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WP: Redskins owner Dan Snyder seeks dismissal of City Paper writer (Update: Links to court papers included)


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Danny just can't keep his foot out of his mouth, can he?

I won't defend Snyder, b/c most of this stuff is true. But I understand where he is coming from. 90% of what McKenna wrote about has been rehashed over and over again. If someone was constantly dredging up my past over and over again ad nauseum, I'd get a little tired of it too.

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I think it's odd that these newspapers continue to look for things to needle Snyder with. It comes off as very petty on their end. However, being a fan of the team, I'd be so much more impressed with the owner if he just rolled with the punches better. Eventually he has to realize that no reaction (plus some on-field success) would make these things go away for the most part. I think Snyder has improved from a football perspective so I'm encouraged about that...it doesn't look like much else has changed though.

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Dan Snyder is a running embarrassment and HE makes it difficult to be a skins fan. And personally, I dont see winning curing everything. Some burnt bridges can't be built back up. The fact is, this team used to be like an older brother I worshiped. Now it's more of a third cousin who's a drug addict and an embarrassment to the family. I'm not sure any amount of wins and superbowls will ever make me view this team the way I once did.

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"Weasel Stew" ROFLMAO!!!

“Emulate Charlie Chan” I'm Asian. I really don't know what to say except that it sucks to be derided. Going forward gonna have to think long and hard before purchasing anything Snyder has a hand in.

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I remember the Cranky Redskins guide article and I seem to remember another article pointing out the inaccuracies in it, but also I think one area that crossed the line was the depiction of Dan Snyder as the Devil with horns and beard and I know in the UK there are laws about defamation based on such images .



So Snyder has a solid case because of this?


The picture is almost as childish as his response.

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Yes, courts give wide leeway EXCEPT if the public figure can show a pattern of malice, as well as the writer demonstrating "reckless disregard" of the truth...which can be as simple as not attempting to verify the accuracy of something you report. Repeating an error someone else has reported without making some attempt to determine the truth of that report is a good example of "reckless disregard." It is no defense to say, "well I just repeated what they said."

It seems like Snyder could sue lots of folks. For instance, pretty much every beat writer for the WP over the last decade outside of Maske. And Len Pasquerelli. And Dr. Z. And Peter King prior to 2008. And Jimmy Johnson. Actually, might be easier to come up with a list of media figures who don't constantly slam Snyder.


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It seems like Snyder could sue lots of folks. For instance, pretty much every beat writer for the WP over the last decade outside of Maske. And Len Pasquerelli. And Dr. Z. And Peter King prior to 2008. And Jimmy Johnson. Actually, might be easier to come up with a list of media figures who don't constantly slam Snyder.


Yeah, I'm pretty much always defending Snyder, yet I don't see how he could sue anyone. There is rarely (if ever) "reckless disregard" for the truth. The reporters generally report information they are hearing from someone and I don't believe they have to legally disclose their sources or anything.

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I don't get this reaction. He should have just addressed the whole thing in a calm manner, like this:

"I applaud Dave McKenna for taking the time to research and write his article. I will contemplate it as I take a bath in a tub full of $100 bills, while he contemplates life on a journalists salary, working for a paper that isn't even top tier in it's own city. Good day."

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Dan never learned the lesson that you never wrestle with a pig.

You get muddy while the pig enjoys himself.

---------- Post added February-2nd-2011 at 12:55 PM ----------

Yes, courts give wide leeway EXCEPT if the public figure can show a pattern of malice, as well as the writer demonstrating "reckless disregard" of the truth...which can be as simple as not attempting to verify the accuracy of something you report. Repeating an error someone else has reported without making some attempt to determine the truth of that report is a good example of "reckless disregard." It is no defense to say, "well I just repeated what they said."

Generally, I take all my legal advice from a 19-year-old from Australia, but that's actually not an example of reckless disregard, at least not in American courts. In the British system, it could be since the stater of the fact has the burden to prove that it is true.

In the US, it's almost impossible to imagine a statement that a newspaper could run that would be an example of reckless disregard to the truth, particularly in the matter of a professional sports team. The only example I could think of would be something along the lines of completely making up out of thin air a report that Snyder is about to file for personal bankruptcy at the exact moment he was trying to purchase the Nationals - or something along those lines.

PS. McKenna called me "always wise" once in an article. That was awesome.

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Pretty interested in hearing this:

I just heard the other side of the story to why Dan Snyder is pushing this complaint and I have to say I agree w/ him now....

...the full details will come out after the Super Bowl. Let's all take a deep breath. There's more to this story.

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Here's some that bring back memories:

"Fan Appreciation Day: Gimmick used in 2006 by Snyder to draw people to FedExField, where he charged $25 to park to watch the team scrimmage and hear an address from Vinny Cerrato. The parking charge was not mentioned in the advertisements the team produced for the event.

GEICO: Insurance company and major Redskins sponsor. Snyder allowed GEICO to hand out promotional signs at FedExField last season at the same time the team had instructed stadium security to take away home-made signage, much of it involving derogatory comments about Snyder and Cerrato. David Donovan, Snyder’s attorney, said the sign ban was for “safety.”

Hill, Pat: Down-on-her-luck 73-year-old grandmother—and five-decade Redskins season-ticketholder—who was sued by the Redskins in 2009 because she could not afford to keep up payments on the 10-year, $50,000-plus club seats contract she’d signed.

