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SOW| Who Deserves Your Vote for Next Greatest Redskin of All Time


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I decided to take the time and vote for the next 10 Greatest Redskins, who will be added to the already 70 Greatest. While there were a lot of qualified players to choose from, there were also some questionable choices.

Players such as Charlie Brown, Clint Didier, Ricky Ervins, Chris Samuels, Clinton Portis, Vernon Dean, and assistant coaches (a new option), Bobby Beathard, Jack Pardee, Richie Petitbon and Joe Bugel should be definite entree’s.

In fact, if you were to ask me, those 10 men should be the newest inductees to the Greatest Redskins list.

However, you also have some players who did not do enough during their time in D.C. to be considered ‘Greatest of All-Time’: Marcus Washington, Bruce Smith, Fred Smoot, Lavar Arrington, Mike Sellers, and even Sean Taylor.

There’s no denying those guys had some decent seasons with the Redskins, some may have had a season or two where they stood out, but were they on the level of being THE greatest of all time? I don’t believe so.

After a strong start in Washington during 2004 and 2005, Marcus Washington slipped off the map with injuries. Bruce Smith was one of our biggest free-agent busts; in fact you could argue he took the cake before Haynesworth arrived.

Lavar Arrington was paid to run around on the field (as he did at Penn State) and occasionally make the big play. His legacy is more remembered as the man who bashed Gibbs though. Fred Smoot was better for running his mouth, and Mike Sellers might be considered one of our best fullbacks of all-time, but he isn’t one of our greatest Redskins of all time.

During 2007 Sean Taylor exploded on the field, having his best season ever and showing the NFL why Redskins fans said he’d be one of the best. Unfortunately, his life was cut short during a home invasion and we never got to see his full potential, but rather a short glimpse of it.

Does this mean that Sean Taylor should be considered one of the Greatest Redskins of all-time? No, I don’t believe it does. If this were a vote of the greatest Redskins of the past decade, then absolutely he should be voted in.

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Easily Taylor Jacobs. Best and hardest practicing Redskin of all time.

On a serious note - how does this work? Is it expanded by 10 players/coaches every 10 years and that's why it's expanding to 80? Or is this just a hypothetical question? I'm not really sure it should be expanded. There are only so many players on a team at any given time and if a member of the organization does not belong on the list with the other guys but you simply expand for the sake of expanding, you water down the group with lesser members. Someone like Bugel deserves to be on there. Arguments could be made for all the guys listed, but you can't just put guys on there.

On a completely side note about a particular player's greatness:

Portis is 2nd all time in franchise rushing yards but I'm not sure he belongs on the list. I loved Portis when he was here but I can't really think of any defining moments. Aside from an incredible finish in 2005 (and really an incredible year) Portis, while he had an excellent and consistent run here, does not have many memorable moments. May be the top 2-3 redskin of the decade, but I would consider putting Moss higher all-time because of how he killed the Cowboys every time he played them, the Miracle game, the overtime catch and run to beat the Jags, the way he used to KILL teams with the screen pass (think KC in 2005) - point is, in my mind, he has so many more defining plays/games that jump to mind when you think of him. When I think of Portis, I just think a stud RB that had one GREAT year, another year where he was headed for greatness but injuries to himself and the line derailed, and other than that he was just a consistent 1,000 yard runner, which is hard to find but not extremely rare.

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Sorry, but I think Taylor does deserve to get in with the 80th votes. Part of it is because of what he did, part of it is recognizing what he was becoming, and part is to honor the fact is was all cut way too short due to tragedy. You have Didier as definitely worthy when his seasons with us were not very remarkable. His contributions in playoffs and Superbowl weren't bad, but his entire resume, essentially a guy on a great team along for the ride, shouldn't carry more weight than a player who was already being regarded as the best FS in the league and right before his death started drawing comparisons to Lott.

Charlie Brown had 1 very good season w/ the Skins, and other seasons cut short, yet he is a lock and Taylor falls short? Ricky Ervins played 4 seasons w/ us and never broke 700 yards rushing in one of them. You have to do more than simply be on the team when they win a Superbowl to be considered great. Sean Taylor truly was great at his position.

---------- Post added May-16th-2012 at 07:39 PM ----------

Portis is 2nd all time in franchise rushing yards but I'm not sure he belongs on the list. I loved Portis when he was here but I can't really think of any defining moments. Aside from an incredible finish in 2005 (and really an incredible year) Portis, while he had an excellent and consistent run here, does not have many memorable moments. May be the top 2-3 redskin of the decade, but I would consider putting Moss higher all-time because of how he killed the Cowboys every time he played them, the Miracle game, the overtime catch and run to beat the Jags, the way he used to KILL teams with the screen pass (think KC in 2005) - point is, in my mind, he has so many more defining plays/games that jump to mind when you think of him. When I think of Portis, I just think a stud RB that had one GREAT year, another year where he was headed for greatness but injuries to himself and the line derailed, and other than that he was just a consistent 1,000 yard runner, which is hard to find but not extremely rare.

Ironic, because people used that same type of argument to keep Monk out of the Hall of Fame for so long.

Portis is one of the greatest running backs this team has ever had. Easily top 5, and that's at RB which was THE position for a long time, so it's not like CP had easy competition to beat.

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Ironic, because people used that same type of argument to keep Monk out of the Hall of Fame for so long.

Portis is one of the greatest running backs this team has ever had. Easily top 5, and that's at RB which was THE position for a long time, so it's not like CP had easy competition to beat.

I guess you're probably right. I guess I just have very lofty expectations and think it should be more like Redskins HOF. I'm not extremely knowledgeable when it comes to our team's post-career awards. When I think of greatest Redskins of all time, I can't think of more than 10-15 guys, let alone 70, so I guess if you're looking at 70-80 then Portis definitely deserves in. Riggins is #1 and after him I'm not aware of a lot of guys that were all that great. Stephen Davis and Portis come to mind so I guess if you're up that high then yes he deserves easily to be recognized in the top 70-80. Portis did carry this team, along with Moss and was directly related to any success they had. I was probably being a little harsh.

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Solid article that takes on the Taylor issue and also the problem with the fan voting aspect. I guess Bernard Shaw, Moseley, and Joey T will comprise some sort of panel that will "lead" the selection process, and I wonder if they'll be able to represent some of the older players who, as you said, might get left out in the cold. Heck, you know Bruce Allen will try to make sure at least one 70s guy is represented.

Trying to understand your recommendation of Pardee. Yeah, he played for three years on some very good George Allen teams and coached here for three years (the extent of his Skins career, if I'm not mistaken) but does that really makes him one of the Skins GOATs? Heck, if you're going to select Pardee, unfortunately you might eventually have to include Norv (shudder!).

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I voted for George Rogers! He had over 3,000 yards in his 3 years with the Skins and should of had more seasons if the front office didn't think that Timmy Smith was the next great thing. I think that George Rogers was a great player even if he didn't get to stay very long.

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Beathard, Beathard, and Beathard! Last good GM the Skins had, and he was great - perhaps the greatest of all time. If there's anything Gibbs' mediocre 2nd tenure should have illustrated, it was that Beathard was the genius behind personnel moves. Beathard got Gibbs to trade future SB QB Stan Humphries to him for a lousy 4th rounder Casserly blew on a punter cut in training camp.

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Beathard, Beathard, and Beathard! Last good GM the Skins had, and he was great - perhaps the greatest of all time.

One of his best personnel moves... getting Joe Gibbs. Beathard is tops on my list.

Ricky Ervins? Seriously?

Big shmeal about no ST... but Ervins OK... :ols:

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