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Michael Wilbon can KMA


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He does NOT have a point. The issue is he is a basketball fan. Period. He LOVES Basketball and DC SUCKS as a basketball town (In fact -Im not looking it up right now, but I remember years ago he argued that DC was on the verge of being a basketball town..its not).

If we are talking about Pro sports, yes DC sucks is a basketball town. But outside of that, this area is a basketball town.

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Nothing else in Chicago is bigger than sports because there IS nothing important in Chicago.

The Sears Tower is tall, wow.

Washington D.C. is the capital of the world, incredibly important decisions are made in this city, those decisions are bigger than a football team, and the NFL, and all of sports. They would be in any city where the political heart is based. Don't discredit the enormous amount of incredibly passionate fans my team has for happening to live in a city with a few more responsibilities then the Windy City.

When the Redskins are doing well, the hardcore fans with flags on their cars start honking to each other on the streets, waving at each other, giving each other thumbs-up. This city is a GREAT football town.

It's just another angle to disguise his jealousy towards D.C.

The Sean Taylor stupidity ended it for me, I used to watch everything-Wilbon. He's a troll.

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I'll stick up for Wilbon. It is his very personal observation of the DC sports landscape. Most of us grew up reading his columns about DC sports in the Post.

Agree or not, he definitely has enough Washington DC street creed to file an opinion on the matter.

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I'll stick up for Wilbon. It is his very personal observation of the DC sports landscape. Most of us grew up reading his columns about DC sports in the Post.

Agree or not, he definitely has enough Washington DC street creed to file an opinion on the matter.

But can you really have street cred in a town that you've lived in for 30+ years yet you still don't consider home?

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I'll stick up for Wilbon. It is his very personal observation of the DC sports landscape. Most of us grew up reading his columns about DC sports in the Post.

Agree or not, he definitely has enough Washington DC street creed to file an opinion on the matter.

Street cred? :ols: Nobody don't give two shakes about WIlbon around here.

Wilbon is a good writer and a cool dude. I interviewed for a school project in 2008, he is not a bad person. I just don't understand why he continues to give the city that made him a hard time.

Honestly though, I just think he is being a troll. He probably doesn't even believe what he is saying.

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I'll stick up for Wilbon. It is his very personal observation of the DC sports landscape. Most of us grew up reading his columns about DC sports in the Post.

Agree or not, he definitely has enough Washington DC street creed to file an opinion on the matter.

The moment he decided to trash this town and essentially disown and distance himself from it his "street cred" vanished. That's how theses things work. Think of it like this, would a Redskins fan complaining about some aspect of the team be received the same way as a fan from some other team coming here and doing the same? Of course not. Wilbon made it clear that he lives here but he doesn't consider this his town and went a step further to slam Washington DC.

So you know what? **** him. He can get his ***** ass right on out of here. Maybe LA has an opening for an ugly bama with a look better suited for radio. After all they value sports above all else right?

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It is a fact that unless you are a hardcore Skins fans then DC is a weak sports town. But it isn't the fans fault for the most part it is the media in this area bowing down and kissing the Dan Synder brass ring. The Nats have their first playoff game on Sunday and it will be a miracle if they get an hour of talk over the 2-2 Skins against the Falcons. The fact that ESPN 980 is covering the Nats playoffs when they have been on the O's bandwagon is a joke. Hopefully they don't interupt the broadcast to tell us what RG3 is having for dinner that day. The other franchise has its loyal followers but the media only cares when they win as well. And if 980 case most of the time insulting the Caps because heaven forbid he said something bad about an owner with over 10 years of suck. That being said Wilbon has always been an ass and working with the 4 letter network only heightens it.

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The moment he decided to trash this town and essentially disown and distance himself from it his "street cred" vanished. That's how theses things work. Think of it like this, would a Redskins fan complaining about some aspect of the team be received the same way as a fan from some other team coming here and doing the same? Of course not. Wilbon made it clear that he lives here but he doesn't consider this his town and went a step further to slam Washington DC.

So you know what? **** him. He can get his ***** ass right on out of here. Maybe LA has an opening for an ugly bama with a look better suited for radio. After all they value sports above all else right?

