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President Barack Obama/Vice-President Joe Biden Re-elected to 2nd Term Thread


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From Michael Smerconish.

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I'm rather the opposite.

I objected to people saying that you were unamerican if you said bad things about sitting President W. And I object to people trying to say the same thing about Obama.

Frankly, I can think of few things that are more American, than complaining about the government, in general, and politicians, in particular.

(I have a problem with the fact that people are making false criticisms of Obama. But that's another matter.)

---------- Post added November-4th-2012 at 08:31 PM ----------

You can quote any post you have made in this thread.

You made the claim. Back it up.

You defend Obama to your death, you take lies damn lies and statistics approach to an argument without living in the reality of most Americans.

Tell you what.

How about backing up the first untrue claim you made.

Then back up the second untrue claim you made, to try to cover it.

Then back up the new untrue claim you're making, to try to cover the first two.

:secret: No, making up even wilder, new, untrue claims, will not do.

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You can quote any post you have made in this thread.

You defend Obama to your death, you take lies damn lies and statistics approach to an argument without living in the reality of most Americans.

Hey I have a job, a mortgage, bills, kids, getting ready to send a kid to college, not in the 1%. There are issues facing me and my family. Things aren't all rosey out in the real world :)

But keep up with the lies damn lies and statistics approach, it makes for fun reading :)

In other words, you can't back it up at all. Oh well.

Here's a hint for you. Larry is not a bleeding heart liberal. I should know, I actually am one of those dread creatures. Larry and I have gotten into it many times over the years.

He's also just as much of a "real American" as you are, so put away the flag.

The thing that sets Larry off is always the same. Dishonesty. He has a compulsive need to correct dishonesty. And he calls out anyone who he thinks is blowing smoke, be they conservative, liberal, libertarian, or Maori. He's a non-partisan human Snopes.

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In other words, you can't back it up at all. Oh well.

Here's a hint for you. Larry is not a bleeding heart liberal. I should know, I actually am one of those dread creatures. Larry and I have gotten into it many times over the years.

He's also just as much of a "real American" as you are, so put away the flag.

The thing that sets Larry off is always the same. Dishonesty. He has a compulsive need to correct dishonesty. And he calls out anyone who he thinks is blowing smoke, be they conservative, liberal, libertarian, or Maori. He's a non-partisan human Snopes.

I agree. I follow Larry's posts (in a lot of threads), and I can't remember a time when he ever claimed that Obama was the best POTUS ever.

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Wow, you're right.

Obama budgeted more spending that W.

But, gee, let's look at what they actually spent, shall we?

Would you rather have those in nominal dollars, like I assume your stats are (since you didn't say otherwise)?

But yeah, W always submitted pretty-looking budgets.

But feel free to dismiss actual spending numbers from Media Matters, and posting what W said he was going to do (and didn't), instead. (And claim that the other guy is hiding things, because he's partisan.


But then, I'm also noticing some other things about your pointing at the budget requests, too.

I'm noticing that W requested that federal spending increase by 50% during his administration. (Actually, he requested to to increase more than that. Remember? Something about W accidentally forgetting to include the two wars he was fighting, in his budget requests?)

Obama, OTOH, took office when spending was $3.5T/year, requested $3.6T (and then didn't spend that much). And, four budgets later, he's requesting 10% more than when he came in.

(In W's fourth budget, he was requesting 28% more than when he came in. And his budget request didn't include the two wars he was fighting.)


So yeah, your posting of the President's budget requests is rather interesting. Obama is requesting increases that are less than half of the increases W was requesting.

He must be a fiscal conservative.

Lies Damn Lies and statistics...

I can quote them all day.

The National Debt is clicking away. Our economy is not doing much of anything. I don't see any balanced budget. I don't see much positive.

If you aren't holding your nose this election, you either aren't paying attention or are just wearing your colors.

---------- Post added November-4th-2012 at 09:47 PM ----------

He's also just as much of a "real American" as you are, so put away the flag.

Never said I was a "real American".

