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PFT: Cooley laughs at Romo for choking, wants to fight him in the cage


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Would I have done the same thing if I were Cooley? Probably not.

But come on people. Romo sits to pee single handedly gave away the game to the Lions. His boneheaded mistakes were what brought the Lions back from the dead. For as much *** kissing he gets, to me that totally deserves ridicule. And people do forget that Cooley is still trying to get healthy, while playing fullback for us.

It's not like this is freaking Logan Paulsen saying this. This is Chris Cooley, one of the best to put on the burgundy and gold. Don't believe me? You haven't been paying attention the past 7 seasons or so. ;)

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I'm assuming most of you played sports growing up so you probably have a pretty good idea how stupid his comments sound after we lost to them last week. I have NO PROBLEM with his comments, it's just the timing of them. Save them for November. :dallasuck

What's wrong with the timing?

It's not like they faced them this week. Despite losing to the Cowboys in week 3, the Redskins are still on top of the NFC East, and the Cowboys are in third. The Redskins won their game (even if they did everything possible to lose it), and the Cowboys lost theirs. We're a game up on the Cowboys despite losing to them as well.

The timing seems fine to me. Especially since Tony Romo sits to pee accounted for a ground total of zero points in the Cowboys victory over us.

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What's wrong with the timing?

It's not like they faced them this week. Despite losing to the Cowboys in week 3, the Redskins are still on top of the NFC East, and the Cowboys are in third. The Redskins won their game (even if they did everything possible to lose it), and the Cowboys lost theirs. We're a game up on the Cowboys despite losing to them as well.

The timing seems fine to me. Especially since Tony Romo sits to pee accounted for a ground total of zero points in the Cowboys victory over us.

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. QBs are judged on W's & L's, they won, we lost. Besides this won't be the last time Cooley will have a chance to mock Romo sits to pee/Cowboys for choking, they're pretty consistent in that regard.

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All this "pffft, what has Cooley done all season to earn the right to trash talk. LOL, he lost his job to Fred Davis" crap annoys me far more than anything Cooley's saying. Chris Cooley's been forced to play fullback for two games, which has limited what he can do a bit in the offense. He hasn't been a huge factor in games, but he hasn't lost us any games for sure.

What's Tony Romo sits to pee's excuse for choking away two late game leads after dominating all game, other than the fact that he's a freakin' doofus?

Amen to all of your post, but especially to this part :yes: :applause:...

You know what's ironic? Not too long ago we had a thread poll asking what was more important, beating the Cowboys twice or having a winning season. Anyone who claimed in ANY way that beating the Cowboys was more important was ridiculed as not seeing what's truly important to this team. "If the Cowboys beat us or we beat the Cowboys, who cares...as long as we have a winning season" was the main mantra on that thread.

Welp, we have a winning season so far and we're in 1st place in the division. Isn't whether or not the Cowboys beat us or we beat the Cowboys supposed to not matter? lol...But on this thread it seems to be the ONLY thing that matters.

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Yanno, people piss n moan all the time about football being just a business now, they weep when a player leaves for more money or ends up cap casualty. Here's a guy that honestly does give a ****, really does feel the same way the fans do, in essence gives voice to what an awful lot of people would love to say in the press and he's taking grief for it? Sheeesh, c'mon gang,

CoooOOOOoooley! Ya did good kid :thumbsup:

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It's not like Cooley wrote up a press release making fun of Romo sits to pee and sent it to PFT or ESPN. The guy said it on a local radio station. He said what ALL Redskins fans, and probably half the other team's fans were thinking. And after all that Romo sits to pee praising that was going on the last two weeks I'm glad he made fun.

Do I think this will create a distraction for the team? Absolutely not. It's just one guy making a crack at another guy. Who cares if they are both professional football players. If you think this is bad for the team, you need to get a sense of humor. I bet the rest of the team is lovin' it.

Just a guy being candid. Something we don't have enough of these days with all that "Well the other team played a great game... we played a great game, but the right team won" bull****. I want someone that is gonna talk smack!

I love the Steelers/Ravens rivalry because of all the genuine disdain each team has for the other.

Beat Dallas first? Don't worry there is still time for a Dallas defeat, and what better place than Fed Ex. :dallasuck


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Meh. I'd find a lot more humor in this had we not "choked" against Romo sits to pee.

I know I'm going to get blasted for this, but my first thought was please STFU Chris.

Exactly. This story carries so much less weight given the fact that they lost. It's basically hypocritical right now. STFU right now and talk if you guys beat them at Fed Ex.

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Pretty surprised to see this come from CC. Not that I mind it at all. I'm glad he was happy Dallas lost and gave the game away. But fighting Romo sits to pee in the cage? That's pretty shocking to me. Wonder where his beef comes from or was he just bullspitting?

---------- Post added October-5th-2011 at 12:24 AM ----------

Exactly. This story carries so much less weight given the fact that they lost. It's basically hypocritical right now. STFU right now and talk if you guys beat them at Fed Ex.

