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Schefter: Haynesworth dealt to NE (MET)


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Albert Haynesworth will now be an All-Pro

By: Mike Freeman (CBSSports.com)

Posted on: July 28, 2011 6:36 am

Edited on: July 28, 2011 7:56 am

The Washington Redskins have traded Albert Haynesworth to the Patriots. In Washington, Haynesworth was a bum. A malcontent, a horrible teammate and a stone, cold jackass. In New England, he'll turn into the best defensive lineman in football.

The move, first reported by ESPN and confirmed by me, is typical Bill Belichick. And it will work. Because this is what Belichick does. He takes reclamation projects, jerks and castoffs, like Randy Moss, shines them up, and turns them into Pro Bowlers.

There is no question -- no question at all -- that Haynesworth will be a great player once again the way he was in Tennessee. And all the Patriots will have given up is a fifth round pick.

Remember this: when Haynesworth was in Tennessee he was considered the best interior lineman in the sport at the time.

In some ways this trade is sad. Haynesworth is being rewarded for his disgraceful behavior in Washington. He's now going to the best organization in football after a shameful tenure with the Redskins. But hell. That's football.

I've called Belichick the best coach in the history of football and been mocked for it but it's true. He can coach anyone, anywhere, any time. He'll do it again with Haynesworth.

Fat Albert will soon be gone. Dominant Haynesworth is just around the corner.



Pretty bold... I hope Mike Freeman is wrong and Albert fails miserably.

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Damn that is bold. I have a hard time thinking he will change his ways. I don't know what he's thinking though, so saying he'll be the same Fat Al is as good as a guess as that article saying he will be dominate.

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Goodbye you fat slob.

Worst signing ever, and there really is no comparison. I hate that he got pretty much all of that $100 million for doing essentially nothing. I think I read that we saved like $5.3 million this year by getting rid of him.

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NE deserves Albert. I love this move because we made sure he went to 3-4. IF you look at what ALbert has said about the 3-4 and his ability in a 4-3 to be a HOFer, it is a definite FU from Bruce and Shanny. That being said it is NE, and he is now on a winner which sucks. But Bill won't put up with him for long. I think Bill probably traded for him just to torture him. It's a challenge for him; at the very least he gets to punish a fat, lazy punk of a human being. If he does what he has been able to do with most of his reclamation projects, it will work for awhile until he can trade him for value. Even still, I think Bill may have bitten off more than he can chew. I think he'll find himself using the line from jaws - "we're going to need a bigger boat" with regards to Fat Albert especially if they ever do actually get on a boat...

So long, Al. You were truly amazing and changed the way this franchise operates. Never again will there be an Albert or Deion. You were so pitiful that even Dan Snyder could see that he had to get help for his FA addiction. You provided Dan with a brief moment of clarity and for that I thank you, you fat, lazy, sorry excuse for a carbon-based lifeform. Enjoy Bill up your butt.

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Suddenly I feel like playing some James Brown "I Feel Good" whoot whoot and a 5th round draft pick and they said we'd get nothing for 5 or Fondlesworth.

Let's get back to the business of football and just being a TEAM. Thank you God I always knew you cared about us Redskins fans.

We did get absolutely nothing for those guys. Shanahan and Allen should not be praised for what were both terrible moves in the first place. Haynesworth's deal cost us a chance to make a run at Jason Brown and who knows might have given us the money to pursue Karlos Dansby last year. The trade for McNabb is even more criminal in my eyes because we paid an extremely heavy price for someone that was past his prime and rather set in his ways as a NFL QB. We were embarrassed on both of these deals from the start and just because we are now rid of them both for pennies doesn't suddenly make things better. Our front office will continue to be viewed as a joke to the rest of the NFL until major changes are made.

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btw I love the fact that we sent him to a team that runs the 3-4 (even if he does ok in it, its still not what he wants to do)

Difference is Belichek will probably know how to play to his strengths as a player and use him in those situations. I believe it was Bill Walsh that said the mark of a good coach is one that can work their system to fit the players they have, not get players to fit into a predetermined system.

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