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The Walking Dead Season 7 --Discuss material from the Walking Dead and Talking Dead TV shows ONLY.


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See did anyone else think when Rick saw the powdered milk that maybe before everyone was locked up that Carol, Tyrese, and Judith were in that train car at one point?  I took that powdered milk as a sign they were feeding it to Judith.  I don't know maybe thats what they are giving everyone trapped.

I remember reading on some fan site that powdered milk is often fed to calves to sweeten the meat, so the speculation is that the cannibals in Terminus feed it to their captives before eating them.


It would suck if Carol, Tyreese and Judith are already dead.  As someone said about Beth though, they're prominent (and popular) enough characters that an offscreen death seems wrong.


Also, the guns buried outside the trainyard are almost certainly important to the plot, and if Carol and Tyreese are still outside they're in the best position to grab them.  Anyway, I'll be happy when October rolls around.

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Man, you're just ready to go there huh haha. There is no point in surviving that way if you lose the humanity that separated us from the mindless in the first place IMO.

I think the best thing to do would be to find a multistory apartment or office building...something where you can hole up on the top floor with only one way in and make sure that one way is secure. You could sleep in peace at night as well and have the rooftop for scouting. Hopefully this would be near a water source. You'd also have to disguise the bottom level pretty well and make it look deserted so other humans wouldn't come around. The worst part would be making supply runs but if you're in a spot like that you are probably close to an urban area and depending on how bad the out break hit there would probably be many decent supplies around.

Otherwise, find a prison on a cliff that can only be approached one way, build a garden and live happily ever after.

He's not going anywhere for a few more seasons. I don't think Carl is ready to take over the show but I wouldn't be surprised if it does happen prior to a finale.

I am really looking forward to seeing the DC/Scientist storyline play out though it probably won't be until season 6.


I dunno. Eugene' character still gives off weird vibes. And it's a Georgia based show. I think his character has to get better or they may kill him off. I don't think the DC plot has any legs whatsoever, unless they start filming outside the state of GA

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I dunno. Eugene' character still gives off weird vibes. And it's a Georgia based show. I think his character has to get better or they may kill him off. I don't think the DC plot has any legs whatsoever, unless they start filming outside the state of GA

It would be a return to the Season 1 on-the-road mentality if they try to get to D.C.


In some ways I wouldn't mind that.  They've been holed up in shelter of some kind for three straight seasons now, it would shake things up.  It would also give them a purpose beyond survival and give a window into what things look like in the rest of the country (and whatever is or isn't left of the government).

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It would be a return to the Season 1 on-the-road mentality if they try to get to D.C.


In some ways I wouldn't mind that.  They've been holed up in shelter of some kind for three straight seasons now, it would shake things up.  It would also give them a purpose beyond survival and give a window into what things look like in the rest of the country (and whatever is or isn't left of the government).


That sounds like my ideal season

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Man, you're just ready to go there huh haha. 


I'm very cynical. I think deep down everyone is like that. I think that deep down people are animals and in a situation like that the survival instinct kicks in and you do what you have to. I mean people go crazy during natural disasters and loot and rob. Just imagine if it was a disaster 24/7

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I'm very cynical. I think deep down everyone is like that. I think that deep down people are animals and in a situation like that the survival instinct kicks in and you do what you have to. I mean people go crazy during natural disasters and loot and rob. Just imagine if it was a disaster 24/7


We are who we are because society allows us to be. We are products of our environment. You either do what you have to do to survive, or you die. I don't think everyone would turn into a raging psychopath, but in a breakdown of that magnitude, every decision becomes a tough decision, and the concept of right/wrong becomes very blurred.


You protect your own at all costs.

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Yea the only reason we are civilized is because we live in a structured society. Take away the structure and its the old west.




No laws no structure I think I'll gun you down and take your cattle.


Then toss in zombies that eat your brains and everytime you go outside you might die. Someone might stab you in the back. You won't trust anyone. Got to get them before they get me type mentality.

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I would do what I had to do to keep my family and group alive if put in those situations like Rick but I wouldn't plan on going out every 2 weeks to murder any survivors could find for their supplies. That's a bit psychotic


Agreed. When push comes to shove, shove like hell. Otherwise you need to think rationally or you will end up dead very quickly.