This is the worst election I will vote in since I have been able to vote. It's not looking good out there.

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Lies Damn Lies and statistics...

I can quote them all day.

The National Debt is clicking away. Our economy is not doing much of anything. I don't see any balanced budget. I don't see much positive.

If you aren't holding your nose this election, you either aren't paying attention or are just wearing your colors.

---------- Post added November-4th-2012 at 09:47 PM ----------

Never said I was a "real American".

This is the worst election I will vote in since I have been able to vote. It's not looking good out there.

Here's the thing: We both want progress.

You look at the sluggish recovery from a potentially hellish recession and think "not enough".

I look at a guy promising specific tax cuts (20%) and vague loophole closings, specific spending increases (military) and vague spending cuts. And I see a worse future for our country. "Not enough" does not begin to describe what I fear will be coming.

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Lies Damn Lies and statistics...

Yep. You're right.

twa lied, (He tried to dismiss charts showing actual spending, claiming that the actual spending numbers were hiding something, because of their Liberal Bias, and tried to back it up by pointing at the budget requests), and I posted the statistics that proved it.

Gee. I'm sorry that the facts contradict so many Republican Talking Points.

(Maybe if they'd actually criticize things that are actually true.)

And you know what? The next time you, or some other Republican loon, claims that Obama has increased the deficit, or increased spending, I'm going to point out that it's still untrue, again.

Don't like seeing those statistics? Quit lying about them.

(At the very least, make up some new lies. Some that are harder to show how false they are.)


But, back to your claim.

Yes, you have posted (correctly), that I actually include facts in my posts. (You should try it, some time.)

But you didn't claim that "Gee, everybody in this thread keeps pointing out those pesky facts that we Republicans don't like to hear". (If you had said that, I would have maybe considered having a small amount of respect for you.)

What you said was:

You would think he has been the greatest president ever based on some of the posters damnation. I haven't been around the tailgate for many elections, but some posters in here can't admit any wrongdoings, it's honestly shocking.

Followed by:

I mean reading some of his defenders, you would think he is the greatest president ever :)

Followed by:

You defend Obama to your death, you take lies damn lies and statistics approach to an argument without living in the reality of most Americans.

Hey I have a job, a mortgage, bills, kids, getting ready to send a kid to college, not in the 1%. There are issues facing me and my family. Things aren't all rosey out in the real world :)

But keep up with the lies damn lies and statistics approach, it makes for fun reading :)

So far, what you've managed to back up is "Larry posts facts in his posts".

I can quote them all day.

What you can't do, is quote something that backs up the bombastic claims you made.

The National Debt is clicking away.

Yes. Occasionally you do manage to say something that is true.

Barack Obama, after inheriting the largest deficit in the history of this nation, has not managed to turn that deficit into a budget surplus in three years.

Because that's what "the debt is getting bigger" actually means. The only way it doesn't get bigger, is if the budget is completely balanced.

The deficits have gotten smaller under Obama. But he hasn't completely eliminated them.

Our economy is not doing much of anything.

Wow, another true statement.

Our economy is growing by very small numbers.

Granted, when Obama took office, it was falling, by very large numbers.

Granted, during his time in office, it has grown faster than it did (averaged) over the entire W administration. (At least by two measures: Total number of jobs (and private sector jobs. But I consider that a subset of the total.) and GDP percentage growth/year) In fact, by those measures, it is growing twice as fast as it did, averaged, over the entire W administration.

But gee, I understand. Taking an economy in free fall, and turning it into one that is growing twice as fast as his predecessor, isn't good enough, for you.

(Frankly, I'm not exactly happy about it, myself. But then I take a factual look at what he inherited, and I compare what he's accomplished versus what his predecessor accomplished, and I conclude that maybe it's not exactly fair to demand more, even though it sure would be nice to have.)

I don't see any balanced budget.

Got it.

Obama is a terrible President, again, because he has not turned the biggest deficit in history into a balanced budget. (And done it purely through spending cuts, of course? Or am I making an assumption, here?)

