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Bleacher Report: Whay has Clinton Portis Been Forgotten?


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his older brother/ex criminal was arrested for a noise ordinance in mclean the other day. my mom forwarded me a mclean community email saying "hey clinton portis' brother was arrested at his house off Gtown pike, isnt this guy on the redskins?" lol. glad we're not dealing with that (portis was at the house during the arrest, as was their mom)

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Redskins fans are just finding out what the rest of the league has know for years.

Because he cant run. Because he is the only running back in NFL history to slide down untouched and on purpose. Because he is a "me" first distraction.

Good riddance.

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his older brother/ex criminal was arrested for a noise ordinance in mclean the other day. my mom forwarded me a mclean community email saying "hey clinton portis' brother was arrested at his house off Gtown pike, isnt this guy on the redskins?" lol. glad we're not dealing with that (portis was at the house during the arrest, as was their mom)

For a noise ordnance? Dealing with a noise ordnance?

Gimme a break. Glad our guys aren't getting J walking tickets either. :ols:

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For a noise ordnance? Dealing with a noise ordnance?

Gimme a break. Glad our guys aren't getting J walking tickets either. :ols:

anything involving the law and clinton portis would have been talked about for a solid week here on the radio no matter how stupid it was.

and here is the article not that it matters, it was for 'loud and unnecessary noise".


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I agree. Did Portis do some crazy stuff? Yes he did. But none of it was destructive to the team. His on the field play however was putrid the past 2 seasons.


Darnell Dockett Lets Loose On Redskins And Clinton Portis

Speaking with Lavar Arrington on 106.7 in Washington (via Dan Steinberg of DC Sports Bog), Dockett says he'd have doubts about playing with the Redskins even though he grew up in the area.

He praised the city and the fans but hammered the team's culture.

"There's a lot of things I don't like, there's a lot of things they do that I couldn't accept as being a leader. You know, I've never seen an organization that would go out and lose on Sunday and throw a party Sunday night after a loss and party all week. Like, I couldn't adapt to that, and I think that's one of the reasons that I couldn't be a part of an organization, of how they carry their organization."

He doesn't think the Redskins have had their values in order.

"I think a lot of guys on that team, winning don't mean anything. I think partying and getting paid is a big part of a lot of guys on that team," Dockett said.

He didn't say what Redskins he was talking about, but he did say that he couldn't play with Clinton Portis.

"From what I'm hearing in the locker room, me personally, I couldn't play with a guy like that," Dockett said. "I've never played, since I've been in the NFL, with a guy that selfish, I've never played with guys where it was all about them, I've never played with guys that don't practice."

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Why couldn't CP transition to FB? We all know he is an adept blocker and could catch some passes out of the backfield.....

For one his ego would not allow it, second Portis is good at blitz pick ups run blocking is very different and finally Portis gets injured far too easily now to take that kind of pounding.

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I am a big Clinton Portis fan but he is all used up. Gibbs cut his career short by running him way too much. He has never been a locker room leader. During his time here he threw his coach and his line under the bus. He was a guy with a lot of god given talent but the wear and tear has caught up with him. Clinton has never been a workout warrior so he did not maintain his body in a way that could hold up to the load Gibbs put on him. IMHO Gibbs treated him like Riggo and he was simply not built for the contact he received.

All that said someone is going to get injuried in the preseason and he will get a look if he wants one. He is a great blocker but IMHO is not a great reciever which limits his effectiveness as a 3rd down back which IMHO he is now best suited to be.

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Because in his mind,he's still the Portis of old and thinks he deserves the payday that he once did.I mean face it,we wore the man out.He tried to carry us on his shoulders for years.But as the years wore on so did he.And every other team knows this too.He'd make a good back up on some teams.Maybe the Bucs?Didnt they just lose Williams?

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You see, this profession is filled to the brim with unrealistic motherf'ers. Motherf'ers who thought their ass would age like wine. If you mean it turns to vinegar, it does. If you mean it gets better with age, it don't.

-Marcellus Wallace

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I absolutely love Clinton Portis. I think the Redskins ran him into the ground ... litterally. I think he is one of the best pass blocking backs in the league and could be a big asset on a team like New England or Indianapolis, but I don't think he can carry a heavy workload anymore. I hope he gets picked up, and I will cheer for him wherever he plays as long as it isn't within the division or against the Redskins.


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I absolutely love Clinton Portis. I think the Redskins ran him into the ground ... litterally. I think he is one of the best pass blocking backs in the league and could be a big asset on a team like New England or Indianapolis, but I don't think he can carry a heavy workload anymore. I hope he gets picked up, and I will cheer for him wherever he plays as long as it isn't within the division or against the Redskins.


I agree Meast hopefully CP will get an opportunity to play with a good team this year and prove he still has some gas left in the tank.

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I agree Meast hopefully CP will get an opportunity to play with a good team this year and prove he still has some gas left in the tank.

how funny would it be if portis went to the saints and supplanted betts? mcd5's head would explode.

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Honest to God, do some people ever learn? Every preseason--it never fails--football fans of all teams overrate some used-up veteran's actual abilities.

"Why hasn't a team signed Portis"?

Because RB is a young man's position in today's NFL. You're much better off with a RBC of no-name guys in their early 20's with fresh legs who are hungry and eager to prove themselves, rather than signing some has been who trips over himself as soon as he picks up two yards.

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