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X-Men: First Class...will be the BEST movie of the summer (2011)!


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Just because YOU know they end up being called the 'X-Men' doesn't make "not the G-Men...the X-Men" a bad line...everything has an origin.

Have you never heard the phrase G-Men? I can see how that could make the comparison, and the phrase, clunky and awkward if that was the case.

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No, I have no idea what you're talking about. (Really. Now I feel dumb. Fill me in?)

The best boy is the assistant to the gaffer who's in charge of the electrical department in filmmaking.

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I agree, there were definitely some flaws in the movie. There were definitely some cheesy lines, and January Jones was terrible. But I enjoyed the movie nonetheless.

I'm with you. None of the X-Men films have been perfect but I enjoy seeing them on the silver screen too much to hem and haw. January Jones was awful though. I also agree with DMH28 about that last line. "Not the G-Men... the X-Men..." was either just poorly delivered or poorly conceived or both. They could have been more poignant and/or more profound. It was supposed to be a pivotal moment in Charles Xavier's life and Rose Byrne (of whom I'm a big fan) really blew the line.

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The one problem I had with these X-Men is that they were supposed to be an international lot. Banshee's an American? McTaggert's a CIA agent? Eventually, Orroro is from Africa, Kurt is from Germany, etc. I mean if you want the first crew to be American I guess that's okay, but Charles was grabbing folks from everywhere.

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I am seriously confused by what I am reading in this thread.

The writing for this movie was absolute garbage. The only explanation I can think of is that someone paid the writer per cheesy line and cliche.

I literally facepalmed myself. I was so disappointed in the script and the **** like "No, not G-men...more like...X-men" type lines.

Not happy with this movie.

I could see that "X-Men" line coming from a mile away, and it definitely made me wince a little.

But beyond that, I don't remember any silly dialog.

No, I have no idea what you're talking about. (Really. Now I feel dumb. Fill me in?)

He's just making a joke that, if you worked as some random assistant on the film (or any film really), wouldn't you want people to stay through the credits so they could see your name listed, regardless of whether there was a bonus scene or not?

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The movie kicked ass. I was too was troubled by the line-up not being the real original team but the dynamic between Charles and Erik was amazing and this overrode my distraction about the team. Beast was really cool too.

Saw it last night & pretty much hated it. They just took to many liberties with it for my liking. The Erik/Charles dynamic was good but it's about the only good thing I can say about the film.

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I liked it, thought it was best of the X-Men movies. Just as good as Iron Man or Batman Begins. They did skew from the comic a bit tho, but it was permissable to me

I don't even think this movie deserved to be mentioned in the same breath as with Iron Man and Batman Begins. The Professor X/ Magneto tandem was about the most unique thing about the movie.

Not to mention, I though Kevin Bacon did a magnificent job with his character as well.

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I don't even think this movie deserved to be mentioned in the same breath as with Iron Man and Batman Begins. The Professor X/ Magneto tandem was about the most unique thing about the movie.

Not to mention, I though Kevin Bacon did a magnificent job with his character as well.

agree to disagree then. I'm really picky about movies, typically, but I thought this one was good, especially because, just as with Begins and Iron Man, the liberties they took in differing from the comics weren't too bad and overall the main conflict was believable.

how exactly were you expecting a super hero movie dealing with origins to be completely or even substantially unique? Almost every superhero movie, the first one anyways, is an origin story.

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I don't even think this movie deserved to be mentioned in the same breath as with Iron Man and Batman Begins. The Professor X/ Magneto tandem was about the most unique thing about the movie.

Not to mention, I though Kevin Bacon did a magnificent job with his character as well.

Iron Man was overrated. Batman Begins is my fave superhero movie to date. Not even Dark Knight was as good, IMHO.

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agree to disagree then. I'm really picky about movies, typically, but I thought this one was good, especially because, just as with Begins and Iron Man, the liberties they took in differing from the comics weren't too bad and overall the main conflict was believable.

how exactly were you expecting a super hero movie dealing with origins to be completely or even substantially unique? Almost every superhero movie, the first one anyways, is an origin story.

I'm probably in this same boat.

Admittedly, I'm not a hardcore X-Men fan (like I am Batman or, to a degree, Spider-Man), but I know enough about it that I was able to catch some things that they were changing from the comics and general "X-Men canon." And without being a die hard X-Men fan, I can't say it really bothered me that much.

Mostly because, like you said, a lot of the changes were to fit this story (which worked in an overall sense), and possibly leave room for a sequel. I'm fine with that.

The same way I'm fine with Chris Nolan taking some liberties with Batman, as long as he's telling a great story with the character and setting up a strong franchise.

