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The Walking Dead Season 7 --Discuss material from the Walking Dead and Talking Dead TV shows ONLY.


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I don't think it gave anything away. Just showed the plot of what the goal is for the group this season nothing else like people dying or anything

If its spoiled for you now you might as well close your eyes at movie theaters during previews.

Showing certain people in certain situations let's people know that they didn't die and what happened to them which takes the suspense and tension out of scenes that will obviously take place before that. That's just one thing.

Anyway, if I'm seeing a new movie I watch the preview because it is usually just showing trailers I haven't seen before and want on my radar.

Once it is on my radar I do avoid trailers for it because I don't want to remember certain scenes and plot points.

There is a massive problem with movie trailers today that show way too much of the plot. Anyone that watched all 3 trailers for the Dark Knight Rises knew every single plot point and the order of the entire movie except for one twist. It killed that movie for me.

That's why I've seen the Interstellar trailer once and won't watch anything else about it now.

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That's why I've seen the Interstellar trailer once and won't watch anything else about it now.

Same here. I might go live in a cave until November 7th. I don't wanna know a damn thing walking into the theater.

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Robert Kirkman, the creator of "The Walking Dead" series, addressed rumors swirling around popular character Daryl Dixon, played by Norman Reedus, in an interview with comicbook.com.


"All I can say is that it's been discussed," Kirkman says about the character's sexuality. "We have very specific ideas about Daryl's sexuality (or the seeming lack thereof), and if there's ever a quiet period in the show where he's not consistently distracted by crossbowing … we'll tackle it in the show."




This is not a series that needs a "on a very special episode of The Walking Dead..."  Just stick with what you do well.  Darryl is doing fine just the way he is.  Hooking up with Beth or Carol or Eugene does not improve his character arc.  When you start injecting unnecessary romances just to shake things up, well...



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I kind of disagree I don't know how long these guys plan on going with the show, but even the best of characters start to get a little stale. Introducing new facts about their pasts, or subtle changes in their behavior, imo can be done without it being overwhelming.


Daryl being revealed as gay makes zero sense though, seeing as he already seems to be taking a liking to Beth.


And I'm not naive enough to think that we're far enough evolved in this country to think that the show won't receive massive blowback if they go that route (especially when you consider how popular his character is, and how he portrays the quintessential badass, rough, rugged, confederate flag waving good ol' southern boy.

Yeah I watched it the other day and turned it off halfway through it. That was ridiculous. No reason at all to show that much stuff. I'm much less excited for the start of the season now. 


Thats why you're not supposed to watch it  :)


With the advent of the internet age, and leaked teasers and leaked this and leaked that, people are as impatient as ever. Who would anyone want to ruin the experience of actually seeing things unfold with basically no idea of what is going to happen?


I actually like being surprised

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look guys, I support every thing and all, but D-rell is gay?  no offense, but thta dude is WAY too swaggy to not be stricly swoon-tang. 


by the way, good to have you all caught up watching live with us, Sin.  welcome to TWD club!

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And I'm not naive enough to think that we're far enough evolved in this country to think that the show won't receive massive blowback if they go that route (especially when you consider how popular his character is, and how he portrays the quintessential badass, rough, rugged, confederate flag waving good ol' southern boy.


He's proven himself to have a little more depth than first thought, once Merle's disappearance let him drop some of the act.  But not THAT much depth.


Plus, you're not doing yourself any favors with the female viewership to pick Darryl, of all people, as the gay one.

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I, too, would like to say I'm really mad I watched that season preview.


I wish it was just like a flashback scene or a scene of all of them talking to each other in the train car. Like remember when they split up the last season and showed that preview for the second half with Carl leading the zombie down the road? Why couldn't they have given us something like that which reveals no plot details what-so-ever?


I already know the entire plot of the season now thanks to that damn preview.

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This is not a series that needs a "on a very special episode of The Walking Dead..."  Just stick with what you do well.  Darryl is doing fine just the way he is.  Hooking up with Beth or Carol or Eugene does not improve his character arc.  When you start injecting unnecessary romances just to shake things up, well...



I never even considered Daryl could be gay. Especially considering he had a racist redneck for a brother, would it make any sense that his brother would be so close to him if he knew he was gay? I think he really likes Carol, but we all know he has trust issues. The dude was barely able to be part of the group. It would make perfect sense that he can't imagine following through on a relationship when people can die so easily in their world. 

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My wife begged me to watch the trailer since our nephew was visiting us and had already seen it.


I don't think I could give my full opinion of it without giving spoilers.  I don't think it was as bad as I had feared, and I think the season pretty obviously had to be headed in that direction.

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