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PFT.COM Carlos Rogers confirms that Gregg Williams used bounties in D.C.


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I'm just saying, if it's done to the extent of going out to injure other players then they should be penalized regardless of being warned or not.

That's like saying, well the Feds didn't warn Madoff so he should be free to walk

Either way, everyone involved knew it was wrong yet they continued to do it.

That argument is ridiculous. We're talking about NFL imposed sanctions here, and you're mentioning the Feds going after Madoff? If federal prosecutors find something wrong and illegal with what we are doing and decide to press criminal charges against us, I have no complaint. But an an NFL imposed sanction cannot be compared to that, surely you understand the difference.

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The #1 person involved with this on the Redskins is already being punished.

Look at the punishment that happened with the Saints. No draft picks were forfeited. The DC, HC, Position Coach, and GM were punished and the team itself was fined $500k.

Worst case, the Redskins organization gets fined $500k.

Who cares?

Actually, they did forfeit 2 #2's. One this year and one next year.

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Actually, they did forfeit 2 #2's. One this year and one next year.

I forgot about that part.

Still, I doubt the Redskins get hit with a forfeiture of draft picks given that most of the major players involved are no longer with the organization and there is no evidence of a cover up by Redskins personnel.

Worst case is that Snyder has to pay a fine.

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Bang, I've always respected you as a poster, but I think you are way off here.

First, we are no worse than any other fan base. We are definitely better than many, including the Eagles, whom you referenced.

Second, fans have been given every reason to boo most of what we've seen on the field over the past twenty years. Before Shanny got here, it was tough for this fan base at times to know which players were actually trying and which were here, like Carlos, just for the money. This fan base has been through a lot, and paid a lot, with money, blood, sweat, and tears of the past couple of decades and have grown tired of what we've been given in return. Players that are out there giving it their all, 60 minutes, every week, are usually adored and cheered heavily by this fan base. Those that get booed and talk trash when they leave have earned the vitriol.

Last, even if the fans were too hard on Los, what he just did was throw his former teammates and coaches all under the bus, including himself. The dumbass actually just hurt all of them more than he could have hoped to hurt this fan base.

Agreed. Los was paid to play the position which included catching the damn ball, especially when it hit him in the hands. Cry me a river if the fans got to him. He needs to shut his trap and move on. Hopefully, he is not still sleeping on Campbell's couch because he manages money like he manages his mouth.

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Actually, they did forfeit 2 #2's. One this year and one next year.

Yep. Cost the Saints their head coach for at least a year and two second round picks.

All i can say is my boy sean taylor prob made alot from it : )

nothing wrong from his hits

At the time, no. Now? Probably would have been quite a few penalties and fines for Sean Taylor

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You're ignoring the more important part of his post though. The fact is that for the last 3 years the NFL has been sending out communication 2x per year explicitly banning this behavior and the Saints have signed off on numerous documents saying they reviewed the rules with the players and are in compliance.

Then after all that the coaching staff and players continued to lie and cover up in other interviews and questioning. The actual bounty system is only a fraction of what the Saints are being punished for.

I do agree and see what he is saying, I'm also pointing out the fact that they can come back and do something if they really wanted to. We didn't sign off on anything regarding the cap and those were approved, yet we were still punished for that. I don't see what's stopping them from doing something with the bounty if they go back and pull of evidence of it occurring.

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I do agree and see what he is saying, I'm also pointing out the fact that they can come back and do something if they really wanted to. We didn't sign off on anything regarding the cap and those were approved, yet we were still punished for that. I don't see what's stopping them from doing something with the bounty if they go back and pull of evidence of it occurring.

The big question is how much did the Saints trying to cover up what they did affect the severity of the punishments that were handed down by the NFL?

There are no reports of the Redskins covering things up.

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I'm just saying, if it's done to the extent of going out to injure other players then they should be penalized regardless of being warned or not.

That's like saying, well the Feds didn't warn Madoff so he should be free to walk

Either way, everyone involved knew it was wrong yet they continued to do it.

Same thing should have happened to the Saints, but did not for at least 3 years. At least to me, the penalty wasn't for the crime itself, but the defiance. The Saints' penalty is the warning for the entire league. Looking back in time and treating other teams differently than the way the Saints were treated is arbitrary and selective (Goodellesque) though.

There is a gray area between "pay for performance" and an actual "bounty", although both are against the rules. The "pay for performance" which is what most of the former Redskins' players seem to describe, in my opinion, is just illegal. A "bounty" is morally and ethically wrong, also my opinion.

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So, two former Redskins, Matt Bowen and Carlos Rogers, have both said there was a bounty program in Washington. Yet Andre Carter maintains he didn't know about it.


My guess is since there isn't a hard-line definition of "bounty program" (pay for performance, pay for injury), Bowen and Carlos could be talking about a "pay-for-performance" and Carter is thinking a "pay-for-injury"

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Wish this would just go away...Sucks worse that it's Carlos saying it, you know, A woman scorned and all that.... Bottomline: I don't think there is any doubt we had a bounty system in place, but don't feel we should be punished for it, cuz if you go back for us you have to go back for everyone and it just becomes a pandoras box I would think.

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My guess is since there isn't a hard-line definition of "bounty program" (pay for performance, pay for injury), Bowen and Carlos could be talking about a "pay-for-performance" and Carter is thinking a "pay-for-injury"

exactly what I'm thinking. The more we learn about the "bounty" program in DC the more we realize that it was not nearly as sinister as the one in New Orleans.

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The #1 person involved with this on the Redskins is already being punished.

Look at the punishment that happened with the Saints. No draft picks were forfeited. The DC, HC, Position Coach, and GM were punished and the team itself was fined $500k.

Worst case, the Redskins organization gets fined $500k.

Who cares?

Thing is, I don't see where we'd get fined. The NFL knew about it years ago, told teams to stop, and we did. The Saints didn't. That's why they are being taken to the woodshed. The Redskins didn't lie and cover it up. Teams were given a chance to come clean and all but the Saints did. I don't even see a reason why we'd get a fine.

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Why don't we just take every malcontent to ever come out of any organization at their word.

What's that you say, former disgruntled employee? My boss beats women and eats babies? Wow, thank you for telling me this definite truth disgruntled former employee.

Seriously though, I feel like half the problem is players coming out of the woodwork, like Rogers, but the other half is the media. They treat any news like it was from the Redskins FO itself. PFT actually is pretty good in terms of just reporting what Rogers said, but I guarantee some idiot out there is going to equate Roger's statement with Gibbs and Snyder knowing about it.

I sort of wish the league would close the books on this sooner rather than later. I know they can't do anything, everyone from that defense but Doughty and Alexander are gone, and that's including the coaching staff, so they don't really have any solid grounds to punish us, but the longer this drags on, and the more players say stupid things that will almost certainly be taken out of context, the more bad press we're going to pile up, and honestly they don't need help with that.

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exactly what I'm thinking. The more we learn about the "bounty" program in DC the more we realize that it was not nearly as sinister as the one in New Orleans.

I honestly don't believe Gibbs would have let that **** go on to the entent that it did down in N'awlins. And he CERTAINLY would have made Williams knock it off if the NFL had been on his case.

No comparison. I know we all love the "we are cursed" and "everyone is out to git us" angle but it simply won't happen. We'll skate on this one.

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Devil's advocate.... This could explain why Dirty 30 seemed to take bad angles and not wrap up on tackles. He always seemed to be going for the "Kill Shot".

I wonder how much the bounty was for the shot 21 put on the punter in the pro bowl? :ols:

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