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PFT.COM Carlos Rogers confirms that Gregg Williams used bounties in D.C.


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Goodell can do what he wants. That's been well established. I've been arguing against his power grabs for years but since it never impacted the Redskins, no one here cared...until it impacted the Redskins.

Having said that, I don't think Goodell will do anything here. Punishing the Skins would be confirmation that is a leage-wide issue and not a team issue. He wants to set up the Saints as a rogue franchise. If he starts punishing other teams, it will be an acknowledgment that the entire point of football is to injure your opponent. Legally, that would be a disaster for the league.

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I'm not all that mad at Carlos. We already knew bounty system happened in DC. Nothing will come of this unless Gibbs or Snyder (possibly Vinny) knew about it and didnt do anything.

Exactly.. People just love to get mad about nothing around here.. Carlos isn't implicating the 'Redskins with anything. Everyone around the league knows that the reason the 'Saints got in trouble is because they lied to the NFL on seversl occassions when the NFL gave them warning after warning over a two year span.. They arnt getting in trouble because of a bounty system that every team does. And neither will the Redskins..

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Devil's advocate.... This could explain why Dirty 30 seemed to take bad angles and not wrap up on tackles. He always seemed to be going for the "Kill Shot".

I wonder how much the bounty was for the shot 21 put on the punter in the pro bowl? :ols:

No. Landry did the same thing in college. He isn't a good tackler. A hard hitter, but not a good tackler.

Goodell can do what he wants. That's been well established. I've been arguing against his power grabs for years but since it never impacted the Redskins' date=' no one here cared...until it impacted the Redskins.

Having said that, I don't think Goodell will do anything here. Punishing the Skins would be confirmation that is a leage-wide issue and not a team issue. He wants to set up the Saints as a rogue franchise. If he starts punishing other teams, it will be an acknowledgment that the entire point of football is to injure your opponent. Legally, that would be a disaster for the league.[/quote']

I also think Goodell is using the Saints as the example. It's basically a league wide notice saying that if you've got one, it stops, now. If they're going to punish the Skins for this, then they have to start going through all of GW's former teams.

The only way I see this issue being pushed further is if someone comes forward and says that coaches and management knew their was a bounty program.

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I see people saying that we're no worse than any other fan base and making reasons why Carlos is saying what he's saying.

But we do seem to have an awful lot of hate for former players who hold a grudge.. .and an awful lot of former players hold grudges.

And to the guy who told me i can't hold an entire fan base accountable by a message board, that's true. I can hold nearly 100,000 of them accountable, though,,, and I can hold them accountable for doing the wave while the offense is on the field, and for turning this board and the airwaves into the angry (usually under-informed) vitriol that it is, and i can hold them accountable for running players out of town, who in turn run their mouths.

Which in turn could set the Redskins up for punitive action.

granted Mr Can't Catch wanted to get paid. But the knock was he can't catch, and enough fans let him know about it that he felt disrespected by more than just the organization.

Fact is even with the drops, he is and was a very good cover man. Losing him was just business.. he wanted more than the team felt he was worth. Pretty simple.. Running him out of town on a rail was not business... that was us, and continues to be us.

this fan base does rip players and coaches to shreds. Didn't Steve Spurrier have an incident with a fan on the GW Parkway that helped make up his mind about leaving (I mean, granted, good for us, but really.. some road rage? )

If you were a player, and you read this board, any other board, or listened to fan radio in this city, you'd be afraid to go out half the time. ESPECIALLY after a loss.

And let's be clear. The only one who really deserves all that is Danny Smith.


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I honestly don't see why everyone is getting worked up over what Roger's said. All he is saying is that they had a pay for performance for good plays, LEGAL hits, interceptions, etc....

More than anything, what he is saying is that there was no "bounty" in place in Washington but a Pay-for-performance with money from fines given out by the team.

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I see people saying that we're no worse than any other fan base and making reasons why Carlos is saying what he's saying.

But we do seem to have an awful lot of hate for former players who hold a grudge.. .and an awful lot of former players hold grudges.

And to the guy who told me i can't hold an entire fan base accountable by a message board, that's true. I can hold nearly 100,000 of them accountable, though,,, and I can hold them accountable for doing the wave while the offense is on the field, and for turning this board and the airwaves into the angry (usually under-informed) vitriol that it is, and i can hold them accountable for running players out of town, who in turn run their mouths.

Which in turn could set the Redskins up for punitive action.

granted Mr Can't Catch wanted to get paid. But the knock was he can't catch, and enough fans let him know about it that he felt disrespected by more than just the organization.

Fact is even with the drops, he is and was a very good cover man. Losing him was just business.. he wanted more than the team felt he was worth. Pretty simple.. Running him out of town on a rail was not business... that was us, and continues to be us.

this fan base does rip players and coaches to shreds. Didn't Steve Spurrier have an incident with a fan on the GW Parkway that helped make up his mind about leaving (I mean, granted, good for us, but really.. some road rage? )

If you were a player, and you read this board, any other board, or listened to fan radio in this city, you'd be afraid to go out half the time. ESPECIALLY after a loss.

And let's be clear. The only one who really deserves all that is Danny Smith.


Brutal comeback and I didn't know that incident had occured with the Ol' Ball Coach...

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Don't see what's changed here.

1. Snyder didn't know

2. Gibbs didn't know

3. The players involved are no longer with the team minus potentially London

4. The league did not send us warnings which we ignored

5. Everyone seems to be scared that we'll be stripped the #2 pick. The Saints actions from an organizational perspective were far worse and they lost two 2nds. The league will not strip us of in essence three 1sts and a 2nd!

