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Poll: Which summer movie(s) are you looking forward to seeing the most?

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Of all those movies, I'm really looking forward to Super 8. Apollo 18 looks interesting as well.

I'll probably check out X-Men and possibly Captain America, but I don't really have high hopes for either. Super hero movies are becoming too played out.

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The number 1 for me this summer is Super 8, because I have to idea what to expect from that movie. So far J.J. Abrams has not disappoint me yet. I was a big fan of Lost and never liked Star Trek franchise, but really enjoyed his movie.

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Super 8 easily. Done with crappy superhero movies (minus Dark Knight).

Less excited because of JJ Abrams, more excited because of Spielberg's involvement.

Spielberg is also involved in Transformers and Cowboys and Aliens.

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Super 8 easily. Done with crappy superhero movies (minus Dark Knight).

Less excited because of JJ Abrams, more excited because of Spielberg's involvement.

Spielberg is also involved in Transformers and Cowboys and Aliens.

Yeah, I think it's more of Spielberg putting his name on it rather than him making any real decisions regarding the movie.

Either way, I'm pretty high on JJ Abrams. I never watched Lost but I really liked Star Trek and Cloverfield. The guy knows how to make a good picture.

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Spielberg is also involved in Transformers and Cowboys and Aliens.

Yes, except Transformers has no potential and it's going to be awful as were the first two movies.

That said, Abrams knows what he's doing.

---------- Post added May-7th-2011 at 02:16 PM ----------

Yeah, I think it's more of Spielberg putting his name on it rather than him making any real decisions regarding the movie.

Either way, I'm pretty high on JJ Abrams. I never watched Lost but I really liked Star Trek and Cloverfield. The guy knows how to make a good picture.

Star Trek was very impressive.

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Harry Potter 7 Part 2 is my number 1, Transformers could be absolutely ridiculous (after watching the latest trailer, I have much hope).

That's how I feel.

HP7 is going to be insane. Feels like I'm losing a piece of my childhood.

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Keep in mind, some of these people here were in their early teens when those movies started coming out. But yeah, should have outgrown Harry Potter.
:no: Hell, I'M looking forward to it. Harry Potter's for everyone :)

(Twilight's just crap).

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Keep in mind, some of these people here were in their early teens when those movies started coming out. But yeah, should have outgrown Harry Potter.

To be fair, the plots have grown right along with the characters. I'm a huge Star Wars fan but I have to admit that they've done a much better job from beginning to end than Lucas did with the prequels.

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:no: Hell, I'M looking forward to it. Harry Potter's for everyone :)

(Twilight's just crap).

I haven't watched any of them except for pieces of the first and second ones. It's funny because I liked LOTR, so I'd assume that I'd like Harry Potter. I couldn't smoke enough weed to find interest in the first Harry Potter 10 years ago.

I don't know why you bring up Twilight, but I'll actually watch those movies. I won't go to the theater, but I'll watch them on DVD.

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