Personally I wouldn't be in a group of more than 3. Allows for faster travel, less resistance when it comes to important decisions, less mouths to feed, and more supplies to split, but that leaves you vulnerable to attacks from other larger groups, and when you run across some problems there are less potentially fresh ideas.

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It'll be really disappointing if they are just cannibals.  A "crazy cult" (that maybe eats some victims) would make more sense.


The problem with cannibals is that there has been no shortage of food at all throughout this series. During Season 4 they showed us:  A general store still loaded with supplies during the season opener, Rick catches a boar and raises pigs, Carol sees a deer and finds pecans, the hippie kids have peaches, Rick and Carl find canned goods, Beth and Darryl find food in the mortuary house etc.  There is never any desperation for food.


The only time I can remember anyone really hungry was when Carl went to eat the dog food at the start of Season 3 and Rick threw the can across the room.


It sounds crazy that a group of heavily armed and well organized people in Terminus would just say "we have no choice but to eat humans...no way I'm driving down the street to look for food" and they would all be in agreement.  


Anyways...the show is awesome and I'm sure they'll have some sort of explanation...but just straight up cannibals doesn't work.  

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It'll be really disappointing if they are just cannibals. A "crazy cult" (that maybe eats some victims) would make more sense.

The problem with cannibals is that there has been no shortage of food at all throughout this series. During Season 4 they showed us: A general store still loaded with supplies during the season opener, Rick catches a boar and raises pigs, Carol sees a deer and finds pecans, the hippie kids have peaches, Rick and Carl find canned goods, Beth and Darryl find food in the mortuary house etc. There is never any desperation for food.

The only time I can remember anyone really hungry was when Carl went to eat the dog food at the start of Season 3 and Rick threw the can across the room.

It sounds crazy that a group of heavily armed and well organized people in Terminus would just say "we have no choice but to eat humans...no way I'm driving down the street to look for food" and they would all be in agreement.

Anyways...the show is awesome and I'm sure they'll have some sort of explanation...but just straight up cannibals doesn't work.

I think being just crazy cannibals works. For one, it's kind of surprising that they haven't really encountered this before now.

Secondly, it's pretty genius on their part. They go out once or twice and make maps to terminus and then sit back and wait for food to come to them.

As we have seen countless times in this show, going out for food and supply runs is extremely dangerous with no guarantees. It makes sense to be a cannibal especially when they can have fresh meat come to them while they stay stockpiled with arms, supplies and never have to go out and assume risks that could endanger the group.

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Cannabalism in a post apocalyptic world is more natural than the sun coming up everyday. Along with stuff like slavery, and mass rape, murder etc, it is a rung in the systematic decay of humanity. I was one of the people who wondered why it took them this long to go down that route.


When you have a bunch of people clinging to life, many of whom probably didn't evolve quite like Rick and his crew (when it came to finding a food source) cannabalism very much makes a lot of sense, especially when you have a big group.

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Don't forget that people are animals to. Morals go out the window in that type of world. Even Ricks group got to the point where they were taking things that did not belong tot hem from others. Remember Carl but a bullet in that kids head. Carol put a bullet in the little girls head. Glenn was willing to sacrifice that girl that was following him for Maggie. Shane was willing to kill Rick for some vajayjay. Killing someone over a can of food is not really different.


I wan't to see people getting their heads blown off this season. I want to see people go full blown animal. And from all indications that is going to happen.

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  • 3 weeks later...



The trailer for Season 5 is out.  I consider it a spoiler because its unlike previous trailers.  They pretty much give away the multiple cliff hangers we were left with at the end of Season 4.  While it was really cool to see...I'm actually a little disappointed I watched it.  


If interested...its here:



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The trailer for Season 5 is out.  I consider it a spoiler because its unlike previous trailers.  They pretty much give away the multiple cliff hangers we were left with at the end of Season 4.  While it was really cool to see...I'm actually a little disappointed I watched it.  


If interested...its here:




 interesting,but I agree they give away too much

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