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Scrawny Bully Gets Owned

USS Redskins

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Yea, that's it. Walk backwards all the way to your next class.

Lol. Ok. Clearly I didn't realize I was dealing with an expert on such matters. My bad.

---------- Post added March-21st-2011 at 02:50 AM ----------

And btw, as I noted in my original post in this thread, in the end he did the right thing. But that doesn't mean he shouldn't be suspended. Fighting is and always has been a zero tolerance thing. As it should be. He'll serve his 5 day suspension and life will go on.

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Lol. Ok. Clearly I didn't realize I was dealing with an expert on such matters. My bad.

---------- Post added March-21st-2011 at 02:50 AM ----------

And btw, as I noted in my original post in this thread, in the end he did the right thing. But that doesn't mean he shouldn't be suspended. Fighting is and always has been a zero tolerance thing. As it should be. He'll serve his 5 day suspension and life will go on.

One of my good friends in high school was being antagonized and provoked by a notorious bully in school.

This friend was a peaceful guy who kept to himself. But when the bullying continued non-stop, he finally resorted to the ONLY option and applied sufficient, yet not excessive force, in order to disable the bully, by putting him in a chokehold. When it was clear to the bully who was truly on control, my friend released him. As he walked away, the bully came after him in a vengeance, with a blindside and sucker punch, yet once again, the bully ended up in a chokehold, helpless. This ended up going back and forth several times. The bully simply could not accept being temporarily being disabled. His ego would not allow that. He needed exactly what this scrawny kid needed, and that was to be dominantly disabled, and a clear echoing message sent to him, that any further action would have serious consequences. That's the ONLY way bullying stops. NOT from walking away. Eventually the hammer has to come down. WALKING AWAY DOES NOT CUT IT, WITH SCHOOL BULLYING.

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Rules, schmules, both kids got some real world experience here. Little loudmouth? Don't let your mouth write checks your ass can't cover. Big kid? Enough is enough, go w/ your strengths. I would have applauded Casey if I was there but the whole suspension thing has nothing to do with fair or justice or anything else beyond the stock response from a bureaucracy, again no fair in it. When you consider the attention this has received and the overwhelming response on his behalf that Casey is getting, I'm sure he's ok with a suspension.

What I think about is that the international media won't be covering the story next year when loudmouth gets five buddies to help him jump Casey and kick the **** outta him, because that's usually what these little punkass bullies do.

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I was doing some background reading on this. Apparently, this particular school does have a problem with fighting, so it wouldn't surprise me if they do in fact have a no-tolerance policy. And if that's the case, they have to suspend both kids. Now, I'd have no problem with giving the big kid just one day while the little **** gets two weeks; I see no reason to give them equal suspensions.

I also thought it was odd...people keep talking about the size difference and there's at least one good reason for it. The kid who was getting picked on is three years older that the scrawny kid. If Australia's educational system is numbered similarly to ours, then Casey is in 10th grade (or 9th) and the other kis is in either 7th or 6th. Pretty ballsy to go after an older kid like that, and I'm not surprised that he only did so with friends around.

Lastly, the smaller kid's parents? **** them. If anything, they ought to be given a public beating in the middle of town as an example to other people to parent your kids and teach them not to be little ****s.

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the big kid was completely justified in what he did AND he had to be punished by the school. Frankly does ANYONE doubt that the big kid would be suspended in AT LEAST 95 out of 100 schools in this situation?? And, of course, the little prick deserved a bigger punishment than the big kid, but that doesn't always happen --- in many cases administrators for bettor or worse conclude you are either pregnant, or you are not pregnant... neither kid is more pregnant than the other. I am glad the little prick apparently got a stiffer sentence.

---------- Post added March-21st-2011 at 02:19 PM ----------

I was doing some background reading on this. Apparently, this particular school does have a problem with fighting, so it wouldn't surprise me if they do in fact have a no-tolerance policy. And if that's the case, they have to suspend both kids. Now, I'd have no problem with giving the big kid just one day while the little **** gets two weeks; I see no reason to give them equal suspensions.

I also thought it was odd...people keep talking about the size difference and there's at least one good reason for it. The kid who was getting picked on is three years older that the scrawny kid. If Australia's educational system is numbered similarly to ours, then Casey is in 10th grade (or 9th) and the other kis is in either 7th or 6th. Pretty ballsy to go after an older kid like that, and I'm not surprised that he only did so with friends around.

