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Report: Redskins Fred Davis to get tagged (CSN Washington)

The Mayor of Fed Ex Field

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Not unexpected.

As big a bonehead, to be polite, as he's been, he's still our biggest offensive threat and one of the better pass catching TE's league wide. And I have little to no doubt Shanahan will of torn both him and Williams a new one and then some behind closed doors for the message to finally get through. I don't foresee either putting this team at risk again.

Taking that on face value, that's one less worry this MASSIVE off-season.


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I think this means curtains for Landry.

I won't get into the whys and wherefores of Landry as that's been done to death and then some on here; suffice to say if we can find enough body's at safety after attending to everything else as best we can, I sure as heck wouldn't lose ANY sleep if it did bring the final curtain down on his most complete waste of a career in DC.


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I would rather have an incentive based contract with him, but also state with an exit clause that if he fails another drug test then we can exit from the contract.

I would rather do that instead of this way. That's too much money for one year. I would rather have that spread out over time.

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Actually, this might be a smart tagging. You pay him top dollar this year, but if he screws up with the drugs you are not on the hook and have no signing bonus. If he straightens his act out and plays to his potential you work out the long term deal.

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Also interested in the impact this would have to Laron staying.

Landry will get a deal somewhere. Probably the Eagles. I think when Carlos yaps about "guys who don't want to be there" he is specifically talking about Landry. Would hate to see him go, need to give him another year and the franchise tag is perfect for him.

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Also interested in the impact this would have to Laron staying.

Landry will get a deal somewhere. Probably the Eagles. I think when Carlos yaps about "guys who don't want to be there" he is specifically talking about Landry. Would hate to see him go, need to give him another year and the franchise tag is perfect for him.

With Davis getting the tag, it would be prudent to believe that this is a sign that Landry is going to be allowed to test FA. It's possible that Shanny is unhappy with Landry's decision to hold off on surgery. If that is the decision that's been made, I'm fine with it. Landry has failed to live up to his billing.

Glad to see Davis is getting tagged. Make him earn his big payday. He'll make a good living this year off the tag, and he can prove to Shanny he has gotten the message to straighten up. ;)

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Guess with NY losing 2 TE's, we dont want this guy to hit the market, and go there.

I don't think NY had anything to do with tagging Freddy. I think they had plans on doing so even before the season ended.. Imagine the amount of teams that would have jumped at the opportunity (including NY)...

---------- Post added February-8th-2012 at 08:53 AM ----------

With Davis getting the tag, it would be prudent to believe that this is a sign that Landry is going to be allowed to test FA. It's possible that Shanny is unhappy with Landry's decision to hold off on surgery. If that is the decision that's been made, I'm fine with it. Landry has failed to live up to his billing.

I suspect that Shanny doesn't want Laron back at all.... He had a great first 8 games in 2010, but since then he has been a big dissappointment, and a waste of a roster spot... I would prefer to address the position in FA.

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I suspect that Shanny doesn't want Laron back at all.... He had a great first 8 games in 2010, but since then he has been a big dissappointment, and a waste of a roster spot... I would prefer to address the position in FA.

Agreed, Authentic. Landry's inability to stay healthy and his apparent disdain for surgery has probably led Shanny to let Landry walk. I believe they'll either find a replacement in FA or the draft. He has become a liability that this team does not need.

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What would a franchise tag expect to cost us for Davis, vs Landry Anyways? If I'm not mistaken, Tight Ends probably on average do not make as much as the top safeties, so maybe we tag fred because making a longer term deal run at Landry may be more prudent, provided you can convince him to re-sign.

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What would a franchise tag expect to cost us for Davis, vs Landry Anyways? If I'm not mistaken, Tight Ends probably on average do not make as much as the top safeties, so maybe we tag fred because making a longer term deal run at Landry may be more prudent, provided you can convince him to re-sign.

5.4mil for Davis

6.2mil for Landry


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Does anyone know if the transition tag can be placed on Landry? I think they should evaluate him for another year. That's a big piece to lose on defense when healthy of course.

Not familiar with the transition tag in the new CBA, but I doubt it gets utilized when concerning Landry. As far as a big loss, I think that's highly debatable under the circumstances. He hasn't been a big part of the defense for a season and a half. He has consistently vetoed surgery to correct the problem (though it has been said the surgery is somewhat risky) even though the injury continues to hamper his ability to get on the field. I believe that Shanny will let Landry test the market on the hunch that he won't receive any offers better than what the Skins will offer. Teams simply aren't going to throw big contracts at him given the situation and his injury status.

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Does anyone know if the transition tag can be placed on Landry? I think they should evaluate him for another year. That's a big piece to lose on defense when healthy of course.

i think you can only franchise one player per year... so Laron wouldn't be eligible if we tag Freddie.. which is a good decision as far as i'm concerned.. Let him walk.

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Does anyone know if the transition tag can be placed on Landry? I think they should evaluate him for another year. That's a big piece to lose on defense when healthy of course.

I mean, I know he wasn't healthy and all, but I really didn't notice that big a difference between Landry playing SS and Gomes. And I have no reason to think Landry will be healthy this upcoming season either, given that he's not having the surgery.

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I mean, I know he wasn't healthy and all, but I really didn't notice that big a difference between Landry playing SS and Gomes. And I have no reason to think Landry will be healthy this upcoming season either, given that he's not having the surgery.

I agree. Give me a young, hungry, healthy Gomes over a beat up Landry any day. If Landry isn't going to get the surgery, how dedicated is he to the team?

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