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Beauty queen shoots and kills home invader with pink .38 pistol


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When a burly ex-convict forced his way into a posh Florida home last week, he had no idea what awaited him -- a 25-year-old beauty queen with a pink .38-caliber handgun.

Meghan Brown, a former Florida pageant queen, shot and killed 42-year-old Albert Franklin Hill during a home invasion March 12 at the 2,732-square-foot house she shares with her fiance in Tierra Verde, Fla.

Hill barged into the home at around 3 a.m. after Brown responded to a knock at the front door, according to a police report. He allegedly grabbed the 110-pound Brown around her nose and mouth and dragged her to an upstairs bedroom.

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Not the first dude to be shot down by a beauty queen.

They are both very brave people as the story is described. I wonder if and how the burglar was armed. Glad it turned our all right for the homeowners. Shame Franklin Hill was never able to turn his life around. Career criminal that got his comeupance.

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“We live in a very prominent area and my fiancee wears a $60,000 engagement ring,” he said. “The pizza man knew we had money because sometimes we needed change for a $100 bill when he came to deliver pizza.”

The fiance sounds like a total tool.

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**** yeah, good for her.

I've got .38 Special, glad to see it do the trick. Although mine's not pink :silly:

I can just see Harrison in Hell right now. He's surrounded by Jack, the Ripper, Ghengis Khan, David Berkowitz, and they look crossly at him, measure him up and ask... "So, how'd they getcha"

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Awesome. I want a pink gun now!

And I agree with KDawg, the fiance sounds like a doofus.

Nothing screams "Cool dude!" more than bragging about your fiance having a $60,000 engagement ring and breaking $100 bills to pay for pizza. Hey, genius... if I'm reading the article and I'm a crook, I've now made it my mission to find out where this model chick lives. And now we know she's armed.

What a total tool. I bet he's the one who wound up putting her in jeopardy by bragging like a moron every step of the way, too. Wow I hate stupid people. Let your ego/doucebaggery effect you, but don't let it effect your fiance, schmuck.

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WTG Meghan!!!!

I really wish this would occur more often especially up here where women still jog or walk from the subway by themselves in secluded areas.

Can you imagine the would be rapists, muggers and serial killers reactions when they discover all of their prey is packing a pink pistol and the last thing they see is the business end of it?

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In case anyone was wondering what the tool looks like:

Next question, and maybe some of you ladies can help me out here...

Why is she... with that?


Dude looks like he weighs 27 pounds dripping wet... She actually looks like she weighs more than him, and she's really cute.

But then again, I'd guess she likes the money... So I guess I answered my own question.

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But didn't you guys read the article...he was awakened immediately, and took a tremendous beating to the head, giving her enough time to get her pistol. The man is a damn hero!:ols:

Yes. She acted like the one that wore the pants by answering the door. Then, he was awakened immediately and got the tar kicked out of him, just long enough so the person in the relationship that wears the pants could go and get the gun to kill the intruder...

Makes sense.

Wow I don't like this guy at all.

And for the record, who answers the damn door at 3 AM?

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What burglar knocks? Damn polite burglar. There's a tiny part wondering if fiance caught her having an affair, tried to pick a fight, and was getting the tar beat out of him before she came to the rescue with the gun. I've seen too many movies.

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What burglar knocks? Damn polite burglar. There's a tiny part wondering if fiance caught her having an affair, tried to pick a fight, and was getting the tar beat out of him before she came to the rescue with the gun. I've seen too many movies.

You know, this is an interesting theory... Why else would he talk about all of his money? To stress the fact they were "being robbed".

Then again, the burglar was a multiple offender, wasn't he? But it does have some stench :ols:

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