves.

Yeah, last two weeks, we've beat up on hurt teams. The Giants aren't hurt as bad.

IMO, if we only had a week to get ready? I think I'd say the Giants are favored (by a little.)

Frankly, I'm hoping that the long week (and maybe a little bit of swagger) give us enough of an advantage to offset that.

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FYI. Lets not act like you guys were completely innocent in that. Snyder new exactly what he was doing. In my opinion though the punishment was way excessive.

The action taken during that "Uncapped Year" by our FO was legit by any standard.

The reaction by Mara et al. was an unmitigated slimy move, the extent of which is the only miscalculation our FO is guilty of.

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Yeah, last two weeks, we've beat up on hurt teams. The Giants aren't hurt as bad.

IMO, if we only had a week to get ready? I think I'd say the Giants are favored (by a little.)

Frankly, I'm hoping that the long week (and maybe a little bit of swagger) give us enough of an advantage to offset that.

We outplayed them last time so here's to Monday night.

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look how scared giants fans are. All from their forum haha

I hate that this guy is in our division. He's a superstar.

RG3 is FOR REAL. That is all.

RG3 is picking the cowboys apart something we couldn't do

holy smokes, this kid is a rookie??? He's toying w/ that Dallas defense...

Absolutely putting on a show in Dallas. What a complete QB with the ability to get it done with the legs or arm.

Hate that he's playing well

Just wait until the Redskins get out of cap/draft hell and can provide RG3 with a big time WR. If not for the cap sanctions, guy could have been throwing to VJax this year. Scary thought for the NFCE.

Redskins set at QB probably for the next 12 years while the Cowboys and Giants will likely be looking for one in 3 or 4 years (maybe sooner for the Cowboys). Shifting of the guard? I hope not.

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I just hope that the Giants keep slumping for a few more games.

Granted the NY Giants is a good franchise, steeped in history, and loaded with talented players that make our NFC-East rivalries so great to watch.

But I now see John Mara as a real 'yellow-stain' on that franchise's reputation. He should have recused himself from that process on the basis of a conflict of interest. But instead he led the charge to ensure that the highest maximum penalties were levied on his two NFC-East rivals. Mara supporters should at least acknowledge that breach of ethics.

So it'll be easy to hope Mara's team disappoints its fanbase a lot, and for a long time. Not because of the fans (many who I respect) but simply because of my feelings about Mara.

Maybe they should burn him in effigy at half-time?

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That was a nice post from the OP. I almost feel bad that some of these decent Giant fans have to root for a team owned by a swine like Mara. No amount of SB wins will erase the coat of slime covering that team. They could win the next five superbowls and I'd never respect them.

I agree with whomever said I want to win this game, not because I want the Redskins to win the division but because I want the Giants to lose it. That franchise is scum.

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That was a nice post from the OP. I almost feel bad that some of these decent Giant fans have to root for a team owned by a swine like Mara. No amount of SB wins will erase the coat of slime covering that team. They could win the next five superbowls and I'd never respect them.

I agree with whomever said I want to win this game, not because I want the Redskins to win the division but because I want the Giants to lose it. That franchise is scum.

It's a shame about the cap thing .. Right or wrong it takes away from the spirit of the game.

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Classy move by the OP to give credit where it is due. I'm also impressed that he is aware of Mara's swindle and expresses a modicum of disapproval.

John Mara is no Wellington Mara. The elder I respected, the younger I loath.

Despite the OP being a good sport, and the Giants being a good team, I absolutely hate them because of cap-gate. This upcoming game is the biggest game we've played in years. I want this one in the worst way.

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All I know is, I'd be ticked if it happened to my team so I have to respect the anger level about this for you guys. I did not ever say I disapproved of A punishment, it was warranted but I just think it was excessive and Mara should have separated himself from it.

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While mara strikes me as an arrogant ass with his comments surrounding capgate......he is not alone on the collusion. The other owners went along with this, as did the nflpa for reasons all of ntheir own ($$$$). Part of me hopes that the nflpa wins their collusion case, but another part wants them to fail as demaurice smith and the nflpa went along with the railroad job tha mara started. I still think the giants team is a good one, and still hate the boyz far more than the giants team.

Expecting a great game on monday night, and I will be in the stands cheering on my team.

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