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koehlerlaw.net: Redskins Coach Mike Shanahan Should Fear Owner’s Vote of Confidence

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This thread is posted because some lawyer posted his opinion? I guess we have to worry about some school kid posting that the sky is falling. Who cares what this guy thinks or how long he has been in the area.


Just as not all thoughts should be threads, neither should all articles. If you can even call a blog post at the far reaches of the internet by a random lawyer with no football credentials an "article".

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I think MS bought himself 2 more yrs with RG3. We all know RG3 will have a learning curve this yr and he following yr (MS's 5th) will be the judgement yr.

I don't have a problem with how MS has been doing. His first yr he tried to capitalize on what Zorn had started, but I think he saw we had too many aged players and they were not fast enough for the zone blocking scheme. So yr 2 he jettisoned a ton of aged players for youth, he looked to build up the OL (even though the drafted players have not stepped up yet), the running game has gotten better each yr, and the defense has improved each yr and seems to be somewhat solid if only the S/FS position can get resolved and can create more 3 and outs. But.....the offense needs to step up and stay on the field more often letting the defense rest. Hopefully with Garçon, Morgan, and Hankerson that will happen and with a QB that does not throw 2-3 INT's per game.

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I had to stop reading after the first paragraph due to temporary blindness, caused by subjecting my eyes to overwhelming amounts of stupidity.

I can't believe someone even wrote that. Firing a coach who inherited a **** roster, who is adding depth across the board, and just gave up a ton in order to land a promising young quarterback prospect, who fits your system to a T, only to bring in a completely new regime and start all over again after only one season with your new qb, just when your current regime is showing signs of progress, and building continuity (something that we're in desperate need of) along the way, is completely and utterly schizophrenic.

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This guy is a criminal defense lawyer what qualifies him as a writer.

Well, being an attorney for starters! Attorneys are professional writers. Yes, while we usually don't dabble in sports journalism, 60-70% of what we do is write. Especially in the criminal field. And of what we DO write we write more of than journalists. So while I also disagree with WHAT he wrote, I won't harp on his qualification to write. I can say with certainty that he does it a lot. :)

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I don't like the results on the field BUT I SERIOUSLY like the direction of the team. Shanahan has completely altered the roster from when he arrived. It's younger, more athletic, and there is just a ton more depth. Letting him go would hinder RG III's development and the team itself. Not going to happen. Snyder has made a ton of mistakes, he won't make this one...What's working against us is no first rounders the next 2 years and the Salary Cap penalty. Hopefully it doesn't hinder us too badly

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Snyder is in NO hurry to go through another long coaching search.... like the one that netted him Zorn. :rolleyes:

From what I remember, he didn't like it, and he likes Shanahan.

Unless things COMPLETELY break down into utter chaos, Shanahan will be able to leave here on his own terms, when he is ready, I predict.

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For once I believe this franchise is headed in the right direction. I think Daniel Snyder learned from his mistakes and now he has the coach he once tried to trade for as his guy. I think no matter what Snyder will give Mike Shanahan the full five years of his contract. It is going to take those full five years to fix all of things that were bumbled by Snyder and Cerrato.


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I suspect Snyder will 'stay the course' with Shanahan for the duration of his contract. However, he'll probably be deciding after the 2013 season is over, whether or not the Shanhan(s) contract get renewed, or allowed to run to term. (Of course if the team really plays badly in 2012, that timetable might be pushed up a year, and buyouts get considered.)

I think Shanahan has this season and next to show that the team has gelled into something that can compete at a high-level, and attract the fans. I really believe Snyder realizes it takes time -- and consistency of leadership -- to build a strong competitive team. And Snyder's decision will likely be shaped his perception of whether his team is getting better or slipping backward.

Considering the improvements I see in the team's organization, chemistry, preparation, and talent levels -- my money is currently on Shanahan sticking with the team and grooming his successor. But I too want to see what this team plays like in November of 2013, before acknowledging that the Shanaplan worked. At this juncture we're still in the potential phase.

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I. for one, want the current Redskins coaching and upper management teams to stay the way they are for a LONG time. Well past the initial 5 year contract. We have all suffered for years under the mismanagement of a few people who's names we shall not mention. To have a competent staff in place is just totally refreshing!

I also really believe that MR Snyder has learned his lesson about buying talent. If Mr Snyder does not see this, then the team is really doomed to live in the NFL cellars from now on. Mr Allen and Coach Shanny are the best option to rebuild this team, restore the teams good name, and bring us (the loyal fans) a team that will instill fear into our opponents.

I would hope that who-ever this guy is who wrote the article does not have any inside information (he is a DC lawyer after all), but it does not appear so. Just another Dan Snyder hater and someone who looks at old trends and expects those patterns to repeat. Maybe, if we are all lucky, Mr Snyder may have learned a lesson or 2 over the years and recognized the errors of his ways. This is what I want to believe, but only time will tell, right?

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A regular rebuild takes 3 years to fix. This isn't a typical rebuild. We gave up draft pick after draft pick, no young mixture of talent. Nothing!

Well, Vinny gave up the draft picks that left the cupboard bare the first year. Plus, there was limited moves to make the first offseason witht the CBA in flux. No full offseason last year with the lockout. This is actually the first year the FO has had the full offseason to make moves, then we get hit with a cap penalty. It hasn't been easy all 3 years.

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If Dan Synder fires MS, there is no hope for this franchise. We are going to be the next lions. It takes years to repair 10 years of negligence and a few more years to retool
I wish this wasn't true but, dude, we're already the Lions.

The list of NFL teams that has not been in a conference championship game since 1992:






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I think even IF Snyder wanted to part ways with Shanny due to a less than stellar 2012, he has to stick to the 5 year plan if he ever wants to get a worthy coach in DC again. I'm still on the Shanahan ticket and I think most of the fanbase is. If it even smells like he could be let go, then ES and other fan outlets need to be as vocal in their support for Coach as they were for their outrage during the The B&G Insurrection.

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I agree with other posters in that Shanny, and Allen, are going to be here at least thru 5 yr point, and probably longer. It would be a huge mistake to fire now, or even at end of this season, unless the team comes out looking like last season's Colts.

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If Dan Synder fires MS, there is no hope for this franchise. We are going to be the next lions. It takes years to repair 10 years of negligence and a few more years to retool

That's how I feel about it. This is the first time I've felt that we are actually headed in the right direction, doing all the right things. I didn't even feel this way with GIbbs 2.0. If Shanahan is gone after this season there is absolutely no help for this franchise while Snyder is here, because he has proven to us he doesn't get it.

That being said, this is a garbage article, and I didn't bother giving it a click because there is no way Shanny is gone after this year... barring an apocalyptic collapse that rivals what is going on with the Jets right now.

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