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Via Twitter: Mayock on the Redskins, draft, QBs, etc, yadda yadda

Califan007 The Constipated

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Cleveland may want him at 4 but may not budge so trading up is the only way.

I agree but just simply saying clevelands going to get him at 2 because they have the 2 first round picks is not fact and there is a possibility of the skins getting him at 2 and cleveland staying at 4,22 and taking bpa on offense for colt.

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He is coming guys. RG3 is coming. Insiders know it and not just ES insiders.

Everyone who doesn't want to trade up, better get used to it now.

I'm ok with that! Seeing as we have 11 guys who made the roster from last years draft and we have 9 picks this year how many of this years picks would possibly make the team? So trading some picks to move up wouldn't hurt that much and we can still get our QB and some quality depth picks later in draft.

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I'm ok with that! Seeing as we have 11 guys who made the roster from last years draft and we have 9 picks this year how many of this years picks would possibly make the team? So trading some picks to move up wouldn't hurt that much and we can still get our QB and some quality depth picks later in draft.

Plus, we have plenty of FA cap money to fill holes with quality players.

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Wow. Everyone seems to think there will be a run on QBs in the first 15 picks. Talking about drafting Tannehill at 6? That's just crazy. I mean maybe if he was gonna be at the combine. But he is injured. Not to mention he is a converted WR. He is nowhere near worth the 6th pick.

I can see Shanahan doing the unexpected in this draft. After all he is on a Five year plan while most fans and media are on a 3 year plan.

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Wow. Everyone seems to think there will be a run on QBs in the first 15 picks. Talking about drafting Tannehill at 6? That's just crazy. I mean maybe if he was gonna be at the combine. But he is injured. Not to mention he is a converted WR. He is nowhere near worth the 6th pick.

I can see Shanahan doing the unexpected in this draft. After all he is on a Five year plan while most fans and media are on a 3 year plan.

To be fair, Tannehell was a Quarterback in high school who turned to a WR for his first two years, then went back to QB.

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is he any good? I want an elite franchise QB.

We all do but there is only 1 and a half potential "elite franchise QBs" to pick from. Luck is the only one that is as sure a bet as you can get. Griffin is a "could be" because he is physically talented and smart, but he has basically one year in a spread and that leaves alot of questions. So you get in a bidding war and break the bank for him? My opinion is if we get him at 6 (won't happen) fantastic. Luck is the only one to break the bank for realizing he could get Chad Penningtoned on his first play.

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I can see Shanahan doing the unexpected in this draft. After all he is on a Five year plan while most fans and media are on a 3 year plan.

A 5 year contract doesn't mean Shanny is a shoe in to complete it. Zorn was canned with 1 year left on his contract and if the WP reports are true he would have been canned a year earlier if they weren't afraid of media backlash, Marty was fired with 3 years left on his contract, and Spurrier beat Danny to it maybe Danny would have given him another year but I doubt more than that if he struggled in season 3. Danny decided to fire Casserly initially as opposed to Norv but he got to Norv eventually. Danny in the past hasn't per se been Mr. Patient except with his idol Joe Gibbs.

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Danny in the past hasn't per se been Mr. Patient except with his idol Joe Gibbs.

This is essentially another Joe Gibbs situation. Snyder really wanted Shanahan, Shanahan has the right track record and reputation, and Shanahan only signed the contract after Snyder had agreed that he would be patient and let Shanahan build his team over the full length of the contract.

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If Synder cans Shanahan before his five years are up, you'll NEVER see another legit qualified HC candidate take a job here again. Not while Snyder is the owner. Shanahan has made it clear in the media that he was promised at least his 5-year contract to right the ship here. If Snyder goes back on that, after the shananigans he pulled in the past that he's just now recovering from, reputation-wise, he'll black-list himself.

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The more I think about, the more I think we go Tannehill at 6 if RG3 we can't get RG3. Cutler wasn't expected to go as high as he did, but Shanny felt that was the right pick.

Mike Shanahan, and I say this with a great deal of affection towards his career, and as a guy who tends to like Tannehill as a prospect; should get fired if he takes Tannehill at six.

I mean...that's the bottom line.

By the 2006 NFL Draft, Jay Cutler was Mike Mayock's number one rated prospect. Even under the best of circumstances, Tannehill wouldn't surpass Luck and RGIII. Tannehill isn't 1/4 of the prospect Cutler was coming out of college, and even if he did wow people and wasn't hurt, he STILL wouldn't be that good a prospect. If this draft was as stocked as it was supposed to be aT QB, and everyone who was supposed to come came out, Tannehill would still be a second round developmental talent.

If everyone was being honest with themselves, the best prospects in this draft would go thus;

1.) Luck


3.) Weeden

4.) Tannehill

5.) Foles

But Weeden's age scares people off, so they want to pump him up as a potential sleeper and a first round talent. And if he had started all four years, he probably would be. But he's raw and needs a polishing before he starts.

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If Synder cans Shanahan before his five years are up, you'll NEVER see another legit qualified HC candidate take a job here again. Not while Snyder is the owner. Shanahan has made it clear in the media that he was promised at least his 5-year contract to right the ship here. If Snyder goes back on that, after the shananigans he pulled in the past that he's just now recovering from, reputation-wise, he'll black-list himself.

Shhhh, Danny might view that as a challenge.

