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CO: HOA Wants Kids Banned From Playing Outside


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HOA Wants Kids Banned From Playing Outside

Edgewater Association To Vote On Proposal April 27

EDGEWATER, Fla. -- A Central Florida homeowners association is preparing to vote on banning children from playing outside.

VIDEO: HOA Seeks Ban

The revamped rules and regulations are being considered by the HOA at the Persimmon Place subdivision on North Ridgewood Avenue in Edgewater. The neighborhood consists of 48 townhomes surrounded by a parking lot and little room for children to play.

"I think it's ridiculous. I think the kids should be allowed to play," a resident said.

"I think people forgot what it was like to be a kid and want to go outside and play," said resident Shawna Magee, who is fighting the proposal.

The HOA board said the proposed rule, which will carry a $100 fine for every violation, is all about safety.

"They came in and rented (a home) in a community that does not have a playground and is not conducive to children. Then they expect the children to play in the driveways and parking lot. You wouldn't see them playing the parking lot at Walmart or Kmart, but they come here and turn the children loose," said HOA board member Kim Scott.

Scott said she recently spotted a girl playing on top of power meters while unsupervised.

"I ran quickly to the mother, and said, 'Ma'am, please get your child before she gets hurt.' Her response was, 'I don't have to. My child can do what she wants,'" Scott said.

The proposal states that "minor children will be under the direct control of a responsible adult at all times," and it would also ban the game of tag, skateboarding, Big Wheels, loud or obnoxious toys on "common property."


The neighborhood in question:


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lol, Thats why you don't purchase a home in an HOA area. Its just not worth it. I can honestly say its a problem I will NEVER have to deal with. My parents lived in an HOA when I was growing up, and they made my parents paint their shutters a certain color... made them! I have no sympathy for anyone complaining of HOA rules or fees. You were aware of what you were getting yourself into when you did it.

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People have an amazingly inflated egos these days. I see people all the time that feel justified in asking others to change their behavior because they might be ever so slightly annoyed by something. Just because you think it doesn't mean anyone else should give a ****.

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lol, Thats why you don't purchase a home in an HOA area. Its just not worth it. I can honestly say its a problem I will NEVER have to deal with. My parents lived in an HOA when I was growing up, and they made my parents paint their shutters a certain color... made them! I have no sympathy for anyone complaining of HOA rules or fees. You were aware of what you were getting yourself into when you did it.

When it comes to minor inconveniences like painting shutters, you have a point and those of us living in an HOA area get what we signed up for. This is a little over the top. I never once bought my house with any inclination that my kids might not be allowed to play outside.

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My first house was a townhouse and I can see where they are coming from. Kids playing ball in the parking lots, denting cars. Parents nowhere to be seen. We had a playground funded by the HOA and they tore the heck out of that, trashed it. I am so glad I can live in a place with enough land to buffer me from all that crap. Plus I don't have an HOA. I don't like them either.

Now get off my lawn!!! ;)

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My first house was a townhouse and I can see where they are coming from. Kids playing ball in the parking lots, denting cars. Parents nowhere to be seen. We had a playground funded by the HOA and they tore the heck out of that, trashed it. I am so glad I can live in a place with enough land to buffer me from all that crap. Plus I don't have an HOA. I don't like them either.

Now get off my lawn!!! ;)

I tend to agree. I think it's actually a pretty reasonable request for certain communities to not allow children running and screaming amongst parked cars and driveways and parking lots.


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When it comes to minor inconveniences like painting shutters, you have a point and those of us living in an HOA area get what we signed up for. This is a little over the top. I never once bought my house with any inclination that my kids might not be allowed to play outside.

true, but you did buy your house knowing that if a majority of the people in your community felt a certain way that you didn't, or if a committee of people in your HOA felt a certain way, that you would still have to fall in line. For that reason, you kinda did know what you were getting yourself into, just didn't realize a majority of people would want such a rule. I purchased my first home last year. I could have gotten a great home in a great neighborhood with a private dock in my backyard. The deal breaker was the HOA, its fees, and its rules against putting up fences. I made the decision that my privacy, and right to make whatever choices I preferred, trumped whatever bells and whistles the HOA was offering. I knew what I was getting myself into.

---------- Post added April-1st-2011 at 03:40 PM ----------

Well, price values for that development just fell through the floor. Good job! A whole development where no one with kids wants to live.

true story

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Yeah, we all (HOA people that is) assume a small amount of risk that we'll have to follow any rules that are passed. I'm just saying that most of us don't ever believe something ridiculous would pass.

I mean, you live in a county or township somewhere...you agree to live there and abide by their laws so you assume some small amount of risk that they could, in theory, impose a curfew of 7pm or something. But, when you bought your house, that really wasn't something you should have been considering.

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Yeah, we all (HOA people that is) assume a small amount of risk that we'll have to follow any rules that are passed. I'm just saying that most of us don't ever believe something ridiculous would pass.

I mean, you live in a county or township somewhere...you agree to live there and abide by their laws so you assume some small amount of risk that they could, in theory, impose a curfew of 7pm or something. But, when you bought your house, that really wasn't something you should have been considering.

...and if you don't like what the HOA is doing, you could always run for a board position yourself.