IF I had to chose....I'd rather them talk **** before the game so that the other guys show up ready to play us and give us the best they have then to be a bad winner and talk **** about them afterwards.

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Exactly. This story carries so much less weight given the fact that they lost. It's basically hypocritical right now. STFU right now and talk if you guys beat them at Fed Ex.

Since when did beating someone mean that you gained the chance to trash talk, but losing meant you had to shut up?

Tony Romo sits to pee had one good play on that Monday Night Football. Other than that, he wasn't a total non factor, and our quarterback had one less completion, and a touchdown, which Romo sits to pee didn't have. Tony Romo sits to pee didn't beat the Redskins; Dan Bailey beat the Redskins.

The Redskins won their game on Sunday, are currently 3-1, are playing better football than they have in years, and are on top of the NFC East. Tony Romo sits to pee has now choked away two late game leads, and aside from one play at the end of the game, was a non factor most of the rest of the game in our win.

On top of it, this bonehead told a straight up lie about our football team, saying that our defensive line was calling out snap counts and barking at the line, which caused their bonehead center to snap the ball early. He lied right to the press, and everyone ran with it, to the point where the league had to issue a memo, despite the fact that all the centers are mic'd and the claim was debunked almost immediately. He called our entire defenses integrity into question, which lead to numerous segments on sports shows, and which lead to one of the questions that Spags and Sam Bradford were asked "where they calling snap counts out there?".

Excuse me if I'm not crying because Chris Cooley is calling out a guy who's been heralded for "gutsy performances", despite the fact that his ineffectiveness is what pretty much buried them versus the 49ers in the first place and that he didn't throw a touchdown in the game versus us. The 49ers blew a coverage on that Holley kid and all the sudden it's like "WOW, WHAT A PERFORMANCE BY TONY Romo sits to pee!" No, what a crappy job by the 49ers secondary of doing what they had been doing all day and making Romo sits to pee looking stupid. Excuse me if I'm not crying over a guy who threw our entire football team under a bus because his center is a frakking idiot.

At least Chris is keeping it to Romo sits to pee's on the field performance and is telling the truth. Romo sits to pee lied. He gets no sympathy from me, and burying Cooley for saying what we are all thinking, whether we beat them or not, baffles me, considering what a crap person AND a crappy player he's slowly turning into. In Romo sits to pee's last 10 starts, he's 3-7, and this season, he's losing games he has no business losing.

Yeah, Romo sits to pee can suck it.

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This was stupid. People can use their hatred of Romo sits to pee to excuse it, but it was ridiculous considering Dallas beat us largely based on a play Romo sits to pee made at the end of the game AND our qb was on the way to choking away the lead versus the Rams until the defense bailed him out. Maybe he should focus on getting the offense going rather than watch the scoreboard during the game!

Cooley is a fun guy though and because he's a crowd favorite he gets away with a lot that others wouldn't get away with here.

---------- Post added October-5th-2011 at 06:58 AM ----------

the rivalry is BACK folks

This is awesome!

No...Beating them is awesome....Staying humble is awesome. We don't need this crap right now.

---------- Post added October-5th-2011 at 06:59 AM ----------

don't talk until we beat the cowboys.


---------- Post added October-5th-2011 at 07:02 AM ----------

You guys have no problem with it? What if it was D.Hall? You guys would be scorching his butt... talk about hypocrisy!

100% True.

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Ahhhh! So what and all of you apologist need to shut up!

He's a Redskin.... **** the Cowbells, glad to see some life in the rivalry.

Stay humble till we beat the Cowboys my ass, someone should have sat down on that star in Cowboys stadium and scooted their butt across it like a dog wiping his ass.

I'm no fan of not speaking your mind.

Chris was speaking to Redskins fans on a Redskins Fan Station in DC....anyone offended out side of Redskins Nation can go bend and flush!

More power to Cooley!

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I hope that made ya feel a little better Mr. Chris Cooley....I mean just merely one week after a loss to those Cowboys and Tony Romo sits to pee single handily beating your team.

unless Romo sits to pee was also place kicking that night and playing olb, Romo sits to pee didn't single handedly beat anyone.

And it's not like Cooley hasn't single handedly schooled dallas before.

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Come on fellas Chris was playing around. The media makes a big deal out of everything. Seems to me that the only way we get mention in the media if for negative stuff. I listen/watch NFL radio and channel everyday and the skins are never brought up. As soon as a player say something the team hits the headlines.

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Chris Russell

Boomer Esiason on @WFAN660 this AM about @theCooleyZone comments on Romo sits to pee: “When you think about that (Romo sits to pee taking all the pain shots) for one moment, what he’s done for his football team — for a guy like Chris Cooley to mouth off like that, he’s an idiot.” #Redskins


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Chris Russell

Boomer Esiason on @WFAN660 this AM about @theCooleyZone comments on Romo sits to pee: “When you think about that (Romo sits to pee taking all the pain shots) for one moment, what he’s done for his football team — for a guy like Chris Cooley to mouth off like that, he’s an idiot.” #Redskins


Man.....F*** Boomer and any other Cowbell lover!

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