But I do partially agree with you. I think, regardless of what happens this year, Shanahan is around in year 4. The thing is, there's a point where failure to address QB will become a potential reason to fire him. At this point, it's not yet there, and he can probably survive this year without a true solution (so long as he doesn't go back to Grossman), but after 4 years there will be problems. It's unavoidable unfortunately.

Especially if we look at next year's QB crop. While I don't think any of those guys measure up to Luck or RGIII (at least not yet), if he misses those two, then he's got to be willing to make a play for one of the top guys next year, like Barkley, Jones, G. Smith, or T. Wilson. Or, alternatively, he's got to hit in a trade or FA pickup, which is really unlikely. The point is, he needs someone who looks reasonably capable in year 4, and not someone who's over the hill (Manning) or a journeyman (Orton). If he can't find a top prospect he likes in three drafts (2011, 2012, and 2013) or is unwilling to get the guy, then he might be let go, despite the danger to the rest of the building of the team.

I'm perfectly willing to give him a pass for last year because the run on QBs was crazy fast. I'm even willing to give him a pass this year if CLE goes H.A.M. for RGIII. But by next year he's gotta get a guy, no more excuses.

Mike Shanahan, and I say this with a great deal of affection towards his career, and as a guy who tends to like Tannehill as a prospect; should get fired if he takes Tannehill at six.

I mean...that's the bottom line.

By the 2006 NFL Draft, Jay Cutler was Mike Mayock's number one rated prospect. Even under the best of circumstances, Tannehill wouldn't surpass Luck and RGIII. Tannehill isn't 1/4 of the prospect Cutler was coming out of college, and even if he did wow people and wasn't hurt, he STILL wouldn't be that good a prospect. If this draft was as stocked as it was supposed to be aT QB, and everyone who was supposed to come came out, Tannehill would still be a second round developmental talent.

As much as I love Shanahan, I agree that if he drafts Tannehill at 6 he needs to be shown the door unless he manages to turn Tannehill into Aaron Rodgers by opening day. Thankfully, I'm 99% sure that doesn't happen, and there's about one thousand scenarios more likely to happen than that.

And yeah, the Tannehill-Cutler comparisons aren't accurate at all. It's funny because if Shanahan's move for Cutler should support any precedent, it's the precedent that if Shanahan likes a guy, he'll trade up for him, which would support the RGIII theory more than the Tannehill theory. We have some indications that Shanahan likes RGIII, but I haven't really heard much in that vein about Tannehill.

For that matter, does anyone have any info. on what our FO thinks of Tannehill?

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Why would anybody want to draft a 28 year old rookie? In five years he'd already be past his prime.

Roger Staubach was 26 when he finished is Navy committment and didn't become the starter over Craig Morton until he was nearly 29. He had a 10 year HOF career. Now, I'm not advocating taking Weeden, just showing that a player can still have a nice career and 32-33 is not the end of a players career, especially QB. If he was a RB, it would be tough.

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Does anyone remember where Tannehill was rated before Jones and Barkley dropped out?

I do. It was the 2nd round. Which is about right because as he is now the kid is a turnover machine who floats deep balls, makes poor decisions, and does a few other things I am not comfortable having my QB do.

Simply put, drafting a QB like Tannehill SHOULDN'T be done in the 1st round, but we all know that doesn't happen, but there is no way that he's worth a 6. Never. Comparing Tannehill to Cutler is just flat out wrong, and furthermore, Cutler went at 11, which is 5 spots down from 6.

The line of reasoning you're using is the same one we used when acquiring Campbell. "We need a dude, but the other dudes are gone, so let's just grab this guy, even if it's a FULL ROUND EARLY on the off chance someone snags him." Of course, in the aftermath of that decision, we went on to win 4 straight Superbowls and Campbell is a lock for the HOF.

Oh wait...

Pretty sure Cam Newton wasn't rated the top QB last year until Luck decided he wasn't coming out, how did that workout? Same thing a year before with Braford, Locker was supposed to go #1 but decided to stay another year. If that's your argument for not taking Tannehill, that's pretty weak IMO.

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If we fail to land RG3, I still think there are other guys who could turn out.

Nick Foles, given time, could be a player. He makes some bad decisions and his accuracy, although improved, leaves something to be desired. But he could turn out. Tannehill is an option as well if we trade back, and if he's taken by that point, we can trade back again and look to Weeden, who I'm not keen on as a fit or due to his age, but the guy has QB skills. From that point, even IF we get Weeden, Kellen Moore NEEDS to be on our radar. I don't care about his size. At that point, he's a minimal risk prospect.

So here's my flow chart of QBs:

Luck -> RG3 -> Tannehill -> Weeden + Moore -> Foles + Moore -> BJ Coleman (he's this low only due to him being a pocket passer) + Moore -> Kellen Moore -> Russell Wilson

Moore doesn't exactly fit the triple threat mold that Shanahan could really use in his offense, but I think the kid is worth the flyer. He wouldn't be brought in as a starter, but worse case sceario he stinks and we cut ties with a low rounder. Better case sceario, our starter (a capable one hopefully) goes down and Moore steps in and has a few outstanding games and we're able to trade him away for a king's ransom :). Ok scenario: Our top QB stinks, and Moore turns out. :ols:

Moore/Wilson should really be on our radar no matter who else we get.

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So you think we carry 3 QBs on the roster next year?

I don't know. I think we may. I don't think we carry four running backs. And I think we may be able to stash a guy like Moore on the PS if he shows promise. There's a lot of lead in to our final roster, and there's a lot of evaluation. I think taking a look at Moore is worth it. If that's what you mean.

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