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Poll: Which summer movie(s) are you looking forward to seeing the most?

Toe Jam

How many years till the Skins win a Super Bowl?  

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  1. 1. How many years till the Skins win a Super Bowl?

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Apollo 18 was moved to next year.

Be ready for Prometheus next summer. It's going to rock your Sci Fi world!

Next year is gonna be huge. Just to name a few: Dark Knight Rises, Wrath of the Titans, The Hobbit and The Man of Steel.

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I haven't watched any of them except for pieces of the first and second ones. It's funny because I liked LOTR, so I'd assume that I'd like Harry Potter. I couldn't smoke enough weed to find interest in the first Harry Potter 10 years ago.

I don't know why you bring up Twilight, but I'll actually watch those movies. I won't go to the theater, but I'll watch them on DVD.

You'll watch Twilight. You don't like Harry Potter. :insane:
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Harry Potter :geek:

I recently finished reading series a month or so ago and now that I get the story I am looking forward to seeing all the movies. When the final installment comes out my brother and I are gonna watch all the movies back to back to back to back to back to back to back before seeing the final film in the theater.

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Is Super 8 similar to the Goonies ? Trailer seemed like it.

Hangover will either be great or horrible. The preview seems as if it is saving the funnier parts, which I like.

Bad Teacher looked pretty funny, Diaz in that role and all of the innuendos.

X-Men looks really interesting, a movie that I will definitely see at some point.

But Alas, it is unlikely that I will go to the theater to see any of them.

I will wait until they are available in the comfort of my home.

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Thor was a brilliant 2 hours of mindless fun. It was consistently funny which helped considering the plot is weak you almost see the bullet points as they move from scene to scene.

Still it was visually insane to watch and is almost worth it just for the imax theater. And if you happen to watch the movie along with nature there is only win to be had.

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But Alas, it is unlikely that I will go to the theater to see any of them.

I will wait until they are available in the comfort of my home.


I prefer to smoke,drink and eat good food while enjoying movies....w/o annoying *******s that increase the risk of criminal charges

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I prefer to smoke,drink and eat good food while enjoying movies....w/o annoying *******s that increase the risk of criminal charges

I normally sit in the upper sections. It seems like the lower you go, the more likely there is going to be someone sitting either in front of you or behind you that tries their best to get on your nerves.

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Jack Sparrow.....'nuff said.

Ok, after watching the preview for Apollo 18, I'm just wondering if it's me or if anyone else thinks that it just looks like a Blair Witch Project in space....seriously if it ends with an astronaut standing in the corner rocking back and forth as the camera goes blank I will drive to Hollywood....find the producer and the director and the entire cast and punch them all in the nose.

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Harry Potter 7pt2. You can question my manliness all you want, but I'd rather see that than a horribly plotted action flick that's just explosions and crap all over the screen (especially if Michael Bay is directing). My whole family loves the series and I've seen every movie with my brother the weekend they come out, so not going to miss this one. Outside of that, Super 8 looks awesome. I'm going to see Cars 2 and Kung Fu Panda 2 with my kids. I'll probably end up waiting for DVD for the rest though.

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there are a lot of movies on that list that i dont care to see.

super 8 looks good. kinda reminds me of alien raiders mixed with ET

def. gonna watch harry potter.

theres something about the planet of the apes movies that i always enjoy, so ill watch that one

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I'm actually pretty intrigued about the Cowboys And Aliens flick. Besides, any movie with Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig in it can't hurt

Throw in Jon Favreau directing, and it's a pretty good mix.

I also like the Audioslave song usage in the newest trailer.

Jack Sparrow.....'nuff said.

Ok, after watching the preview for Apollo 18, I'm just wondering if it's me or if anyone else thinks that it just looks like a Blair Witch Project in space....seriously if it ends with an astronaut standing in the corner rocking back and forth as the camera goes blank I will drive to Hollywood....find the producer and the director and the entire cast and punch them all in the nose.

So....you'd have a problem with Hollywood recycling The Blair Witch idea, but in space, but you can't wait for a 4th Pirates of the Caribbean film?

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At least it's a concept that hasn't been thought of before ( to my knowledge at least ) in a world where unoriginality reigns supreme , so I'll give them credit for that. And I actually liked the trailer.

when i saw fast 5 on friday, the trailer from the movie theater made it look awful. it looked like wild wild west with will smith lol

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At least it's a concept that hasn't been thought of before ( to my knowledge at least ) in a world where unoriginality reigns supreme , so I'll give them credit for that. And I actually liked the trailer.

Cowboys & Aliens was originally supposed to be a movie back in the 90s, but it turned into a bidding war for the property rights before all the interested parties just walked away, so then it was turned into a graphic novel a few years ago, and now they've finally made the movie.

So it's been a weird development and I'm sure some people will think it's just based on a comic, but it's actually the other way around.

when i saw fast 5 on friday, the trailer from the movie theater made it look awful. it looked like wild wild west with will smith lol

I'm not really sure how someone could see the Cowboys & Aliens trailer and think it resembles Wild Wild West.

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