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IF you can read this


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Oh, if I'm not around when this **** get's sorted, being as I can't PM now; NLC man, the only changes to the draft order in the OP are the 21st and 30th picks in Round Five; which now belong to yourself and Indianapolis respectively.

Aside from that, your golden if you roll with the lists up.


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well, good prank guys, good prank. i woke up at 11:30, tried to log on to extremeskins.com, and it took me to the giants messageboard. i knew right away that it was an april fools day prank (mostly because i love april fools day and i try to come up with the best pranks each year). i gotta hand it to you guys, good job :)

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I can only assume it was April fools day joke. I would say it was a good one. I was freaking out and my wife is now laughing at me.

Same hear. I just knew some ass wipe hacked our beloved site. Then I realized it was April 1st then a big grin came on my face. nice.

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While I did not enjoy this prank... my wife did. It inspired me to get off the computer and do some much needed chores around the house.

hhahahaa, I joined twitter and changed a sprinkler head. Life is what you make it, TK made it funny, and if you can't laugh at yourself you should not laugh at others.

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LOL! Good one. Fooled me for a minute until I realized it was April 1. I even called out to my wife saying the ****ing Giants hacked our board!

So did I . My dumb *** even called the Post and asked if they knew that the board was hacked. I am such a sucker. Very nice TK and ES moderators. Very Nice!.

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Well played, well played. I am the slowest when it comes to April Fools pranks and I figured you want to direct us to some B.S. that was being said on the Giiants board. I did read some of it and after a bit when I figured out I can't get on ES I started going through the early signs of withdrawal (panic and anger:twitch::cry::cuss:). But now I got my fix:whew:

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I thought some Giants d-bag (redundant) hacked my computer. I mean I honestly thought that.

So I went down the street for coffee & a bagel, and there happens to be a FedEx Office right next to the bagel place. Out of curiosity I went in, put my debit card in the reader, and logged onto ES to see if the same thing was happening -- if for no other reason than to confirm whether my suspicions were valid or not. I got in to The Stadium right away and thought "Holy crap I've been hacked!" Then I saw this thread.

I want my $1.27 back, TK.

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