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well i assumed he was kidding, but i thought i'd ask to just cover the bases. i haven't been on this board for very long, just curious

Its a pretty good deal. I'd PM Jumbo about it and see if you can get in on it, if you're interested honestly.

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Its a pretty good deal. I'd PM Jumbo about it and see if you can get in on it, if you're interested honestly.

hmm..cant tell if your being serious, or this some leftover effect from april fools day. i've literally heard nothing about a premium service attatched to this board. What perks do you recieve if you pay?

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hmm..cant tell if your being serious, or this some leftover effect from april fools day. i've literally heard nothing about a premium service attatched to this board. What perks do you recieve if you pay?

Premium forum (which is where all the best discussion is, of course), direct access to the Mods via a premium chat, a thread filter that gets rid of all the junk completely, and a T-shirt. Other perks that I'm not exactly remembering right now. Good stuff.

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Premium forum (which is where all the best discussion is, of course), direct access to the Mods via a premium chat, a thread filter that gets rid of all the junk completely, and a T-shirt. Other perks that I'm not exactly remembering right now. Good stuff.

Did you guys get your Redskins store rewards cards when you signed up? I'm still waiting on mine and it's been a couple months. Might have to pm one of the mods about it.

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Did you guys get your Redskins store rewards cards when you signed up? I'm still waiting on mine and it's been a couple months. Might have to pm one of the mods about it.

Huh, got mine. I'd definitely PM someone about that. Gonna put mine towards an RG3 jersey as soon as I can!

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Premium forum (which is where all the best discussion is, of course), direct access to the Mods via a premium chat, a thread filter that gets rid of all the junk completely, and a T-shirt. Other perks that I'm not exactly remembering right now. Good stuff.

The T-shirt sounds pretty sweet..may have to check this out

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I don't get it, what happened? Was the site shut down or something?

No, the mods and administrators played their annual April Fool's Day joke by setting up Extremeskins so that no matter what button or link you tried to click on, it sent you to a NY Giant message board. The joke being that Mara and the Giants were trying to take over Extremeskins. Or something.

Fortunately, I missed all of it, having to be away from my computer until the late afternoon.

I was fully expecting a bunch of "RGIII ruptures his achilles' tendon" or "RGIII says he won't play for Redskins if drafted by them" type threads. :ols:

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^^^^I'm hoping that was an attempt at humor.

So I end up being very busy yesterday,(moving and cleaning stuff in the kitchen and putting down tile),and ended up missing this yesterday. I can honestly say I'm not all that sad that I did. Never let it be said that some here don't take themselves too seriously. A couple of you were predictable in the reactions,(evidenced by previous reactions to fun threads like this in the past). Cripes some of you need a humor prescription if not some to be put in via an IV. :doh: Rant over.


Good to see many of you take it in stride. I thought it was funny of course. :)

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I would have got caught yesterday. I'm way too impatient when it comes to computer problems. I had alot of yardwork to do yesterday with the new house. Previous owners left the yard in shambles.

And to DaRock, what in the hell were you thinking man with that rant of a post?

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It's like when people complain about facebook changes. Hey, it's a free service. You're not entitled to anything! Don't like it? Fine!

Ironically, many of the complainers here fit the profile of those happy to pay for abuse in other venues.:evilg: :pfft:

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Ironically, many of the complainers here fit the profile of those happy to pay for abuse in other venues.:evilg: :pfft:

Get any stupid PM's today? :ols:

Edit: Sorry, of course you did. I meant related to paying the Premium monthly fee. :D

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Monthly fee?


Years ago, I paid for the lifetime membership for $795 and received 2 hats,a t-shirt and a fleece jacket.

Plus I got an autographed can of TK's Aqua Net and Jumbo's meanie pants!

Talk about getting bang for your buck!

Yea, but unfortunately, there was a backfire in the undies. Pork & Beans and margaritas don't mix...:silly:

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Get any stupid PM's today? :ols:

Edit: Sorry, of course you did.

You should have read the typical brain-flail sent by a star in this thread. :ols:

Nothing's more funny than one of those "telling us all off" self-validating profanity-laced insult notes that to any and all objective readers seem like the work of some total basket case who previously tried to appear as a "normal" human. :pfft:

You can't make up the subterranean level of indignant pathetic spew, from bizarre convolutions of simple grammar, to the actual views of preposterous, self-contradictory, and sometimes surreal interpretations of reality, to plain old stunningly deficient cognitive capability in general. :)

It's usually very entertaining to those of us with a dark side to their humor and a lot of experience in human behavior. :silly:

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The "pay site" gag was one I liked a lot. :)

I agree. That was a funny one. I am a few days removed from the prank and I have lightened up a bit but still not a fan. I am one of the few that come to this site with the intention of reading and commenting on football related material for the most part. I understand that a lot of people come here for camaraderie and I respect that, but it seems that alot of the banning and "hi there :) " by the mods and the extra comments from the people making the obvious comments to get in a "mods" good graces are whats kinda wrong with this whole thing right now.

