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President Barack Obama/Vice-President Joe Biden Re-elected to 2nd Term Thread


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Please. Tell us which of "his actions after" you hold Obama responsible.

The direction of stimulus funds

Energy policy

Priorities of his Administration

His interference in the GM bankruptcy even beyond funding

The EPA's actions under him

The Justice Dept under him

want more?....pretty sure we played this game before

---------- Post added November-3rd-2012 at 06:03 PM ----------

Think the private sector might have had something to do with it?

Certainly....I was willing to let them suffer for it as well,instead we get even too bigger to fail and the idiots running the asylum

And no prosecutions for what was labeled criminal during campaigning

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If Obama wins I wonder how much of a difference having Clinton campaigning made vs the absence of Bush. It is amazing how good a surrogate Clinton has been for Obama. He seems to be a far more natural politician in his ability to connect with people. Bush certainly has these qualities too, and would be far better at connecting than Romney.

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The direction of stimulus funds

Energy policy

Priorities of his Administration

His interference in the GM bankruptcy even beyond funding

The EPA's actions under him

The Justice Dept under him

want more?....pretty sure we played this game before

---------- Post added November-3rd-2012 at 06:03 PM ----------

Certainly....I was willing to let them suffer for it as well,instead we get even too bigger to fail and the idiots running the asylum

And no prosecutions for what was labeled criminal during campaigning

Direction of stimulus funds-mostly tax cuts, something conservatives should love

Priorities of his admin-affordable healthcare for the nation, something everyone should love

My boss is now reaping the benefit of his vote, as his son's HS football injury won't put the kid or his parents over some arbitrary lifetime limit when he's only 16.

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If Obama wins I wonder how much of a difference having Clinton campaigning made vs the absence of Bush. It is amazing how good a surrogate Clinton has been for Obama. He seems to be a far more natural politician in his ability to connect with people. Bush certainly has these qualities too, and would be far better at connecting than Romney.

Bush just has those nagging problems of presiding over the economic collapse, cheering on the wildest increase in deficit spending in history, lying about WMDs in order to start an elective second simultaneous land war in Asia, leaving that particular war plus the justifiable one in Afghanistan for the next guy to deal with, FEMA's disastrous missteps in the wake of Katrina under his boy Heckuva Job Brownie, eager promotion of torture as an American value, inability to get Bin Laden, and his correspondingly disastrous approval ratings in office standing in the way.

Not to mention the things that would make him unpopular with the anti-spending right wing. Medicare Part D, the Bush bank bailout he signed, etc.

He has remained in hiding for a reason...

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I got to see Bill Clinton speak last night. He was fired up. Really let Mittens have it. :)

I think he's been a great asset for the Obama camp.

I suspect so.

Which rather surprises me. I think of Obama as being really good when delivering a speech. Which, I think, is mostly what campaigning consists of. So it would seem to me like Obama should be better at campaigning.

But yeah, the impression I get is that Clinton has been a real asset.

Heck, after W, and Obama, he may become the Democrat's version of Reagan.

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The President has been going around saying Romney is lying about Fiat sending Jeep to Italy/China:

To counter the severe slump in European sales, Marchionne is considering building Chrysler models in Italy, including Jeeps, for export to North America. The Italian government is evaluating tax rebates on export goods to help Fiat. Marchionne may announce details of his plan as soon as Oct. 30, the people said. .



Chrysler does have plans to start Jeep production in China but for the Chinese market. "We are working to establish a global enterprise and previously announced our intent to return Jeep production to China, the world's largest auto market, in order to satisfy local market demand, which would not otherwise be accessible," Marchionne wrote in his blog post.

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Don't bother Thiebear.

Everyone here in this thread knows that Obama is as pure as the driven snow and Romney is a lyin',murderous felon.

I am truly shocked at not so much the opinions on Romney, as much as the intellectual dishonesty when it comes to Obama. You would think he has been the greatest president ever based on some of the posters damnation. I haven't been around the tailgate for many elections, but some posters in here can't admit any wrongdoings, it's honestly shocking.

I can list flaws of both.

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I am truly shocked at not so much the opinions on Romney, as much as the intellectual dishonesty when it comes to Obama. You would think he has been the greatest president ever based on some of the posters damnation. I haven't been around the tailgate for many elections, but some posters in here can't admit any wrongdoings, it's honestly shocking.

I can list flaws of both.

Nope. I'm an Obama supporter and I'll admit that he has flaws.,,,obviously.

But I just happen to agree with his political philosophy and disagree with Mr. Romney's.


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I am truly shocked at not so much the opinions on Romney, as much as the intellectual dishonesty when it comes to Obama. You would think he has been the greatest president ever based on some of the posters damnation. I haven't been around the tailgate for many elections, but some posters in here can't admit any wrongdoings, it's honestly shocking.

I can list flaws of both.

You're shocked about the intellectual dishonesty from Obama? In all fairness, he's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but to exclude Romney in the "intellectual dishonesty" comment you made is ludicrous.

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You're shocked about the intellectual dishonesty from Obama? In all fairness, he's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but to exclude Romney in the "intellectual dishonesty" comment you made is ludicrous.

No from the posters in here :)

I mean reading some of his defenders, you would think he is the greatest president ever :)

---------- Post added November-4th-2012 at 06:41 PM ----------

But I just happen to agree with his political philosophy and disagree with Mr. Romney's.


Well it's obvious in this election you are either blue or red regardless of the flaws. :ols:

---------- Post added November-4th-2012 at 06:44 PM ----------

But I just happen to agree with his political philosophy and disagree with Mr. Romney's.


Well it's obvious in this election you are either blue or red regardless of the flaws. :ols:

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Now show us the article that says that Jeep "is planning to move all production to China".

