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Potential 3 headed backfield..?


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I think we would all agree that this is a great argument to be having. Good to have the feeling that this team is becoming more and more talented. Things are looking good for the Skins to have a strong running game. Hope all the running backs stay healthy and play their part.

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Mike Shanahan has always maintained that if you don't practice, you can't play. Torain, like Kelly, might be a beast on the field, but they both have enough of a history with getting nicked up that might prevent either from making the team. In Kelly's case, this is a near-certainty. If Torain's case, this seems unlikely, but only because of his recent string of success. If Royster can continue to show that he can be effective in the system, I don't see why we would need to keep Torain. He doesn't bring anything to the table that we don't already have in Hightower and he's not quick enough to get off-tackle -- I believe he led the league in runs for a loss last year; it also seems like that we are running more off-tackle stretch plays than we were last year.

Torain also isn't a particularly effective pass-blocker.

With the presumption that we're keeping Keiland Williams on the roster, Torain doesn't look to add much to a rotation of Hightower--Helu--Royster. He won't be healthy for a full 16 game season, and even 10 of those games is iffy. We will probably be best off severing ties with Torain (conditional pick to Arizona?!), and keeping someone on the roster who can contribute on a week-to-week basis, particularly on special teams.

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We have an interesting stable of backs, but our most proven reliable back is our back-up FB.

Keiland WIlliams.

He is the only reason I am breathing easy about our RB situation.

Torain is very injury prone.

Hightower has been fumble-prone in the past, although he is looking promising.

Helu has a flash, but that means nothing in the preseason rookie!

Royster " " " " " " " rookie!

D Young " " " " " " " rookie!

Keiland Williams is the forgotten man, but he has proven he can be a solid "get the job done" work-horse.

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From what I've seen, Royster might be every bit the same type of running back as Ryan Torrain is. The big difference is that he can actually stay healthy and IS healthier. Ryan Torrrain? Not so much.

I think the 3 main RBs should be Hightower, Helu, and Royster. Put Ryan Torrain on PUP for a while. He shouldhave a perminate spot reserved for him on that list by now. The guy is as injury prone as it gets. I wouldn't rely on him.

---------- Post added August-22nd-2011 at 12:41 AM ----------

I'd also like to add that we need big Mike Sellers to play FB and block for these guys! What is up with this nonsense at TE?? Sellers is a man beast playing Full Back!

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Royster was a 6th rounder. No way somebody puts him on their active roster unless they are really desperate for RB help. Royster is nothing special. There is nothing above average about him save for maybe his pass blocking for a rookie.

Torain is actually a very good runner. Even though he's not a burner or even very quick, he's deceptive and he's a kind of a bruiser. Not easy to tackle. Royster would absolutely have to kill it these next two weeks to unseat Torain. Maybe we keep all four, or maybe Torain hurts himself again, but unless that's the case, I see a nice trio of Hightower, Torain, Helu with all three making noise.

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We have the potential to have a very dynamic backfield with Hightower,Helu Jr. and Torain/Royster.

Can you ever think of a team in the past decade that had 3 generally reliable backs?

Having 3 backs in constant rotation could REALLY help us out... They would be FRESH!

Less caries for Torain means less wear and tear (less injuries). Less caries for Hightower means less fumbles. Less caries for Helu means.....Um.......Prolonged career???:ols:

I know this is unlikely to happen (Constant rotation of backs) but I think it could work.


Reliable? Torain gets hurt, Hightower fumbles, and Helu and Royster are rookies that have been in two, re-emphasize two, preseason games and that is reliability? Wait until the end of the year to see how it plays out before we start talking reliability. Of course I am excited about the combination that are possible but someone maybe left out in the cold. But to answer the question about ever seeing three reliable backs in the past decade? No and actually the only team to have such a backfield that I could remember would have to be the 1972 undefeated Miami Dolphins. Jim Kiick, Larry Czonka, and Mercury Morris.

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Thank you!

Torain was GREAT last year.

If he would've played 4 more games he would've rushed for 1110 yards... That's a good back.

Great? I disagree. He had some nice runs but he wasn't great by any stretch total productivity or on a per play basis. He was 33rd in YAR, 30th in DVOA, and 30th in success rate and he didn't have enough yards and tds on the year to really offset those low numbers.

He's a frustrating runner to watch on top of that. He's too east/west and lacks the vision and quickness that Hightower and Helu have already shown. He's a pretty valuable pass catcher, but each of our RBs catch the ball pretty well. Plus Hightower and Royster have done a pretty good job in blitz pickup so far and Helu has had his moments.

Torain seems like our fourth most talented back. I'd rather keep Royster and Keiland Williams over him.

