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Gameday Injury Updates (merged--MET)


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London Fletcher experiencing balance issues

“He’s got some problems with his balance. It was Monday evening when I found out,” Shanahan said, via Tarik El-Bashir of CSNWashington.com. “Before we say we’re worried, let’s get a review from the doctors and see what they have to say. We’ll know more tomorrow.”


Can we catch a break?

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I said Sunday..Garcon is done for the year. The magic 8 ball and voodoo stuff our medical ( and I use the term loosely) staff did not work. Rumor is they aquired some power crystals and magic bandages to treat him after the bye week. I am not a doctor but a "ruptured toe ligament" sounds awful. I maintain he did this flipping into the end zone and bet it comes out he did.

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Didn't we read something a few days ago that the team Doctor said that if he ran on it, it couldn't get any worse it just won't heel.

Now an outside Dr says its a ruptured ligament. Does that require surgery?

Do our team physicians know what the hell they are doing?

That is a really good question that should be asked of Bruce Allen, the man in charge, seriously. Do these guy know what the hell they are doing or not. Needs to be answered, the leaches are not going to work.

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