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Poll: Are we at a point where firing Haslett NOW should be seriously considered?

Commander PK

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Good post Paloosa. I'd be interested in seeing how our sacks have changed also. With Blatche, we were a bend but don't break. With the 3-4, you're supposed to be able to get more pressure and sacks.

With Blatche, we were a bend but don't break defense. With Haslett, we are simply a bend-over defense.

I'm not ready to abandon the 3-4 scheme all together, as I think it can be effective...but Haslett has to go.

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If Cam Newton comes to DC this Sunday and leads the Panthers to victory by lighting our D up, there has to be a shake up on some front.

I don't disagree with this statement as there comes a point when firing him and giving someone else a chance really doesn't matter. Difficult to fire someone during the season and expect someone else to simply take over and excel.

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Poll: Are we at a point where firing Haslett NOW should be seriously considered?


I didn't vote on this thread, because I didn't know. After today's game I think I have seen all I needed to see....


OUR CORNERS CAN"T COVER!!!!! Even when we do get pressure.

I have had it with this dude. Fire him now and let somebody take over during the bye week.

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Carolina had 2 drives of 90+ yards; first time in their franchise history.

It always seems that an opposing offense has either a career or first achievement against our defense.

Yes, the time has come. Fire his sorry ass. Go ahead and get rid of Raheem as well, being the secondary has gotten worse since his arrival.

Send a message to the defensive squad that poor execution will not be tolerated. SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE!


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Unfortunately, every quarterback appears to set records against this defense and this started last season. Something is seriously wrong on the d and it starts and ends generally with Haslett. Get rid of him at the bye and give Morris a chance, then regroup at the end of the season.

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Carolina had 2 drives of 90+ yards; first time in their franchise history.

It always seems that an opposing offense has either a career or first achievement against our defense.

Yes, the time has come. Fire his sorry ass. Go ahead and get rid of Raheem as well, being the secondary has gotten worse since his arrival.

Send a message to the defensive squad that poor execution will not be tolerated. SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE!


Those 2 gargantuan drives remind me of our loss to the Lions in Zorn's second year. They too had two long ass drives that exposed our defense.
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Good post Paloosa. I'd be interested in seeing how our sacks have changed also. With Blatche, we were a bend but don't break. With the 3-4, you're supposed to be able to get more pressure and sacks.

This year we are getting zero pressure. Since Orakpo went down Kerrigan has disappeared.

---------- Post added November-4th-2012 at 06:09 PM ----------

Poll: Are we at a point where firing Haslett NOW should be seriously considered?


I didn't vote on this thread, because I didn't know. After today's game I think I have seen all I needed to see....


OUR CORNERS CAN"T COVER!!!!! Even when we do get pressure.

I have had it with this dude. Fire him now and let somebody take over during the bye week.

Unless the new guy brings with him an edge pass rusher, a 3-4 DE who can pass rush, a FS who actually make plays and a cover corner who can, well, cover making a change will not matter.

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Does Shanahan know a lick about D? Why can't he diagnose our issues or manage to mask them a little? If Haslett can't fix things, then Shanahan should be way more proactive in fixing things. Of course, firing Haslett would probably be more ideal.

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I don't think it can be any worse if he were fired, yet I don't know if this is the time you do it? Raheem couldn't do worse could he? ...I think only the Saints are worse defensively...and after today's game maybe not. We're probably dead last. Can't tackle, out muscled, look slow, outmatched, out coached, can't cover. It's pretty pathetic. London is obviously playing hurt, he's flat footed, slower, not at strong, can't plant and explode. Just exposed. Pass rush non existent.

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I secretly think Bob Slowik is the real cancer to this team, tied with Haslett. Our linebackers are terrible in coverage this year, about as bad as the secondary... Riley is perpetually out of position and Fletcher is constantly having to make up ground. Worse yet, they don't get pressure at all. All of this coupled with Slowik's ****ty track record and the importance of linebacker play in the 3-4 leads me to believe he is ruining things.

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While I understand the "fire Shanahan now" thinking, do we really want to put RG3 into the Jason Campbell circus, changing coaches and systems on him this soon? I think we will see an overhaul with the defensive coaching staff and players first, unless Mike decides he's tired of the job and wants to resign on his own.

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When the thread was started I was in an emotional state, and perhaps it was too early at that time to consider firing Haslett. I will concede I may have been jumping the gun a bit. Over the last month or so I had started to wonder if the injury bug that has hit this team and Jackson's suspension was just too much for anyone to be expected to overcome. Could any defensive coordinator have turned this group we have right now from water into wine? With no Jackson, Meriweather, Orakpo, Carriker, Neild on the field?

I just don't know if it is a boat load of circumstances most of which are beyond Haslett's control that have brought us to this. Is there supposed to be this much drop off when people go down? If the injured players were on the field, would the defense be much better than they are? It just feels like with everything that has gone on from "capgate" to injuries it's impossible to judge anyone objectively at this point, other than the fact that what is left on defense is not starting caliber at the safety position, and the decent players on the field (Kerrigan, Fletcher) are not as effective without the others we lost.

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I am not a fan of firing a coach during the season, but after another crappy defensive effort (and i know the skins have injuries), haslett should get canned over the bye week and the redskins take their lumps over the rest of the season, hire a quality coach in the offseason, and get things fixed for next year. It sucks talking like this when we are only 9 games into the season, but seriously guys we have no chance of going anywhere this year. It doesn't end with haslett, we also have to gut some players on defense and start building a winning program.

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if Haslett is coaching after the bye week, I won't watch any more games until next year. I love my Redskins but this has gotten past the point of ridiculous.

---------- Post added November-4th-2012 at 07:51 PM ----------

I am not a fan of firing a coach during the season, but after another crappy defensive effort (and i know the skins have injuries), haslett should get canned over the bye week and the redskins take their lumps over the rest of the season, hire a quality coach in the offseason, and get things fixed for next year. It sucks talking like this when we are only 9 games into the season, but seriously guys we have no chance of going anywhere this year. It doesn't end with haslett, we also have to gut some players on defense and start building a winning program.

give Raheem a chance to prove himself over the course of the next 7 games (Haslett has had 41 games to show that he can't cut it). If Raheem can't turn the defense around (discipline the players!) and can turn this laughing stock into at least getting some respect from the other teams, then cut ties with him at the end of the year

After today's pathetic performance, I hope that Shanny is on a very short leash now, as well (I've been in Shanahan's corner but since the Giants game, I'm done)

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As much as I'd absolutely LOVE to see Haslett shown the door, if he isn't canned tomorrow [monday] then I am afraid he's here for the remainder of the season.

The bye week would be a good time, 2 weeks for whoever is the new DC to gather the players and let every single one of them air out any problems they have with the current system/coaching.

In the back of my mind I was hoping that maybe, just maybe, the Skins would pull themselves together and get on track and possibly make some noise at even a faint attempt at the playoffs, crazy as it sounds, i'm sure many of you were hoping the same, but god, they are simply not getting anything done defensively, and this is a reflection of Haslett and his inabilities, JUST AS HIS TRACK RECORD PROVES!!!!!!!

Right now I am praying Danny pokes his nose in and pulls a Jerry Jones and tells Mike to fire him, especially after his 'lost in space' expression he had when the cameras panned to him...

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