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Run blocking wasn't all that great last year. Torain is absolutely more talented than Royster or Williams

I disagree. Maybe physically more talented (although it's debatable with Williams), but both Royster and Williams are better running backs. Royster has excellent vision and good decision making and still has enough wiggle to create a little bit on his own. Royster is an effortless runner who consistently runs with good, low pad level and body lean who just eats up yards every game. He's productive after contact, he catches the ball well, and has decent blitz recognition for a rookie, as demonstrated in the Steelers game.

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Between fumbles and injuries and youth, I think we will have RB by committee. I do like it for a change of pace against a defense.

Torrain had a game last year where he had a few fumbles himself but otherwise was a man among boys breaking tackles like no back I have seen in this town, maybe ever. Hightower brings energy and attitude. Helu is batting cleanup and hopefully will be that homerun back we need.

I wonder about Torrain's injuries, and Shanahan's patience. If Royster does really well against the Ravens (I think its his turn to get the load), it will be interesting to see what happens. Maybe we trade Torrain.

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On paper, you could start any one of them depending on who we play. For a team like the hard hitting ravens, start the bigger RB in Torain. Against a leaner team we could easily hand it off to Helu and have him make that 1 cut and go. I think this is a good problem to have

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i think the deciding factor for roster spots will be made based on skill and who would make it through waivers. hightower is a lock. due to helu's draft status and the promise he has already shown, i dont think he would clear waivers. add in familiarity with the ZBS and he's a lock.

its gets a little more difficult when deciding between torrain and royster, but id give the nod to torrain. if royster continues to have a similar preseason campaign, i believe he would clear waivers. torrain is not eligible for the practice squad, and showed last year that he could be effective in the system despite it being the first year in a ZBS with a weak oline. yes, he has injury history, and cannot last through the season. he is a bruiser though, and if we limit his touches, he can be very effective in committee. if he does get hurt, royster comes up from the practice squad.

young has looked outstanding at fb. i havent been able to see how well he has been blocking, but i have heard nothing but good things. and his receptions out of the backfield have been very good. williams will be playing backup fb and special teams, which i think is a good place for him to be.. chances are slim that sellers makes the roster.

so, in conclusion, the depth chart is hightower, helu, and torrain with royster on the practice squad for now. young and williams at fb. im not sure in what scenarios each back will be playing, but i prefer giving a lot of touches to one back to establish rythym.. we'll see how it works out.

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I disagree. Maybe physically more talented (although it's debatable with Williams), but both Royster and Williams are better running backs. Royster has excellent vision and good decision making and still has enough wiggle to create a little bit on his own. Royster is an effortless runner who consistently runs with good, low pad level and body lean who just eats up yards every game. He's productive after contact, he catches the ball well, and has decent blitz recognition for a rookie, as demonstrated in the Steelers game.

The question you have to ask yourself is is there any one thing that pops out at you when you watch him run. For me the answer is no. He does everything ok, but nothing above and beyond what Torain brings. Torain is a gifted runner. His awkward yet elusive and powerful running style is unique. He's a long strides who can evade and run thru and over people if need be. Royster can be replaced with 20 other guys and you'd never know the difference. Nothing special about him.

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Posted this in another thread...thought it applied here too.

To be honest, I have become quite enamored with the backs we've acquired in the offseason, and have almost let Torain slip my mind completely. Watch these game tapes and remember why we like this guy:

(Truck Stick Game)

Week 6 vs. Colts

Week 7 vs. Bears

Week 14 vs. Buccaneers

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First of all, while I do like ATV, he really isn't anything special and Shanny wouldn't bat an eye if he had to cut him (which they won't do but the guy is as brittle as they come). This is the reason they went and traded for Hightower. But, I like the idea of Hightower starting, Helu as change of pace and ATV grinding it out when we have the lead in the 4th.

As far as the 3-back system? Some have already mentioned the Giants "Earth, Wind and Fire". The Cowboys had also had that with Barber, Jones and Choice. Chargers last year with Mathews, Tolbert and Sproles. You could almost say the Ravens had it with Rice, McGahee and McClain.

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First of all, while I do like ATV, he really isn't anything special and Shanny wouldn't bat an eye if he had to cut him (which they won't do but the guy is as brittle as they come). This is the reason they went and traded for Hightower. But, I like the idea of Hightower starting, Helu as change of pace and ATV grinding it out when we have the lead in the 4th.

In 2007 Mel Kiper listed Ryan Torain as the second best senior running back in the nation. There is tremendous untapped potential there, and we've seen glimpses of excellence from him. The current injury (broken hand) doesn't affect his long-term prospects as a running back from a health perspective.

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Oh well Mel Kiper said it...No I'm only kidding. I just don't see anything that special in Torain 4 years later. I mean he is known for breaking tackles and getting injured. I just feel like both Hightower and Helu have higher ceilings. But I'm not advocated cutting Torain or anything. The team is better with him on it. Just has to get (and stay) healthy. I don't think there is anyway he comes back with the starter job waiting for him. It's got to be Hightower at this point.

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