I love this board. I come here for news, mock drafts etc..but to say you won't miss me and others is just expressing a little too much disregard for the people who are here for football related material. So when a group of people on here are trying to pull off a mock draft on one of the only free days of the week we all have and meanwhile that "mock draft thread" was on the top of the board saying that it would resume at 11am that day, perhaps some mods should have stepped in and protected that aspect of this board that is coveted by the seemingly increasing minority. TK is a funny guy but I feel that prank was poorly thought out and inconsiderate and some of the other mods should have recognized that and stepped up.

I say all of this with respect as I do appreciate the time mods put into this thing this post may be a rant but not a loaded gun looking to go off in my pocket.


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No problem with any of that, RedskinsSuperBowl21. Everyone has their opinion on everything (I actually consider it a cultural flaw :ols:). And this is so, of course, even in many matters where it's a viewpoint often limited in regards to having all the information desirable for a more informed perspective---even if such might not change an individual's bottom line POV.

One quick example: there are some very valid and useful reasons for being openly public with certain kinds of moderation action-related posts by a mod that a member may see or judge by surface appearance (like just being a meany or a nazi ;)).

Every staff member was a non staff member once. Not all of them have the same persona, obviously, but each and every one since the site was founded have stated that you really don't know "the whole story" until you spend some time on "this side" of it. That's not offered as rebuttal, just facts for consideration regardless of what opinions one ends up having about the board or how it's run.

I will also say once again (for all) that fwiw there is a feedback forum where general opinons of "the state of the ES union" and board management (and any other appropriate matters) are meant to go :). Threads in the regular forums are meant to be for their titled topics ---i.e. in this case, the parts of your post about the actual April Fool's prank. Mods however can bring any moderation-related matter they want into any tread, but that's not an open invite for others to do it. Often, fair allowance for that is made and people are just "reminded" not penalized. People read something and do a "stream of consciousness" post in a thread and we get tangents. I'm just being informative, here, not chastising. It's all in the rules, too, of course. :pfft:

---------- Post added April-3rd-2012 at 08:45 PM ----------

One other thing though, your idea that some of the other mods "should have done something" is a really good indicator of what I mean about not knowing things but having an opinion on them. Mods have jobs and lives. Several made that clear posting in this thread that they weren't around for the event at all. And even so, I can't see any of us who know and track the community day in and day out, year after year, far better than really any non-staff member can (sorry, but that's just reality), would have forcefully argued against this idea. At most, we'd have simply voiced our opinion on whether it was a good gag or suggest another one if we had it. TK did ask the staff about it. I posted what I sent him (and I did feel for the draft guys, but it was just a couple hours and it was TK and I who decided to use the main forum for it when NLC asked instead of limiting it to just the "mock" draft forum, so take the good with the bad when it comes to mod decisions :ols:).

I have no idea (nor does it matter) if he even had time to read my PM, or any other if there were any, before working it up. We are very autonomous as a staff even though we communicate regularly. If any of us wanted to do a prank and the others didn't think it was good, we'd tell him, but not "stop" him.

I could go on more, but this is just some of what I mean that--even if it seems harsh---most of these kind of "opinions" include reactions based on very significant gaps in information or understanding. IMO, the best thing is simply to say "I liked the prank" or "I hated the prank" and why you felt that way. I think going into board management matters as part of the response can get shaky and, of course, belongs in that there feedback forum. :pfft:

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Yanno, I can understand a few being miffed when they couldn't get to the board for their mock draft or whatever, but seriously, to post some reactionary rant afterwards kinda kicks me into WTF? mode. I was online when TK threw the switch and didn't have anywhere near enough coffee in my system to be lucid and I went through a certain amount of &$%!# ^!($#@-ery at first, and then had to pop back in a few times later to see if it was still ongoing but really gang, I can't see how any of that deserved to be voiced here.

"brain-flail" :ols:

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:ols: :ols: :ols: :ols: :ols: :ols: :ols: :ols: :ols: :ols:

I go from reading the OP (I was busy all Sunday and am only now getting to it), then hit the button to go to the last page, and I see Jumbo's explanation of mod methods.

Without reading everything in between: Come on, ES. If it gets to the point, in an April Fool's Day thread, that a mod needs to make a post like that, then you need to cancel your interwebs subscription and save your money to buy a new sense of humor. Yeesh.

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When this first happened... I thought it was mod revenge against me personally for my April Fool's Day thread because it happened so quickly after my thread launched. My reaction was to laugh. When I heard it was happening to others I was a little surprised, but still amused.

I guess I have to big an ego and thought I was important enough to personally prank :kickcan: Instead, I am one of the flock.

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