Bonus points for calling him a bamma...


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DC is and always will be home. It's where I grew up.

I lived in different places over the years, but DC is home. My brother was born in DC, but he grew up in Wisconsin (He is a Packers fan), My sisters in TN. . My family was military. I have lived over half my life in DC/MD burbs.

BTW- Thinking of moving back again permanantly.

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"I’ve been here 32 years, and I still barely call it home." No ****. You have hammered that point home to us time and time again. I would like to make a joke about he and Michael Jordan but I feel it wise to refrain.

I hope you all will remember this Wilbon quote.

“I wasn't surprised in the least when I heard the news Monday morning that Sean Taylor had been shot in his home by an intruder. Would it stun me if Taylor was specifically targeted? Not one bit.” – Michael Wilbon, Washington Post

And then one of the all time ***** slaps from an actual DC athlete and real DC sports reporter James Brown.

"But are those reasons enough for some to be so insensitive, so quick and I think so inaccurate in stereotyping Sean Taylor as a bad apple, or that the end he met with was not a surprise? A group of burglars break into HIS HOUSE and surprise to find him there and end his life? Now by all accounts as we've heard from all those who actually knew him well, Taylor did an awful lot of maturing over the last year and a half. For those who have been mature for a lot longer than that, exercising restraint in passing such callous and harmful judgment would seem to be in order..." – James Brown, CBS Sports

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DC is and always will be home. It's where I grew up.

I lived in different places over the years, but DC is home. My brother was born in DC, but he grew up in Wisconsin (He is a Packers fan), My sisters in TN. . My family was military. I have lived over half my life in DC/MD burbs.

BTW- Thinking of moving back again permanantly.

The people that don't understand Wilbon's thoughts with respect to DC and being home didn't grow up somewhere else primarily and still have most of their family there.

I've now lived more of my life away from "home" then the years I actually lived there, but that's where I spent a good number of my memory forming years (e.g. ages 5-22) most of my siblings and my mom are there still. I'm married, have a job, and two kids, but I where I grew up is still home.

Maybe when both my parents have passed/my mom moves away and/or my kids grow up and if they stay in the area in start their own families, that'll change.

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"I’ve been here 32 years, and I still barely call it home." No ****. You have hammered that point home to us time and time again. I would like to make a joke about he and Michael Jordan but I feel it wise to refrain.

I hope you all will remember this Wilbon quote.

“I wasn't surprised in the least when I heard the news Monday morning that Sean Taylor had been shot in his home by an intruder. Would it stun me if Taylor was specifically targeted? Not one bit.” – Michael Wilbon, Washington Post

And then one of the all time ***** slaps from an actual DC athlete and real DC sports reporter James Brown.

"But are those reasons enough for some to be so insensitive, so quick and I think so inaccurate in stereotyping Sean Taylor as a bad apple, or that the end he met with was not a surprise? A group of burglars break into HIS HOUSE and surprise to find him there and end his life? Now by all accounts as we've heard from all those who actually knew him well, Taylor did an awful lot of maturing over the last year and a half. For those who have been mature for a lot longer than that, exercising restraint in passing such callous and harmful judgment would seem to be in order..." – James Brown, CBS Sports

James Brown is a badass DC stud (even though went to DeMatha). Would love to see him go 1-on-1 with Wilbon on this. I think I know who would be a no-show.

He's not smart enough to figure out that politics is #1 in the Capital of the Free World?

Wilbon has that pissy-East-Coast-envy attitude. Bamma is right!

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You know how a member of the family or a friend calls you an S.O.B and you both laugh? But if a Dallas fan you don't know walks into a place when the Skins are having a a bad day, you want to dump you favorite frosty beverage on him? Same thing. If you like the guy (I like him because he's on record as being a Skins fan, a raity among SportsWriters) then you give him a "c'mon man" if you disagree and let it go. If you already dislike him, then anything he says is going to get under your skin.

Personally, when the Skins lose, I don;t want to talk about it. I hate Mondays. But when they win, there's nothing else I want to talk about.

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And then one of the all time ***** slaps from an actual DC athlete and real DC sports reporter James Brown.

