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X-Men: First Class...will be the BEST movie of the summer (2011)!


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Book it. A good friend of mine actually went to the New York premiere last Thursday and said it was an absolutely incredible flick. He is my go to source when I am on the fence about seeing a movie. I still can't believe how much he loved it. This move will be great, trust me!

6/3/2011...go see it folks!


P.S. I just checked RT & it is at 100% positive after 21 reviews.


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I'm seeing this with low expectations. FOX has already ****ed up the X-Men movie line WAY too much. They've completely ruined the Wolverine back story, Deadpool back story, as well as the Phoenix saga. They can rot in hell for that.

Agreed on all accounts (especially on the Wolverine Origins abomination). I am finding it increasingly difficult to temper my expectations after my bud called me though. I am really going into it expecting to be blown away. I guess we'll see. ;)

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Reading some of the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, I'll be there opening night. I'm expecting it to be absolutely sick. And they actually went out of their way to secure GOOD actors for this one, and I like the story I've been able to glean from the preview so far...so I'm willing to forgive them the abomination of a trilogy they already made. If anything, I hope this is SO succesful that it almost forces them to immediately reboot the entire franchise. Go with something dark and epic for a new trilogy...maybe the Age of Apocalypse alternate universe or something. That would REALLY sell in this day of dark superhero/anti-hero movies.

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I've been skeptical about this movie since its production was announced just because of the failings of the last X-men movie and the abomination that was Wolverine movie. But after watching the trailer I'm thinking this movie has potential. The story line looks to be a good one, taking place when mutants are exposed to the world and Magneto and Prof. X have their split, and seems to touch on the same issues with the mutant struggle that the comic did, which is great because the comic set it up as a believeable struggle. This could be another Iron Man.

I typically think that the conflict in super hero movies is what makes or breaks the movie (that and a good lead actor). Magneto looks to be very well played in this one (though it is just a small sample in the trailer). Dark Knight and Batman had the joker, IronMan had a great lead in Downey Jr., Bridges was a fantastic villain, especially when you consider he doesn't have a lot of screen time in the movie. Liam Neeson was great in the first Batman remake. I thought Loki was played well in Thor. The first X-men was good, not amazing, like Thor and Iron Man 2, Magentos roles was good. X-men 3 Magneto was campy and Phoenix was poorly played. Magneto looks great in this movie. I tried not to get too hyped up for Dark Knight, but I knew from the second I saw Ledger as Joker in the trailer that it was going to be amazing. I'm not certain with First Class, but the more recent trailer gives me that same vibe that I got from the Dark Knight and Iron Man trailers, a vibe I don't get very often.

...unlike Green Lantern which the trailer only confirmed what I thought, that it's going to be horrible.

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I won't say it's the best movie of the year or even summer yet, plenty of summer movies to see. It will definitely be up there though. I was leery of this movie but I love it. Came back from the midnight showing. Frankly, this is the best X-Men movie of them all and they should've started out the franchise they way they told this origin movie. Go see it, you will love it!

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I dunno bro, I saw the preview for transformers 3 last weekend.....and hot goosebumps. I haven't gotten goosebumps over a movie since terminator 2 in 1991.

Early reviews of transformers 3 are saying its the best one so far...

That's like saying Olive Garden is better than McDonalds or Burger King. The bar isn't that high.

I think I am going to see this over the weekend. Assuming I do see this, and I see HP7 in July, I will have been to the movies more in 1 year than I have since high school.

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I've seen Hangover 2. You would be better served to see Xmen instead.

The wife is driving that boat. I am fairly certain that Hangover 2 is going to be Hangover 1 with only slight changes. No baby Carlos, instead a monkey named Juan. Instead of the dentist losing a tooth, he gets a facial tatoo. Instead of a tiger in the bathroom, it's a panda, or a coked up chimpanzee in on the balcony.

These are just theories, no spoilers please. :)

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The wife is driving that boat. I am fairly certain that Hangover 2 is going to be Hangover 1 with only slight changes. No baby Carlos, instead a monkey named Juan. Instead of the dentist losing a tooth, he gets a facial tatoo. Instead of a tiger in the bathroom, it's a panda, or a coked up chimpanzee in on the balcony.

These are just theories, no spoilers please. :)

Your wife will love all the shots of dicks then.

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Definitely looking forward to this one.

I don't get why so many people think Origins: Wolverine was an abomination. I found it entertaining, and actually thought it was better than XMen 3. Do people have a problem with it because they didn't stay true to the comic books or something?

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Definitely looking forward to this one.

I don't get why so many people think Origins: Wolverine was an abomination. I found it entertaining, and actually thought it was better than XMen 3. Do people have a problem with it because they didn't stay true to the comic books or something?

X-Men 3 was the abomination. They twisted with the X-Men mythology way too much, and their portrayal of Phoenix was beyond horrid. Phoenix is an uber-powerful psychic entity who flies around with flames, not some alien looking thing. And them getting rid of Cyclops so early just ticked me off.

Origins was kinda corny at parts, but it had redeeming moments. Liev Schrieber was amazing as Sabretooth, and the portrayals of Gambit and Deadpool (before he was transformed, that I had a major problem with) were absolutely dead on.

...unlike Green Lantern which the trailer only confirmed what I thought, that it's going to be horrible.

Really?? I'll admit that I haven't been a follower of GL like I have with other comics, but it actually looks really good to me. The designs and graphics couldn't have been closer to the original, and I actually like the pick of Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan. Plus, I like how they're establishing Sinestro as the good guy in the first movie.

Relating to the original thread, I think First Class is going to be amazing.

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I'm so excited to see this movie. Going in with certain expectations actually doesn't take away from the movie for me, thankfully. Hopefully I'll get the chance to see it tomorrow or Sunday, add to its weekend gross.

Green Lantern is also on my must see list, yeaaa (hopefully awesome) 3D and my Ryan Reynolds man crush!

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