These things aren't going to be perfect for every comic geek. These films will stay as true as possible to the original stories and characters, because studios don't want to piss off the comic nerds like they did in the 90's, but these are still meant to be tentpole films for blockbuster franchises, so they have to figure out some ways to expand the audience and leave room for future films.

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I don't even think this movie deserved to be mentioned in the same breath as with Iron Man and Batman Begins. The Professor X/ Magneto tandem was about the most unique thing about the movie.

Not to mention, I though Kevin Bacon did a magnificent job with his character as well.

Spot on. I was impressed immensely with Fassbender as Magneto. The dynamic between the two was great but short-lived...that should have been the entire movie right there with Sebastian Shaw (Bacon) as the catalyst. Those three characters and perhaps McCoy and Raven as a parallel story would have been perfect. Nothing more. All that other baloney of assembling weak characters for a young team was a waste of time.

As many have said, this film was a victim of blatant compromise and was rushed. It could have been a science-fiction/drama for the ages.

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Marvel themselves haven't always stuck to canon when showcasing their material. I remember the popular X-MEN animated show in the 90's was riddled with continuity problems, and that was developed by Marvel themselves. As for the movie, it was awesome, Michael Fassbender was spectacular. This is definitely a great start and I'm looking forward to the sequel. Kinda sucks though the Black Mutant had to die first (although I believe he's going to adapt and live) and the other Black one was the first to turn. Oh well, gotta love Liberal Hollywood right?

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I'm a big X-Men fan. I love the original origin stories, etc. of all of the characters, and how the story is "supposed" to be.

I also love the alternate-reality type runs like Age of Apocalypse and Ultimate X-Men. That's how I look at a movie like this. Its taking characters I love and stories that I enjoy, and its changing them to fit what works best in cinematic form. And like the newest Star Trek movie, its creating an alternate X-Men universe that isn't what I'm used to, even with the same general characters, similar story arcs, and themes. But I'm okay with that, because I'm just enjoying another vision of the characters that I like watching/reading about.

Nothing wrong with that. Just because its called "X-Men: First Class", and has some inconsistencies with the "real" story, doesn't mean it can't still be a good movie, and a good alternate to the stories you already know.

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Was this a mistake?


When Mystique tricked Azazel on the island in the final battle by impersonating Magneto, she morphed into him wearing the helmet. Yet, she had no idea that he had the helmet, right?

I don't know why that continuity error bugged me so much....

She morphed into Sebastian Shaw.

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Yikes. :doh: My bad. That's who I meant, anyways. :ols:

Ok, but she was him (Shaw) wearing the helmet, right? So how did she know he had the helmet?


he attacked the CIA compound wearing that helmet, but when the other mutants confirmed Xavier wasn't there, then Shaw removed the helmet and began talking to them, trying to recruit them. Easy to figure out from that what the purpose of the helmet was, and Xavier had been saying he couldn't get into Shaw's head, something was blocking it, so Mystique could easily assume Shaw was wearing the helmet.

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Yikes. :doh: My bad. That's who I meant, anyways. :ols:

Ok, but she was him (Shaw) wearing the helmet, right? So how did she know he had the helmet?

By then Charles could have seen it through Erik's eyes, and put an image of it into Raven's head. That's what I figured. Because Charles was getting a clearer and clearer picture of what was going on as the chamber they were in broke down.

Edit: Forgot she saw it at the compound earlier in the movie. Good point, elkabong. That explains it right there.

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That makes sense then - I thought it was a continuity error due to a scene being cut..


Personally I think you're right, TEG. The explanations you've been getting are all speculation. I see it as a continuity error.

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Personally I think you're right, TEG. The explanations you've been getting are all speculation. I see it as a continuity error.

i noticed that as well

what i also noticed was the diamond girl, lets recap:

she has telepathic powers

she can morph into diamond

she can draw a perfect circle

she has an awesome rack...

i was impressed.


i found myself thinking "fatality" when kevin bacon killed the darwin guy and when magneto kills kevin bacon

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Personally I think you're right, TEG. The explanations you've been getting are all speculation. I see it as a continuity error.

It's not speculation at all. Shaw attacked the mutant CIA compound while wearing the helmet, Mystique and the others talked to him. Then later on she impersonated Shaw wearing the helmet. There's no speculation there. Is there a chance you want the continuity error to exist?

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  • 2 weeks later...

...unlike Green Lantern which the trailer only confirmed what I thought, that it's going to be horrible.

called it. premiering at 23% on Rotten Tomatoes. my roommate and I had a bet too; $10 I said it wouldn't crack 25% on the premiere, he said it would, but wouldn't crack 50%.

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