"But are those reasons enough for some to be so insensitive, so quick and I think so inaccurate in stereotyping Sean Taylor as a bad apple, or that the end he met with was not a surprise? A group of burglars break into HIS HOUSE and surprise to find him there and end his life? Now by all accounts as we've heard from all those who actually knew him well, Taylor did an awful lot of maturing over the last year and a half. For those who have been mature for a lot longer than that, exercising restraint in passing such callous and harmful judgment would seem to be in order..." – James Brown, CBS Sports

i hadnt read this quote from james brown. not surprised, though. JB is the epitome of class. wilbon is a toad.

---------- Post added October-4th-2012 at 06:38 PM ----------

thats not true.

Back in the 90s, Wilbon was actually a great columnist. He deserved the praise he got and when appropriate, he would point out BS in race but it was never overbearing.

we'll agree to disagree on that one.

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He does NOT have a point. The issue is he is a basketball fan. Period. He LOVES Basketball and DC SUCKS as a basketball town (In fact -Im not looking it up right now, but I remember years ago he argued that DC was on the verge of being a basketball town..its not).

So - You can not deny DC loves the Redskins, and he admits that. But then he compares it ONLY on Basketball. He completely ignores baseball (He asks when was the last time DC was top story on ESPN? Um - Strasburg, Harper?). He dismisses hockey, and says Football is only 16 games.

So basically he says DC is not a basketball town...TRUE.

in what world is DC not a basketball town?

this is one of the best bball cities in America. I never get how people say this? We have some of the most prestigious HS bball teams across America in this area. We also have a lot of NBA players from this area. We have top AAU programs too.

The Kenner League gets top high school and NBA players to come down to play every summer. Top college bball programs too. Kids play bball more than anything else in this area.

Wilbon is wrong because he is a prat, not because its not a bball town even though it is.

But it's not just this area... it's everywhere. People are not spending their money on losers, especially if it isn't the NFL.

I guess, but they still spend money on the Redskins. We been bad for 20 years, and people still spend money.

The Nats werent terrible last year, and people were not coming out. Ionno, I think we are just a star city/great team city. We arent an upper tier sports city, but we arent like Miami and Atlanta.

---------- Post added October-4th-2012 at 06:44 PM ----------

does anyone remember when he wrote that he doesnt follow the nationals, then wrote an article the next week extolling the Nationals for drafting Strasburg?

he is a joke

---------- Post added October-4th-2012 at 06:47 PM ----------

we'll agree to disagree on that one.

I guess, but he brings up racial issues to extol black people now, as exhibited by that Sean Taylor article. He is a joke now, but back then he was excellent. Him and Mr. Tony.

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in what world is DC not a basketball town?

this is one of the best bball cities in America. I never get how people say this? We have some of the most prestigious HS bball teams across America in this area. We also have a lot of NBA players from this area. We have top AAU programs too.

The Kenner League gets top high school and NBA players to come down to play every summer. Top college bball programs too. Kids play bball more than anything else in this area.

Wilbon is wrong because he is a prat, not because its not a bball town even though it is.

It's like we have this argument once a year here on ES. People think just because the Wizards aren't that good and people don't go to the games that this is not a basketball city. I am not even going to elaborate anymore, you said it right here. Redskins are king, but this is a basketball town. Always has been and unless our(Mainly DC) baseball and football programs get better it always will be.

I guess, but they still spend money on the Redskins. We been bad for 20 years, and people still spend money.

The Nats werent terrible last year, and people were not coming out. Ionno, I think we are just a star city/great team city. We arent an upper tier sports city, but we arent like Miami and Atlanta.

I guess we can say we aren't "upper tier". I can live with that. I always say this is a front-running town. The Caps was the perfect example. Nobody cared when they were losing. But you add Ovi and start winning games and all of a sudden everybody wants to rock the red.

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Wilbon hates the DC area and loves Chicago, this is common knowledge

Nothing new from him

I don't have much of an opinion on this, since I am not a DC sports fan, but he definitely does not hesitate to **** on any team in this area. Sometimes it's warranted, but a lot of times, he is so far off base that he might as well be on another planet.

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