You know. The claim that Romney actually made. (It's at 0:45 in the video. And I haven't bothered to watch the rest of it.)


Don't bother Thiebear.

Everyone here in this thread knows that Obama is as pure as the driven snow and Romney is a lyin',murderous felon.

Why, I bet that any minute, now, you'll quote one. Then I can laugh at them, too.

And no doubt, after that, you can back up your claim that everyone in this thread has said that.

I'd love to see that one.

I am truly shocked at not so much the opinions on Romney, as much as the intellectual dishonesty when it comes to Obama.

Don't know why it should shock you. It's the standard GOP playbook for at least a decade. They just keep getting more extreme about it, every time they get away with it.

You would think he has been the greatest president ever based on some of the posters damnation.

Oh. You meant the intellectual dishonesty of the imaginary people you've made up.

Gee. I thought you were talking about the dishonesty of the people who are actually, you know, being dishonest.

I haven't been around the tailgate for many elections, but some posters in here can't admit any wrongdoings, it's honestly shocking.

You know. You sure do use words like "honestly" a lot, for somebody whose entire post is something he made up.

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Well it's obvious in this election you are either blue or red regardless of the flaws. :ols:

Nope. Locally I have voted for Republican, but Romney is just a dreadful candidate. Obama is weak but his opponent has run such an awful campaign that I have no trust in him. If he's elected he might do well, but as a Presidential candidate he has been as bad as I've ever seen.

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Why, I bet that any minute, you can quote one of them, too.

Wait you want me to quote you saying something negative about Obama?? :ols: Come on Larry. You obviously missed the premise of my post and you are the worst offender. :ols:

I can say plenty of bad things about Obama and Romney. They both have their flaws ;)

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Nah, I don't think he's perfect or even the best POTUS ever. I just think he'd be better than Romney/Johnson/etc

It is the Devil you know vs the one you don't philosphy? (IE We already know Obama is a bad president but we're voting for him because Romney might be bad too).

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It is the Devil you know vs the one you don't philosphy? (IE We already know Obama is a bad president but we're voting for him because Romney might be bad too).

I don't think he's been a bad president. FWIW, the economy isn't even top on my list of priorities in this election. To me the issues that are most important to me (in order of importance) are: Healthcare, education, the economy, foreign policy, energy, and immigration.

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Wait you want me to quote you saying something negative about Obama?? :ols:

No, I want to point out that you're making up things that aren't true.

My chosen technique is to ask you to back up the untrue things you've made up.

See, I know that you can't back up the untrue things you've said. (That's one of the drawback of making up things that aren't true.)

I intend to loudly and repeatedly point out that you can't back up the untrue things you've said.

Because that way, everybody can see that they aren't true.

Come on Larry. You obviously missed the premise of my post and you are the worst offender. :ols:

I got the premise of your post just fine.

You made things up. You couldn't defend your position in the land of reality, so you decided to invent a fictional person, to try to make yourself feel better.

You got caught at it.

And your response is to put my name on the fictional person you've made up.

Back it up.

Show me the post that I, personally, made (now that you've announced that not only are "some of his defenders", but that I, personally, am "the worst offender"), in which I announced that Obama is "the greatest president ever"

Back it up.

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From Michael Smerconish.

Click on the link to read the rest.


Obama: Substance not Smears

This election has always been a referendum on Barack Obama. For some, not on matters of substance. They can't have it both ways. It's hypocritical to distribute a vicious, false narrative about him while fancying yourself a patriot and a great American. Vilify a sitting president of the United States with fiction and innuendo, and you are neither.

I objected when George W. Bush was the subject of undeserved hyperbolic criticism, but the baseless scorn heaped upon President Obama makes Bush's detractors look diplomatic. The president, the office, and our nation deserve better.

It's been unrelenting. The day after Obama took office, Rush Limbaugh told Sean Hannity he wanted him to "fail." Later, Glenn Beck called the president a "racist" with a "deep-seated hatred of white people." Donald Trump's birtherism took hold while words like socialist were uttered with increased frequency. And a prairie fire of falsehoods spread through the Internet suggesting, among other things, that Obama is a Muslim or refused to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, paving the way for Dinesh D'Souza's fictionalized "documentary" 2016, which characterized Obama as fulfilling the anticolonial agenda of his father - a man he literally knew for just one weekend!

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Sudanese Bin Laden-linked Islamist wants Obama win

Sudan's veteran Islamist leader Hassan al-Turabi, linked to Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in the 1990s, hopes US President Barack Obama will win a second term on Tuesday.

"Obama of course," Turabi told AFP when asked about his US presidential preference during an interview.

"He's gentle towards the Muslims generally," Turabi said, and referred to Obama's childhood spent in Muslim-majority Indonesia, and his Kenyan father who was raised a Muslim.

Obama uses the word "terrorism" far less than his predecessor George W. Bush, and his name is a variant of the Arabic word "Baraka", Turabi said.

"You know what 'Baraka' means in Arabic? Blessing."

Turabi, whose daughter studies in Philadelphia, fell out with Bashir about a decade after the Islamist coup and now leads the opposition Popular Congress Party.

In and out of prison numerous times during his career, Turabi said he read Obama's books behind bars.

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Back it up.

You can quote any post you have made in this thread.

You defend Obama to your death, you take lies damn lies and statistics approach to an argument without living in the reality of most Americans.

Hey I have a job, a mortgage, bills, kids, getting ready to send a kid to college, not in the 1%. There are issues facing me and my family. Things aren't all rosey out in the real world :)

But keep up with the lies damn lies and statistics approach, it makes for fun reading :)

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