Perhaps you'd care to take a shot at it? I mean, based on your opinion that there's something wrong with a President who can't do it?

Here's a graphical representation of the budget. (It's from Wiki, and it represents the 2010 budget. But the numbers haven't changed much.)


Please let us know your plan for balancing that budget.

(If you manage to do that, then I'll ask you to explain what you think the effect would be on the economy, if such a plan were to actually be enacted.)

---------- Post added November-4th-2012 at 10:47 PM ----------

I didn't say they were false. Obviously you don't know what the phrase means ;)

I do know what the phrase means. (And so does Predicto. And, I suspect, so do you.)

And so far, all you've demonstrated is that you don't like it when Republican lies don't match real world statistics.

Frankly, what you've really demonstrated is "Gee, I've got all these feelings and opinions and phrases, and I can't support them using facts or logic or anything else, and it's not fair, that people are pointing out things that disagree with my unsupported opinions".

And "I've got this neat phrase, that I think means "I can ignore any fact I want, because t heard this phrase, once".

Well, gee. I'm sorry if reality contradicts your opinions and slogans.

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Larry you lied when you claimed the budget numbers I posted did not include the war spending....if you want to play that game

furthermore you are wrong or lying(if you prefer) on the pace of the GDP not being lower



of course we can always hope the hurricane boosts it with the broken window bs

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Larry you lied when you claimed the budget numbers I posted did not include the war spending....if you want to play that game

You've actually got a legitimate complaint, there.

I'll admit. When I was posting those numbers, I was aware that they didnt differ much. (Most years. At the end, actual spending was noticeably higher than W requested, because W didn't budget for the Great Recession.).

And I was aware that it was famous that W didn't include the wars in his requests, and I chose to ASSUME that there was some reason why the numbers DIDN'T differ more. That, say, W was leaving out his war costs, but that some other factor was countering that difference.

It's still possible that that's the case. I haven't bothered to try to find one, for several reasons. (Main one being that frankly, the budget request numbers were simply an attempt to divert attention from what actually happened, anyway).

But, I will freely admit that, when I typed that post, I was aware that the actual spending numbers really didnt differ, much, from he budget request numbers.

I should have simply left that part of the post out. Wasn't important to my point, anyway. Cheap political shot.

No, there was no intent to deceive. But I'm not exactly proud of that post, either. You've got a legitimate complaint.

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I do know what the phrase means. (And so does Predicto. And, I suspect, so do you.)

And so far, all you've demonstrated is that you don't like it when Republican lies don't match real world statistics.

Frankly, what you've really demonstrated is "Gee, I've got all these feelings and opinions and phrases, and I can't support them using facts or logic or anything else, and it's not fair, that people are pointing out things that disagree with my unsupported opinions".

And "I've got this neat phrase, that I think means "I can ignore any fact I want, because t heard this phrase, once".

Well, gee. I'm sorry if reality contradicts your opinions and slogans.

Oh I think Predicto gets it now, and so do you.

It's kind of like the show Parking Wars. When the person getting the ticket say, Oh I didn't know that No Standing means no Parking. :ols:

You miss the forest for the trees.

Lies, damned Lies and statistics.

Everything is not good, as much as you want to sell that shovel of manure, it's not marketable.

But you and Predicto get it :ols: The manure stinks and we all smell it. If you could be honest and say the manure stinks then we would all be OK.

Meanwhile LadySkinsFan want's to stick with the 70's and womens right to abortion.

We all get it, and we all know the truth. At least some of us do ;)

---------- Post added November-4th-2012 at 11:50 PM ----------

No, there was no intent to deceive. But I'm not exactly proud of that post, either. You've got a legitimate complaint.

Kudos, you once gave a mea culpa

---------- Post added November-4th-2012 at 11:50 PM ----------

No, there was no intent to deceive. But I'm not exactly proud of that post, either. You've got a legitimate complaint.

Kudos, you once gave a mea culpa

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Oh I think Predicto gets it now, and so do you.

Oh, I think everybody gets it.

You just won;t admit it.

