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Dear ES, Please Help Me Pray For My Sister.


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Hey everyone,

It hurts me a lot to type this. I just found out today that my sister may have a genetic spinal condition that causes fusion between her bone vertebrae. In the mildest sense, she will have to deal with chronic back pain for the rest of her life and will most likely be unable to sit/stand for long periods of time or sleep normally. In more severe cases, it can cause extreme disability, rendering the person unable to walk and sometimes unable to breathe normally.

She's not even 30 years old and has worked her way from being a mediocre student to destroying her way through medical school, becoming one of the top students in her class, and is in position to get admission into some of the most prestigious residency programs in the entire country. It'd be an absolute heartbreak to see her unable to fulfill her dreams because of this disability. My family and I are praying that it isn't what we think it is, and if it is, we are hoping that it does not progress to this point.

I haven't gotten this upset over anything in a long time. My sister's been my inspiration through my whole life and I don't know if I'd be able to bear seeing her in this kind of state. She's always been the strongest person I know and she's guided me through a lot of tough times. Help me do the same for her.

Please send any prayers you can so that she can continue to stay healthy and become the strong, motivated, amazing doctor I know she will be.

Thank you so much,


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I'm so very sorry to hear this. Hang in there, it doesn't sound like tests are conlusive yet. Even if she ends up having this, it also doesn't automatically mean she won't be able to fulfill her dreams in regards to medicine. I will pray for her and your family :)

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Hey everyone,

It hurts me a lot to type this. I just found out today that my sister may have a genetic spinal condition that causes fusion between her bone vertebrae. In the mildest sense, she will have to deal with chronic back pain for the rest of her life and will most likely be unable to sit/stand for long periods of time or sleep normally. In more severe cases, it can cause extreme disability, rendering the person unable to walk and sometimes unable to breathe normally.

She's not even 30 years old and has worked her way from being a mediocre student to destroying her way through medical school, becoming one of the top students in her class, and is in position to get admission into some of the most prestigious residency programs in the entire country. It'd be an absolute heartbreak to see her unable to fulfill her dreams because of this disability. My family and I are praying that it isn't what we think it is, and if it is, we are hoping that it does not progress to this point.

I haven't gotten this upset over anything in a long time. My sister's been my inspiration through my whole life and I don't know if I'd be able to bear seeing her in this kind of state. She's always been the strongest person I know and she's guided me through a lot of tough times. Help me do the same for her.

Please send any prayers you can so that she can continue to stay healthy and become the strong, motivated, amazing doctor I know she will be.

Thank you so much,


You got it Terpskins10. My sister, one of the best people I know, lost her husband to cancer last April. Seeing someone so special go through such a sickening and depressing series of events is heart-breaking. I'm praying for your sister's health and recovery and for your family's strength and peace. It looks like your sister is tapping her potential in life and that's awesome. Inspiring indeed. Hang in there.

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