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Poll: Are we at a point where firing Haslett NOW should be seriously considered?

Commander PK

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Yes, I was. they are saddled with Sanchez and a poor OC imo. I don't know why he would get fired other than the circus, but I do not know that he is the one that pulled for Tebow. Yeah he is a loudmouth, but I just dont see him getting fired.

a backup just hung 30 on them. their D has been underwhelming of late.

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To repeat something I posted elsewhere, I think Haslett has lost the defense. They don't seem to want to play for him anymore. I think as professionals that is a crappy thing to do, but the evidence (at least some of it) supports it, imho.

I agree. I said this also. They look like they aren't buying into what Haslett's doing anymore. They look uninspired and flat in every game. They look leaderless.

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When the Steelers offense was preparing for this game they asked their scout defense to practice like it was a preseason game. There is no need to practice against exotic blitzes and confusion when you are not going to see it.

I am sure their offense was laughing all day. Really this is what they call a 3-4 defense? HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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I agree. I said this also. They look like they aren't buying into what Haslett's doing anymore. They look uninspired and flat in every game. They look leaderless.

Agree. They obviously don't want to play for the guy and just as obviously don't believe in his "scheme"

He is NOT putting them in a position to be successful, and you can see their confidence is shattered.

One other thing I noticed today, you NEVER see Fletch changing the play at the line, whatever is called seems to be what they go with, damn the consequences. That speaks volumes about the dc imo, and also speaks to the 'pigheadedness" I've heard mentioned in other threads.

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2010 was an obvious rebuild team. We switched schemes completely. Don't know what some of yall were expecting.

Last year they were solid. Th fall off late in the year was mainly because of the offense. They had 6 turnovers in the last 8 games that gave the opposing team starting field position inside the 30 yard line. The offense basically gift-wrapped one TD per game for the D, and they still managed to be decent.

This is true. They spent the majority of the season on the field. Most games, the offense was off the field in a few short minutes (or even seconds) & the defense was on the field for 10 minutes or more at a time. That will wear the defense down.

That said, Haslet HAS to go. His schemes are TERRIBLE. There seems to be few adjustments that actually work. As I have said in other threads, there is virtually no pass rush & the secondary is awful. And it's not just the talent on the defense that is the problem. He doesn't use the talent he has well at all. He's got to go.

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The move to a 3-4 was foolish anyway considering we had personnel suited for a 4-3 and still do. Either way fire him over the bye.

I can't stop thinking about that colossal **** up by Shanny. Our 4-3 defense has always been our strength in these years of losing. Something about fitting a square into a round hole.

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The Rams game this season was when Haslett is partially uncovered. Sam Bradford shows some speed and scrambling ability and he chickened out into a soft zone all day because he was not prepared for Bradford's wheels.

Then in Cincy, Jay Gruden absolutely dismantled him so perfectly that everyone else from then on had the book on Haslett's incredible predictability, which is a very bad thin.

I know our safeties suck, but what he tells his players to do puts them in an even worse spot.

If we're keeping him, it's to show the world he doesn't deserve to be a defensive coordinator anywhere else in the league.

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I can't stop thinking about that colossal **** up by Shanny. Our 4-3 defense has always been our strength in these years of losing. Something about fitting a square into a round hole.

Look, our defense was going to suck in 2010 no matter what we did. Buttersworth had checked out mentally by the end of 2009, our best CB (Springs) was pretty much done, we had nothing at the D-Line except Orakpo, who they were playing at linebacker at non-passing downs because he's not good holding the POA against the run. Really, putting him at 4-3 end has him out of position as opposed to him being a 3-4 backer, where he's easily our most impactful defensive player (too bad ignorant fans don't know this) That defense was due to collapse in 2010, doesn't matter who we brought in.

The mistake we made was not just making Spanos the DC to start with, or not hiring Crennel. Going to the 3-4 was not a bad move at the time, since we had to rebuild that defense anyway. It's just that guys like Haynesworth created so much drama about the switch, and that we traded for McNabb and Brown which kept us from getting impact talent to fill the defense up.

Stop regurgitating this myth that we had this great 4-3 defense full of quality defensive players that were ruined by going to 3-4.

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Look, our defense was going to suck in 2010 no matter what we did. Buttersworth had checked out mentally by the end of 2009, our best CB (Springs) was pretty much done, we had nothing at the D-Line except Orakpo, who they were playing at linebacker at non-passing downs because he's not good holding the POA against the run. Really, putting him at 4-3 end has him out of position as opposed to him being a 3-4 backer, where he's easily our most impactful defensive player (too bad ignorant fans don't know this) That defense was due to collapse in 2010, doesn't matter who we brought in.

The mistake we made was not just making Spanos the DC to start with, or not hiring Crennel. Going to the 3-4 was not a bad move at the time, since we had to rebuild that defense anyway. It's just that guys like Haynesworth created so much drama about the switch, and that we traded for McNabb and Brown which kept us from getting impact talent to fill the defense up.

Stop regurgitating this myth that we had this great 4-3 defense full of quality defensive players that were ruined by going to 3-4.

Ha ha. You would have an argument except our defense has gotten WORSE in year THREE of the 3-4. Next excuse.

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Stop regurgitating this myth that we had this great 4-3 defense full of quality defensive players that were ruined by going to 3-4.

I see what you're saying and all the point you made prior were correct, but finding three or four players is easier than finding eight. There are equally compelling arguments about the switch.

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Ha ha. You would have an argument except our defense has gotten WORSE in year THREE pf the 3-4. Next excuse.