6. Let's go into fantasy land & say the league holds this against us as punishment for challenging the cap penalty & does take away the #2 pick: 1. We'd have to win arbitration. 2. The league would then have to levy our bounty punishment; and 3. We'd have a chance to appeal and the pick cannot be taken from us while an appeal is pending. ----- Can all of this realistically happen in 21 days? Come on...

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i still think you overvalue carlos (as he himself does) and underestimating other nfl fans' capacity to hate players.

wasn't it a year or two ago that bills fans set a fire on a players yard?

how about death threats against kyle williams from 49er fans?

just face it bang, if you're a player for any major team, college or pro, who screwed something up and you were to listen to the media or fans you would be afraid to go out.

don't be so naive.

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i still think you overvalue carlos (as he himself does) and underestimating other nfl fans' capacity to hate players.

wasn't it a year or two ago that bills fans set a fire on a players yard?

how about death threats against kyle williams from 49er fans?

just face it bang, if you're a player for any major team, college or pro, who screwed something up and you were to listen to the media or fans you would be afraid to go out.

don't be so naive.

Dont even have to be on the team. Bartman's life was ruined for doing what others around him were doing too. It's not just DC that does this totally agree.

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I see people saying that we're no worse than any other fan base and making reasons why Carlos is saying what he's saying.

But we do seem to have an awful lot of hate for former players who hold a grudge.. .and an awful lot of former players hold grudges.

And to the guy who told me i can't hold an entire fan base accountable by a message board, that's true. I can hold nearly 100,000 of them accountable, though,,, and I can hold them accountable for doing the wave while the offense is on the field, and for turning this board and the airwaves into the angry (usually under-informed) vitriol that it is, and i can hold them accountable for running players out of town, who in turn run their mouths.

Which in turn could set the Redskins up for punitive action.

granted Mr Can't Catch wanted to get paid. But the knock was he can't catch, and enough fans let him know about it that he felt disrespected by more than just the organization.

Fact is even with the drops, he is and was a very good cover man. Losing him was just business.. he wanted more than the team felt he was worth. Pretty simple.. Running him out of town on a rail was not business... that was us, and continues to be us.

this fan base does rip players and coaches to shreds. Didn't Steve Spurrier have an incident with a fan on the GW Parkway that helped make up his mind about leaving (I mean, granted, good for us, but really.. some road rage? )

If you were a player, and you read this board, any other board, or listened to fan radio in this city, you'd be afraid to go out half the time. ESPECIALLY after a loss.

And let's be clear. The only one who really deserves all that is Danny Smith.


...We ran 'Los out of town.

Yup. We ran 'Los out of town.

We forced 'Los to go out to the club on the Friday and Saturday before the game.

We forced 'Los to spend money on dumb broads, make bad investments, and live a lifestyle he couldn't afford.

It was us who said "you know, we know you have plenty of money to spend poppin' bottles and partying up, but don't spend the $600 on fixing your eyes, try and get the Redskins to pay for that ****."

It was us who told 'Los to run his mouth off about what was happening in the locker room even when he was still here.

We forced 'Los to be happy just being good, and then told him it was perfectly reasonable for him to act indignant when all of the above contributed to poor play on the field.

Yeah. That was all us.

We didn't force 'Los out the door. He forced himself out. Players and coaches and medical staff told him for years he needed to get contacts or get his eyes fixed. He refused. He wanted the Redskins to pay for it. Oh, he had plenty of bread to blow at the club on the weekend, but spending $600 to get better at his craft? **** that noise. And then he has the nerve to get butthurt because the fans put him on blast when he drops a pick, knowing that he can't actually see? 'Los was as big a part of the culture problem at Redskins Park as anyone, and the guy didn't want to earn any of it.

He wanted top 5 corner money. He had his chance to get it when he was under the tag. In 2010, he could've said "alright, it's time to get straight. I'm going to play my ass off, get my eyes fixed, come into camp ready to go, in shape, I'm going stop clubbing and just focus on being the best football player I can be". Instead, his entire 2010 season was disappointing as hell, because he half-assed it all season. He was happy being good. And then he demanded the Redskins pay him something he knew the organization wouldn't pay him so he could leave.

And THEN he decided to work when he gets to the 49ers. And now he can't keep our name out of his mouth.

Because somehow, fans, as brutal as we can be, bashing him for dropping picks---which, as we've seen, if he had just done that we probably wouldn't be having this problem---forced him out of D.C.

I've got no love for 'Los. What did the Redskins and the fans do that gave him such righteous indignation? Make him a top 10 pick? Give him every opportunity to prove himself and improve his game?

Whatever, sir. If that's what you chose to believe, so be it. But the true greats find a way to be great. They don't get lazy and blow money and then piss all over the people that helped them get there.

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I see people saying that we're no worse than any other fan base and making reasons why Carlos is saying what he's saying.

But we do seem to have an awful lot of hate for former players who hold a grudge.. .and an awful lot of former players hold grudges.

And to the guy who told me i can't hold an entire fan base accountable by a message board, that's true. I can hold nearly 100,000 of them accountable, though,,, and I can hold them accountable for doing the wave while the offense is on the field, and for turning this board and the airwaves into the angry (usually under-informed) vitriol that it is, and i can hold them accountable for running players out of town, who in turn run their mouths.


So, you patched up things with Brian Mitchell and love him now, huh?

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So, you patched up things with Brian Mitchell and love him now, huh?

Oh absolutely not. Mitchell turned on the fans, not vice versa.

And NLC, no, we didn't actually "run anyone out of town".. if the team had paid him what he thought he was worth, he'd still be here.

But since he's gone, do you think how he felt he was treated by the fans gives him any pause when it comes to smacking this team around if given the chance?


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Meh, i'd expect as much. Actually figured it would be Prielou (sp) who would day something first.

I wonder what the fine was for getting put out for the year by ripping up your knee without anyone touching you on the opening kickoff of preseason ?


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