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Per Schefter & PFT: NFL salary cap debacle continues---updates include NFLPA filing collusion lawsuits---links and discussion current--MET


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I really wish Schef wouldn't have given us that false sense of hope. Can some of you twitter geeks tweet him and ask him what up?

I tweeted him 2 hours ago about it. Unlikely that I'll get a response though, since he has almost 2 million followers. But, I'll report back if he happens to reply.

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If we sue the other teams, we will open a can of worms and bring congress in for Anti trust and hurt everyone in football.

I'm not going back to read 319 pages, so I don't know if this has been posted lately (It surely has in history).

The NFL does not have anti-trust exemption in the manner MLB does. Although it has been proven to be ill-advised, competing leagues are allowed to play games in the fall, go after the same talent, play on Sundays, etc..

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  • 4 weeks later...
Fwiw, Chris Russell (ESPN980) heard from "sources" that the Skins are EXTREMELY confident that they'll recover all of the lost cap space.

Negotiations are ongoing apparently,


i thought this thing was settled the other day, as in, we lost it?

this would be fantastic news if it works out.

the only thing that makes me nervous is its chris russell.

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i thought this thing was settled the other day, as in, we lost it?

this would be fantastic news if it works out.

the only thing that makes me nervous is its chris russell.

That was the Unions lawsuit. Ours is a different case.

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how can they get back ALL of the lost cap space? I understand the 18 mil for 2013, but the league is going to allow them to spend an extra 18 mil?!?

If so, they'd better load up on every single high rated, injury free offensive linemen in FA. Also Byrd and any other safeties or DBs available

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how can they get back ALL of the lost cap space? I understand the 18 mil for 2013, but the league is going to allow them to spend an extra 18 mil?!?

If so, they'd better load up on every single high rated, injury free offensive linemen in FA. Also Byrd and any other safeties or DBs available

They will because the NFL clearly violated Federal Labor law and they want to keep as many noses out of the day to day business of the NFL as they can.

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maybe the NFL has realized the Skins have an amazing player and it's a bad idea to risk his career by hamstringing them.

I can see how they'd get the extra 18 mil back anyway.

Just retroactively add it to last year's cap and then they can roll it over to next year

it's even possible that this is was just some sort of stupid "lesson" since they can get the money back, but they can't get the chance to sign the guys who were free agents in 2012

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