Lastly, the smaller kid's parents? **** them. If anything, they ought to be given a public beating in the middle of town as an example to other people to parent your kids and teach them not to be little ****s.

the little prick's parents came out in support of him? charming.

you see some kid's parents in action and just know that the poor little sh*t doesn't stand a chance. I agree, i hope that someone pisses in the parents' cornflakes...

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What are these "multiple options" he had, that you continue to speak of ?

Read the thread, Mick.;) I've pointed it out several times.

---------- Post added March-21st-2011 at 01:32 PM ----------

The scrawny kid was not making that possible. He was blocking the path for the other guy to walk away from. Therefore the smaller kid needed to be disposed of, to clear that path.

Secondly, you NEVER turn your back on someone who is swinging on you, and who's relentless and determined to hurt you. That's just plain stupid. And asking for yourself to get hurt even worse than originally possible.

Did you even watch the video? Once the kid slammed the kid to the ground, he walked in a direction opposite of the kid he was facing. Not sure where you get he was blocking his path. And its silly to think a kid that big couldn't have gotten by the little scrawny kid. This was at a school, man. There were teachers and faculty members nearby, you would think. He could have easily just left if he wanted. But to his credit, he took matters into his own hands.

---------- Post added March-21st-2011 at 01:34 PM ----------

Yea, that's it. Walk backwards all the way to your next class.

Mick you're being silly, man. The big kid could have easily removed himself if he wanted. But he obviously had had enough, and decided to take action.

---------- Post added March-21st-2011 at 01:35 PM ----------

that if i see a coupe, i generally expect a woman to be driving it.

LOL..Oh yeah.

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Did you even watch the video? Once the kid slammed the kid to the ground, he walked in a direction opposite of the kid he was facing.

This sounds like a joke, but a bad joke.

How is it relevant which direction he was walking AFTER the kid was slammed to the ground ?

OF COURSE, he can walk in any direction he wants while the kid is a mangled mess, splattered on the ground like an insect that was stepped on.

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The first part of your post I agree with 100%. But no way the school couldn't suspend big dude. That's a no-brainer. Both of them should have gotten an equal punishment; a week sounds about right.

Do you honestly believe this?

While I understand why the big kid (Casey) had to be suspended, but there's no way you can say both deserve an equal punishment. Casey was simply defending himself, like many have stated, and his punishment should be much lighter compared to the smaller kid who created this whole ordeal.

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I find myself in agreement with Bubble Screen too.

Even if you are thoroughly provoked and fully justified in retaliating ... when you bodyslam a kid down onto the concrete on school grounds, you are gonna get a suspension. The policy pretty much has to be that way, or it would become open season for fighting. There usually isn't a video camera running, and I guarantee you that all of the bullies will claim that the victim started it and that they were just defending themselves (and their little toadies will back them up).

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if i was that kid i would welcome a suspension. during my absence, the tales of my beastliness would no doubt be exponentially exaggerated and when i returned, people would be bringing me their snackpacks during lunchtime out of respect

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the little prick's parents came out in support of him? charming.

you see some kid's parents in action and just know that the poor little sh*t doesn't stand a chance. I agree, i hope that someone pisses in the parents' cornflakes...

There's a link to an article on the Australian Daily Telegraph saying the instigator's mother wants an apology, but the link is dead.

Then there's a clarification, saying she actually wants her son to apologize.

Now the little guy is saying he was provoked, but it sounds like a bunch of crap.

And here he is, in all his glory.


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There's a link to an article on the Australian Daily Telegraph saying the instigator's mother wants an apology, but the link is dead.

Then there's a clarification, saying she actually wants her son to apologize.

Now the little guy is saying he was provoked, but it sounds like a bunch of crap.

And here he is, in all his glory.

According to that interview with the bully:

Ritchard told Channel 7's Today Tonight Casey had provoked him before he squared up with the Year 10 student and punched him in the face.

"He was like 'go to class' and stuff. And I didn't like it. And he pushed me and stuff and ran down to the front of the office and that's when I hit him," Ritchard said.

"I don't know why [i punched him] because I was just really pissed off at him ... giving me mouth."

So...the skinny bully was hitting the bigger kid in the face because the bigger kid told him to "go to class?"

Great defense of your actions there. I'm sure that will get people sympathetic to your side.

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So...the skinny bully was hitting the bigger kid in the face because the bigger kid told him to "go to class?"

Dude, you're forgetting one crucial point - this is Australia.

To an Aussie, "go to class" are fighting words.

Perhaps that was lost in the translation.

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