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Schefter: Haynesworth dealt to NE (MET)


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A player mutiny?

Do you or do you not agree that Shanahan handled Haynesworth about as badly as was possible?

In Dec of 2009, he tried to organize a player boycott of practice, because he was unhappy with his role in the 4-3 defense.

It was a terrible situation that no one came out of clean. I'd rather not kowtow to a unruly employee personally. I guess you would have thrown out any long term schematic plans to appease one player.

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What happens when Haynesworth fails the physical and remains a Redskin? haha I kid I kid

He will fail the weight limit for the airplane flight he is supposed to take to Boston.

"Passenger denied boarding due to safety concerns about cargo weight limit and balance guidelines."

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I see they are showing all of 3 clips of Haynesworth dominating for us in a Skins jersey. They need to through in some of those 100s of clips of him standing around and not producing, the real Haynesworth.

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Yup. They will deal him for a better pick... watch.

Also... two 6th's after giving up two 2nds for McNugget? A part of me thinks that maybe when Shanny was hired Dan was still making decisions and Shanny let him run wuth it to teach him a lesson... thats my hope anyways...

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I'm upset we signed him for as much as we did, upset we didn't know how to deal with him. Then we have to cut our loses get rid of him for nothing and now we'll get to see an organization, that knows what they are doing, handle him in the right manner.

If he has a great season in NE I'm gonna be pissed cause you'll have to wonder was it all fat albert or was it the organizations inability to handle certain players..

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I'm upset because I know there is NO way he does that type of **** in NE. It's the difference between us and them and NE is going to get production out of him. It's frustrating.

Don't worry - there are really only two possible outcomes:

  1. He fails the physical
  2. He gets cut and the experiment fails

There really isn't any way he works out in NE.

I get the sense that Shanny handles a challenge from a player by trying to make him comply first, then ultimately punishing him. I'm pretty sure Belichick just cuts your ass and moves on as soon as you start acting up.

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IF this is true, the continue of fleecing and handing it to the Skins by other coaches and Gms is still at hand. A 5th.........please. He should have been made to sit and rot. Cinci gets it, Bruce and Shanny dont. And by the way, maybe N.E. trades him to Philly or cowgirls or tampa, or....you get what I mean. Why would he play in a 3-4 there and not here?


Really? Really? Really? So we bench him an entire season and he does something stupid off the field (more dumb than he already has), gets one year older and possibly even fater and more out of shape..........for how long. Why keep paying him and not playing him when we can create more cap space and less drama. It's time to move on from the drama, last year he tried to take on Shanny head to head and lost. Period. Shanny had to set the tone that he didn't give a **** if you were 3rd, 4th on the depth chart, the starter or the highest paid player on the team. You will not ***** and moan and come ready to play or your ass will sit.

Im glad he's gone and we got something for him. I am willing to bet that Philly would have given more for him, but who cares. He's gone. Also, the Pats show a lot of different looks, it's not a true 3-4 like the Ravens, its a modified look, with a lot of 4 man fronts and tons of Nickel packages. And, he wont be nose tackle there, he will be a DE, huge difference.

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