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So....what's your grand theory of the universe? Where did we come from, where are we going?


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I think about this a lot, like most folks. At times I would even go as far as to say it's an obsession. Let me hear your theory....explain what you think will happen without the "cut n' paste" or without "looking it up."


I'm not concerned in the least how outlandish the theory, so if you showed up in this thread to belittle others for there belief system, please remember that we can't all be as well read as you. :D

If your theory is that we are sitting on a turtles back, please enlighten us as to why.

As for myself, I prefer the model, that could be described as Time-less but indestructible.

Ok, matter/energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Does this mean that the universe goes on forever? No. There is no forever as time does not really exist as a permanent measurement.


I believe in a constant state of "now" that gets erased with singularities, even though I understand that the universe is flying apart at an increasing rate, I believe that space is curved and that you inevitably end up where you started. I think that there is certain to be a "big crunch," and hence, I cycle that could explain the mortality of matter/energy.


Time breaks down in a complete singularity. Therefore, eternity does not exist in a traditional sense. This, to me makes the most sense.

Of course, I am known to be wrong! :pfft:

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When I was a kid and I saw a picture of the solar system with the planets all lined up on the classroom wall I just assumed that's how it was. Everything just static. I think at one point I believed that at the bottom of the solar system was lava. "Bottom of the solar system" :ols:

I saw a TV programme on the BBC last week called the "secret life of waves". It went into the specifics of how (sea) waves operate. That water is not on the move but merely it's a massive transfer of energy and the water itself is just static. It went into a bit more detail that while we conceive waves as "objects" - they aren't. They're just a "process". And that the whole wider perception of objects everywhere are just misinterpretations of wider processes. I like this idea - I found it hard to get my head round it but came to the conclusion that's probably a good thing. -

Essentially - what we find difficult to appreciate is the concept of time and that everything, over time, is fluid. Like the transfer of energy through the sea in the form of waves.

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Essentially, my belief on how everything got here is Genesis 1; but not as literal. I do believe the creation of the universe of the universe and everything in it took billions and billions of years; but it was created by the Almighty God none the less. While I cannot believe the universe and everything in it is is only a few thousand years old like young world creationists, I also cannot believe the beauty and wonderment of the universe occurred by chance without the involvement of a creator.

---------- Post added February-12th-2011 at 06:37 PM ----------

Turtles all the way down.

Dr. Seuss lives! We've missed you so much! :D

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I don't believe anything can exist in isolation

Thus the universe is essentially at least dualist in nature

One side is material, mutable and chaotic, the other side is spiritual, perfect and ordered

these two planes collide and create thinking beings, who strive for perfection. They are spiritual bubbles w/ a material shell (kind of like air inside a soap bubble).

Perfection as a process (not as a state) requires chaos, because change requires chaos. Humans strive to achieve the ideals of the spiritual realm. Thanks to the qualities of the chaotic world they can grow to achieve it, but they can only do so by not being tempted into the oblivion of the chaotic world. They also can't be tempted by musings of the ordered universe and thus ignore their companions and their communities.

Perfection through balance.

/mystical ramblings

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My thoughts are weird, but I believe there was an architect(God) which created the universe. Things like how complex our eye alone is makes me believe in something more than a big bang theory. I don't believe that something like God is watching over us everyday. We are just controlled by our own free will and all events are independent of any greater power.

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I don't believe anything can exist in isolation

Thus the universe is essentially at least dualist in nature

One side is material, mutable and chaotic, the other side is spiritual, perfect and ordered

these two planes collide and create thinking beings, who strive for perfection. They are spiritual bubbles w/ a material shell (kind of like air inside a soap bubble).

Perfection as a process (not as a state) requires chaos, because change requires chaos. Humans strive to achieve the ideals of the spiritual realm. Thanks to the qualities of the chaotic world they can grow to achieve it, but they can only do so by not being tempted into the oblivion of the chaotic world. They also can't be tempted by musings of the ordered universe and thus ignore their companions and their communities.

Perfection through balance.

/mystical ramblings

Good stuff. I agree with you totally on the last paragraph.

If what you say is true the devil would be a necessity. Maybe ol Lucifer is misunderstood. lol.

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I don't believe anything can exist in isolation

Thus the universe is essentially at least dualist in nature

One side is material, mutable and chaotic, the other side is spiritual, perfect and ordered

these two planes collide and create thinking beings, who strive for perfection. They are spiritual bubbles w/ a material shell (kind of like air inside a soap bubble).

Perfection as a process (not as a state) requires chaos, because change requires chaos. Humans strive to achieve the ideals of the spiritual realm. Thanks to the qualities of the chaotic world they can grow to achieve it, but they can only do so by not being tempted into the oblivion of the chaotic world. They also can't be tempted by musings of the ordered universe and thus ignore their companions and their communities.

Perfection through balance.

/mystical ramblings

So your thoughts are basically Plato sprinkled with Islam?? Interesting.

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don't really know.

i give scientiests etc credit, though, for actively seeking an answer through expirimentation and observation rather than putting stock in highly dubious creation stories that make no sense given what we now know about our world and universe, and regardless were passed down for generation upon generation before being written down anyway.

---------- Post added February-13th-2011 at 03:17 AM ----------

My thoughts are weird, but I believe there was an architect(God) which created the universe. Things like how complex our eye alone is makes me believe in something more than a big bang theory. I don't believe that something like God is watching over us everyday. We are just controlled by our own free will and all events are independent of any greater power.

psst -- the big bang theory was first proposed by a creationist trying to reconcile the idea of a Creator with what we can plainly see in the sky.

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I am the result of random probability and my experience of existence is the function of all entities that have accrued around me by said random events. I believe that this universe will burn itself out through the aforementioned heat death of the universe. I exist merely by chance but I appreciate the chance itself. So I'll make the most of it and try to exist while keeping in accordance with my basic instincts. Its not such a depressing way to live, but it probably does come off that way, lol.

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I am the result of random probability and my experience of existence is the function of all entities that have accrued around me by said random events. I believe that this universe will burn itself out through the aforementioned heat death of the universe. I exist merely by chance but I appreciate the chance itself. So I'll make the most of it and try to exist while keeping in accordance with my basic instincts. Its not such a depressing way to live, but it probably does come off that way, lol.

How do you respond to those who say that such a belief system has no room for an objective morality? Do you subscribe to moral relativism?

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This stuff really messes with your mind when you think about it. As of my current age/thought I think life after death is what it was like before birth, which nobody can remember. I'm still searching for what I believe is the right answer. As for the universe I like to think of it as if it were a desert. There is no, "end" but, because you can't pin-point on exactly what direction you are going in, you just end up going in circles.

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My thoughts on this are very odd. Ive broken them down before in other threads, but the long/short of it is, everything is energy based. Everything, you and I included.

---------- Post added February-14th-2011 at 07:00 AM ----------

Good stuff. I agree with you totally on the last paragraph.

If what you say is true the devil would be a necessity. Maybe ol Lucifer is misunderstood. lol.

Author aside, "Memnoch the Devil" gives a really unique take on the "what and why" of the devil, from his perspective.

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e=mc^2 :)

I love your sig. Very nestalgic with the Qbert, Zelda, Duck Hunt, etc...

Im going to go look for the explanation I gave a couple years ago in another thread. Its pretty crazy, and I don't usually say much about my abstract perspective on life, but i have a friend who finds it pretty interesting, and while most probably won't agree, I only get made fun of sometimes. Ill see if I can find it.

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