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Redskins-Eagles Predictions for Week 5


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A big game, no doubt, for both teams.

The Eagles have no running game, and they know it; its all on Vick, so keeping him inside the pocket for most of the game should spell out a



yea, safeties are rare, but I think late in the game, instead of punting to Desean, they simply take a safety and give themselves a little more room...

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From the NFC East Blog chat on ESPN.

Do you expect the redskins to be looking for revenge after last years monday night debacle?

Yes. This is a big question. We did a video feature in training camp on that game, and I talked to several Redskins players about that. They think about that game A LOT, and they are not looking at the Eagles as this 1-4 mess we're all watching every year. They're looking at them as the team that humiliated them on national TV, and they will be extremely motivated to win this game. Very dangerous game for the Eagles.

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The Eagles are in dire straights. Little confidence. Shocking defensive. Poor O-line play. Penalties and mistakes right through the team. Not to mention key guys banged up.

But on the flip side, they OWN our ass in DC. Something like 8 or 9 in the last 11. With some real ass whooping's in there to boot, not least last year. And then there's the Redskins. An O that's been regressing since Week One. And one that can't put up points for ****. (And I know we've averaged 20 a game before some wise ass chirps up. But that's falling fast the past two weeks.). And an OC that thinks running the ball is a dirty phrase, Would anyone be surprised to see Kyle do the single worst thing, and not only put it in Rex's hands, but ask him to go deep with the rock instead of pounding it against a lame Eagles run D; and keeping it REAL simple when Rex is asked to do something? And which D will show up? The dominating front of last week? Or the one that couldn't get a lick on an injured Romo sits to pee with little receiving help the week before?

This is a MUST win game for me. To finish the Eagles season (and make no mistake if they fall to 1-5, and 0-2 in the division their done); and be in GREAT shape for a serious run at not only the post-season, but the division ourselves would be out of this World for this team.

Sadly, I fear we've seen this picture before.

Reality hits Redskins land. Eagles win by at least 2 TD's.


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I have to go with the Skins on this one for a few reasons. The Skins are coming off a bye week. The Eagles killed us last year after our bye week, but we are a different team and should be ready. Another reason is things are real bad in Philly.....real bad. They are hiring a defensive consultant. They are in the mode we were in during Zorn's second year. If you punch Philly in the mouth early, I think they will fold. I've read some of the Eagles fans forums and many are actually pulling for their team to lose, to guarantee some head rolling. It's that bad. This game shouldn't be close, unless Rex has a very bad game. That is a possibility. The only way I see us losing is if we have a terrible game, where Rex has a 3 int game and some of our players have a case of the fumbles. I'm going to lean on us looking pretty sharp since we had a bye.



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My prediction 27 Skins 14 Fuciggles. I believe that we will run the ball much better than the weeks past, Torain, Helu & mix of Hightower on third and goal line situations. A heavy dose of running will keep the Eagles defense honest and take the pressure off of Rex and alloy him to just manage the game. Look for either Cooley or Davis to eat up the middle of the field on play action and Anthony if healthy to stretch the field. I don't believe I'm to worried about this game. There defensive woes are not going to magical get fixed over night it is what it is some ****. I have faith in our defense unit as a whole. I know that the E-gales can score on any given play but as I posted in another thread they haven't faced a defense as good as our yet.

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