We have one. They're occasionally overzealous in directing people to weed flowerbeds, but for the most part they're fine. My wife and I wanted to add a portico last year. None of the houses that are our model had one, and what we wanted to add looked different (more flat, square posts rather than round) than the ones that are on other houses in the neighborhood. Got approved no problem.

There are perks that come with it too. Like their maintenance of our neighborhood swimming pool and playground

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...and if you don't like what the HOA is doing, you could always run for a board position yourself.

We have one. They're occasionally overzealous in directing people to weed flowerbeds, but for the most part they're fine. My wife and I wanted to add a portico last year. None of the houses that are our model had one, and what we wanted to add looked different (more flat, square posts rather than round) than the ones that are on other houses in the neighborhood. Got approved no problem.

There are perks that come with it too. Like their maintenance of our neighborhood swimming pool and playground

Yep...agree with everything you posted!

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But, when you bought your house, that really wasn't something you should have been considering.

It most definitely is. Im not buying a house knowing that I will have to fight the HOA, or join the board just to erect a fence so my dogs don't get out. In conjunction to that, growing up my parents were forced to paint the house within a certain color scheme, could not put certain types of bushes in their front yard, and were only allowed dogs of certain breeds (LRPRA). These are things that one would certainly keep in mind when house shopping. The difference is that I found what I was looking for without the HOA, and in return without having to ask for what I want. I found a nine year old house, 3k sq feet, on an acre, close to school, aquatic center, and nature (fishing specifically). Now the cost of fencing off an acre is what I am currently looking at but at least I am allowed to do it, and don't have to get permission from anyone.

To each their own, but for those that do buy in an HOA, you do know what you are getting into, unless you have never heard of an HOA or do not know the definition of an HOA, and in that case, I blame the realtor for not arming you with the knowledge you need to make an informed decision.

Are all HOA's bad? No, but they have the potential to be.

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There's a civic association that's just getting started in my community. That's as much as I can handle. They don't really have any power, but they have a habit of calling the police to deal with really minor things, like when my tags expired and I went to the DMV to renew them a day later, only to find a ticket on my windshield. These guys have been doing it all over the neighborhood, and it's really annoying. One of the head guys is an old navy vet who lives two doors down from me. He clearly has nothing better to do than to call the police on people and make sure the damn Mexicans move out, whether they are here legally or illegally.

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HOA is one of those ideas that is good in theory, but nearly impossible to get right in practice... setting the right balance between uselessness and over-intrusiveness.

They're supposed to protect you from your neighbors doing stupid stuff like planting bamboo in their yard so it runs up all in your yard, or burning piles of tires in their yard etc.

I have a HOA, and they're on they useless side of things.

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My first house was a townhouse and I can see where they are coming from. Kids playing ball in the parking lots, denting cars. Parents nowhere to be seen. We had a playground funded by the HOA and they tore the heck out of that, trashed it. I am so glad I can live in a place with enough land to buffer me from all that crap. Plus I don't have an HOA. I don't like them either.

Now get off my lawn!!! ;)

Where are the kids supposed to play outside at though?

You can't expect the parents to drive them to the park every day. Kids need to play outside.

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Why can't the kids be aware of their surroundings? When we were kids we played in the street. We'd play football and when a car came you simply yelled "CAR!" and got out of the way. It shouldn't be that big of a deal. If it's a dead end cul-de-sac the cars shouldn't be going that fast anyway and should be able to easily avoid any kids.

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at first it sounds ridiculous, but i can kinda see their point. if the title was "hoa wants to ban kids from playing in the parking lot" then it wouldn't sound so bad. i've seen kids playing in the parking lot where i live and thought it might be a little unsafe. it might be a little extreme for the hoa to ban it, but at the same time i haven't got a good look at the parking lot in question. if the motive is really for the well being of the kids, and even personal property, then it is at least worth a discussion, and not as crazy as it sounds.

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Well, price values for that development just fell through the floor. Good job! A whole development where no one with kids wants to live.

Or maybe property premiums will be at a premium because residents won't have do endure rugrats disturbing the peace. :)

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lol, Thats why you don't purchase a home in an HOA area. Its just not worth it. I can honestly say its a problem I will NEVER have to deal with. My parents lived in an HOA when I was growing up, and they made my parents paint their shutters a certain color... made them! I have no sympathy for anyone complaining of HOA rules or fees. You were aware of what you were getting yourself into when you did it.

I see people say stuff like all the time, and I just have to laugh. All HOAs aren't bad. Some give others a bad rep. HOAs actually do more good than bad. If you didn't have them, you would have idiots painting their shutters pink and parking dump trucks in their driveways and on the street. You would have grass a foot tall. You would have dogs constantly crapping on your lawn. Ok, the last one can happen anywhere. But at least having an HOA, you could put a quick in to the nonsense, usually without having to get the authorities involved.

Edit: And the most important thing is they help with your property value.

---------- Post added April-2nd-2011 at 09:06 AM ----------

When it comes to minor inconveniences like painting shutters, you have a point and those of us living in an HOA area get what we signed up for. This is a little over the top. I never once bought my house with any inclination that my kids might not be allowed to play outside.

Who paints shutters anymore?

---------- Post added April-2nd-2011 at 09:07 AM ----------

Well, price values for that development just fell through the floor. Good job! A whole development where no one with kids wants to live.

Townhomes aren't a good place to raise kids, anyway.;)

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