So are you saying that this same defense with Dick LeBeau or Rex Ryan would be the worst defense in the NFL? The Jets quite frankly have less talent than we do. The Jets have declined defensively, but they have maybe one legit NFL starter in their front 7.

Fact is, Lou Spanos was the defacto DC in 2011 and we had a middle of the pack defense with our offense coughing it up 35 times and gifting TDs to the other team. Our safeties were bad that year, too.

The problem is that Haslett literally is calling the same stuff he did in preseason. Which is interesting actually. When it was vanilla versus vanilla in preseason, our defense looked dominant. When Haslett (or Morris?) actually decided to try with his defensive schemes we made the Saints look inept (they're still 6th in scoring btw, and Drew Brees has 20 TDs through 7 games, so don't pull the Saints record out). If we had a DC that was just average - and not one that seems to be mailing it in, we'd have at worst a league average defense, injuries and all.

All I can say is let's root hard for the Jets and Panthers to lose as many games as possible.

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Look, our defense was going to suck in 2010 no matter what we did. Buttersworth had checked out mentally by the end of 2009, our best CB (Springs) was pretty much done, we had nothing at the D-Line except Orakpo, who they were playing at linebacker at non-passing downs because he's not good holding the POA against the run. Really, putting him at 4-3 end has him out of position as opposed to him being a 3-4 backer, where he's easily our most impactful defensive player (too bad ignorant fans don't know this) That defense was due to collapse in 2010, doesn't matter who we brought in.

The mistake we made was not just making Spanos the DC to start with, or not hiring Crennel. Going to the 3-4 was not a bad move at the time, since we had to rebuild that defense anyway. It's just that guys like Haynesworth created so much drama about the switch, and that we traded for McNabb and Brown which kept us from getting impact talent to fill the defense up.

Stop regurgitating this myth that we had this great 4-3 defense full of quality defensive players that were ruined by going to 3-4.

It wasn't great but it was full of players suited for a 4 3

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Look, our defense was going to suck in 2010 no matter what we did. Buttersworth had checked out mentally by the end of 2009, our best CB (Springs) was pretty much done, we had nothing at the D-Line except Orakpo, who they were playing at linebacker at non-passing downs because he's not good holding the POA against the run. Really, putting him at 4-3 end has him out of position as opposed to him being a 3-4 backer, where he's easily our most impactful defensive player (too bad ignorant fans don't know this) That defense was due to collapse in 2010, doesn't matter who we brought in.

The mistake we made was not just making Spanos the DC to start with, or not hiring Crennel. Going to the 3-4 was not a bad move at the time, since we had to rebuild that defense anyway. It's just that guys like Haynesworth created so much drama about the switch, and that we traded for McNabb and Brown which kept us from getting impact talent to fill the defense up.

Stop regurgitating this myth that we had this great 4-3 defense full of quality defensive players that were ruined by going to 3-4.

Thank you. I'm really getting tired of hearing all this whining over the switch to the 3-4. We as a franchise haven't run the 3-4 up until 3 years ago. We've been a 4-3 since I started rooting for them in 1976. Everyone is still in that mode. 3-4 is the best way to combat the passing offenses of today, but you have to run it right, which we are not doing. And I agree, 4-3, 3-4, we'd still suck.

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I think the bye week will have more meaning than usual; perfect time to evaluate the entire team and coaching. There's no logical reason to keep him on past the bye week; it is inevitable he's most likely gone after the season, unless he has a video of Mike being intimate with a goat or something, so why not make the change mid season.

Its not gonna get better with him here, better players still will not make him a better coach

[see definition of a coach ] and maybe someone else has a different idea or scheme.

Will it take a division opponent to put up 60+ points to open the eyes of management to address this problem, or will they continue ignoring the problem...

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Will it take a division opponent to put up 60+ points to open the eyes of management to address this problem, or will they continue ignoring the problem...

60 must be the magic number because the 59 the Beagles put on us in 2010 didn't change a freaking thing.

He needs to go.

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This thread got me thinking about Haslett's defense and Greg Blatche's. The two years prior to Shanahan taking over the defense was ranked #4 in 2008 and #10 in 2009. Since Haslett has been defensive coordinator we have been 31st, 13, and no 29th. The whole reason we changed from the 4-3 to the 3-4 was due to the lack of turnovers according to the media and the Redskins themselves. But if you look at the two years prior under Blatche he had 13 and 11 INT's during his tenure. With Haslett we had 14 and 13 in 2010 and 2011. Now we have 10 halfway. So was it really worth changing our whole defensive philosophy for more turnovers? We destroyed a top 10 defense for a bottom dwelling defense all because we wanted to create more turnovers. Haslett is a liability and can't coach his way out of a wet paper bag. Under Blatche we were giving up less than 20 points per game but under Haslett we are giving up between 23 and 29 points per game. Under Blatches defense we were under 90 penalties a game but under Haslett we are over 100 per game every year. So if you want to know why the defense has gotten so bad you only have to look at one man for that. Jim Haslett.

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But tell me, regardless of what we ran, how many of those 4-3 guys would have been here? Orakpo was drafted to be a 4-3 rush DE, but he wasn't good enough against the run to even start full time at DE (better that he plays the run in space than he gets blown up at the POA every play), and it's really taken him until now to really get good at it. Haynesworth would have been out regardless. Daniels was old. McIntosh was average and injury prone. Griffin was old and injury prone. So what is the incentive to stay with the 3-4? Because it worked 2 years ago with a completely different cast of players?

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