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Bleacher Report: Whay has Clinton Portis Been Forgotten?


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If Plaxico Burress can land on his feet after two years in prison, Kevin Faulk and Sammy Morris (who together have a combined quarter century of NFL experience) get contracts in New England, and even Tiki Barber can have a workout in Miami, then why have we not heard anything about Clinton Portis' NFL future?

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I hope CP gets on somewhere as a 3rd down back. He'd be amazing in that role... or even finds his way home for a lower salary! (J/K) I miss you, Clinton! Good luck!

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portis hasnt gotten any looks/offers because over the last few years his mouth has continued to write checks his body increasingly couldnt cash.

im not even sure if he was all that injured the last two times his season ended early.

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Clinton's problem is a classic sports problem. He is the ex-superstar who still thinks he is a superstar.

Kevin Faulk is never going to demand a huge salary and carries and the right to miss practice. Clinton is close to that level of player but still comes with the superstar's personality.

He's not a 25-carry a game back now. But he could play 5 more years getting 100 carries a season. Can he handle that kind of career?

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unfortunately, portis' performance the last two seasons, even when healthy, was embarassing. there's just too much film of him getting caught from behind, tripping over his own feet, or inexplicably taking a dive in the open field. couple that with his refusal to practice and propensity for saying the wrong thing, and why would anyone take a chance on him when there are so many younger, sexier options?

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The reason Portis isn't getting any run is because his biggest issue is his mouth. Nobody wants the distraction that comes with having Portis on their team.

He may or may not be done physically but that's not why he isn't on a roster. What he brings as a running back or as a blocker isn't worth the drama that he creates every time he opens that gaping hole in his head.

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The reason Portis isn't getting any run is because his biggest issue is his mouth. Nobody wants the distraction that comes with having Portis on their team.

nah, he's said some goofy stuff, but he stays out of legal trouble and doesn't get fined/punished by the league either. the NFL is overflowing with knuckleheads. it's his on-field performance that is keeping him unemployed.

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I don't think he's still sitting out there holding out for the #1 RB job somewhere. I think his recent injury history is his undoing right now. It's been three years since he's been able to really stay on the field. But even the last few years when he's been substandard, he was still over 4 yards a carry.

Frankly, as an aside, I think his level of "distraction" has been exaggerated over the years. He's not a cancer or anything like that, he's just opinionated. I don't believe that's a reason why he hasn't been signed. I never got the impression guys hated playing with Clinton Portis or that coaches didn't appreciate what he brought to the table.

I think he'd be fine as a Willis Magahee type of goal line, spot duty kind of player. And I don't think he's so egocentric that he wouldn't take it at this point.

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I agree. Did Portis do some crazy stuff? Yes he did. But none of it was destructive to the team. His on the field play however was putrid the past 2 seasons.

He called out Zorn in the press and asked for his full back to be dropped on another occasion. He may have been right both times but both will have been detremntal to the team.

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He'll get picked up somewhere. Portis has no doubt said some negative things, but, there are players who have done/said MUCh worse out there.

I'm not sure who out there really thought he would be in high demand? I certainly didn't, I kinda thought it would go down this way. he's almost 30, gets hurt a lot.. and he's a RB. Yes he still gets caught from behind, but he didn't look bad the last time he actually played.. definitely not what he used to be, but, still a decent part time player.

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