Still waiting for you to come up with your support for your claim of numerous people, and me in particular, claiming that Obama is the best President ever.

Should be easy, what with me being the worst offender, and all.

It's kind of like the show Parking Wars. When the person getting the ticket say, Oh I didn't know that No Standing means no Parking. :ols:

It's kind of like Monty Python's knight, Missing both arms and both legs, but he still thinks that if he can just change the subject a few more times, nobody will notice that this is like the 10th time he's changed the subject, and none of the things he's tried, have been true. Not one.

You miss the forest for the trees.

Gee, what's that? The 11th time to try to avoid the fact that your claims are false, by pulling in a cute phrase?

Lies, damned Lies and statistics.

Lies, deflections, and facts.

Everything is not good, as much as you want to sell that shovel of manure, it's not marketable.

I'm getting really effing tired of you making up things that you claim I've said, and when I call you on it, you try to avoid admitting that you're lying, by coming out with another lie.

I didn't say the first claim you made.

I didn't say the second claim you made.

I didn't say the third claim you made.

Pulling out a fourth claim that I didn't say, is not going to work any better.

Or a fourth lie. Or a fifth one.

But you and Predicto get it :ols: The manure stinks and we all smell it. If you could be honest and say the manure stinks then we would all be OK.

There you go with that word "honest" again.

It's supposed to be something that you do. It does not mean "saying what I want people to say". It does not mean "please stop pointing out facts that disagree with my lies".

Trying to figure out whether the word "irony", or "chutzpah" wits best. The idea of a person who's entire theme, for like a day, now, has been to pull things out of his Philly, claim that other people have said them, and, when people point out that they, in fact, haven't said them, respond by pulling something else out of their Philly. And then make a post which contains the word "honest", and complaining about a manure smell.

We all get it, and we all know the truth. At least some of us do ;)

Oh, I suspect we all do.

The truth is that, in this forum, you can keep making up things that you already know aren't true. And the rules of this forum limit me to simply pointing out the fact that you're lying. Repeatedly and intentionally.

You can lie, and get away with it, as long as you want.

All I can do, is point out the truth.

And you can respond with another lie. And all I can do is point out the truth.

The only ability I have, to punish you for lying about me, is to take away your honor. To point out, to whatever audience you still have, your dishonesty.

And, frankly, it's a power that only works against people who care about having a reputation for honesty.

Once it's been pointed out that your first attempt to make up things nobody said, wasn't true.

And they've pointed out that your second attempt to make up things that nobody said, wasn't true.

And they've pointed out that your third attempt to make up things that nobody said, wasn't true.

Then gee, you might as well make up five or six more things that nobody said, cause what the heck, you don't have any reputation for honesty left to lose.

Everybody already knows you make things up, so you might as well keep doing it. It doesn't cost anything, any more.

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Proudly casting my vote for Obama/Biden and a straight Democrat ticket. For me, the platforms say it all and the Republicans would send us back to the 19th Century. I like living in the 21st Century, thank you very much.

Proudly casting my vote for Romney/Ryan and a straight Republican ticket, so consider your vote cancelled...;)

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Ive voted for Moran and Potts and Barr.

I voted Monday for Romney at the police station on Franconia

And I was outnumbered 2 - 1 based on the colored papers.

Dens have everything picked out for you in English

Spanish and lots of dem logos.

Repubs have just English (stubborn) and

Have the bonds written out w/ one picked.

Minus the logos.

Get both if you want to have the best info

Though I am positive I was the only with both

And let the old people up front lazy ass people.

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Sure. Was just wondering. I probably voted straight party Ds back in 2004 but haven't since.

I voted straight Republican, until '92.

Believed that Welfare was the biggest problem the country had, and needed to be reined in.

Bush 1's asset forfeiture laws, and having the feds go after porn, was the straw that did it, for me. I had other problems with the R's, before then. (I opposed the Vietnam war, and supported the Civil Rights movement). But until they Went There, I thought that they were slightly better, overall. The whole Religious Right thing.

They lost me.

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