"Labor Laws: Something Snyder has had trouble with. In 2006, Snyder was sued by a former nanny, Juliette Mendonca, who told a Montgomery County court that when she pointed out she was being shortchanged and asked for proper recompense, Snyder screamed, “I pay you more than my Redskins Park people! I can’t afford to pay you like this!” The court ordered Snyder to pay Mendonca $44,880. In 2008, Snyder faced a lawsuit from a group of FedExField ticket office employees who weren’t being paid for extra hours. The team argued that the Redskins ticket office wasn’t covered by standard overtime laws, citing a 1932 exemption for “amusement and recreation employees” in the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. The exemption, however, was meant to cover lifeguards and greenskeepers, not office employees. Snyder settled the suit with the employees earlier this year. James Rubin, a Montgomery County attorney who represented the ticket sellers, says that he was shocked to learn during the case that Snyder now requires all employees to sign a document waiving their right to sue him “as a condition of employment.”

Is that even legal? being forced to sign something like that? I don't believe it is.

I never even heard of this last one:

"Pentagon Flag Hat: A Redskins cap sold for profit by Snyder to “commemorate September 11” in time for the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Ads boasted that the $23.99 caps, really just black Redskins hats with a red, white, and blue Pentagon sewn on the side, were “expected to be worn by the Redskins coaches.” No other NFL team put 9/11 commemorative products for sale during the 2006 season, for profit or otherwise. Snyder had previously added a $4 “security surcharge” to the ticket prices soon after the attacks."

Is this for real? People died and Snyder wants to celebrate it and make money off if it? WOW

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Here's some that bring back memories:

"Fan Appreciation Day: Gimmick used in 2006 by Snyder to draw people to FedExField, where he charged $25 to park to watch the team scrimmage and hear an address from Vinny Cerrato. The parking charge was not mentioned in the advertisements the team produced for the event.

GEICO: Insurance company and major Redskins sponsor. Snyder allowed GEICO to hand out promotional signs at FedExField last season at the same time the team had instructed stadium security to take away home-made signage, much of it involving derogatory comments about Snyder and Cerrato. David Donovan, Snyder’s attorney, said the sign ban was for “safety.”

Hill, Pat: Down-on-her-luck 73-year-old grandmother—and five-decade Redskins season-ticketholder—who was sued by the Redskins in 2009 because she could not afford to keep up payments on the 10-year, $50,000-plus club seats contract she’d signed.

"Labor Laws: Something Snyder has had trouble with. In 2006, Snyder was sued by a former nanny, Juliette Mendonca, who told a Montgomery County court that when she pointed out she was being shortchanged and asked for proper recompense, Snyder screamed, “I pay you more than my Redskins Park people! I can’t afford to pay you like this!” The court ordered Snyder to pay Mendonca $44,880. In 2008, Snyder faced a lawsuit from a group of FedExField ticket office employees who weren’t being paid for extra hours. The team argued that the Redskins ticket office wasn’t covered by standard overtime laws, citing a 1932 exemption for “amusement and recreation employees” in the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. The exemption, however, was meant to cover lifeguards and greenskeepers, not office employees. Snyder settled the suit with the employees earlier this year. James Rubin, a Montgomery County attorney who represented the ticket sellers, says that he was shocked to learn during the case that Snyder now requires all employees to sign a document waiving their right to sue him “as a condition of employment.”

Is that even legal? being forced to sign something like that? I don't believe it is.

I never even heard of this last one:

"Pentagon Flag Hat: A Redskins cap sold for profit by Snyder to “commemorate September 11” in time for the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Ads boasted that the $23.99 caps, really just black Redskins hats with a red, white, and blue Pentagon sewn on the side, were “expected to be worn by the Redskins coaches.” No other NFL team put 9/11 commemorative products for sale during the 2006 season, for profit or otherwise. Snyder had previously added a $4 “security surcharge” to the ticket prices soon after the attacks."

Is this for real? People died and Snyder wants to celebrate it and make money off if it? WOW

If you take everything mentioned there as-is and assume there is no "other side to the story", then yeah, it comes off sounding bad. If the writer's goal was to make Snyder look like de debil and had zero desire and made zero effort to give a more accurate portrayal of these events by providing contrary evidence/facts, then legally it might be seen as defamation, even if the sporadic events depicted are "factual".

---------- Post added February-2nd-2011 at 09:13 AM ----------

Pretty interested in hearing this:
Originally Posted by @HogsHaven

I just heard the other side of the story to why Dan Snyder is pushing this complaint and I have to say I agree w/ him now....

...the full details will come out after the Super Bowl. Let's all take a deep breath. There's more to this story.

Bull****! There IS no "other side"...we know all we need to know! *insert pitchfork emoticon here*

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Well, it's a top story on Yahoo now...

From Yahoo's "Shoutdown Corner:"

Dan Snyder is trying to get a newspaper reporter fired

By Chris Chase

Proving that a thin skin can be added to his list of many failings, Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder is trying to get a newspaper reporter fired for printing a critical article about him last November.

Snyder's lawyers are seeking the dismissal of Dave McKenna, a writer for the Washington City Paper, who authored a lengthy piece on Snyder's countless debacles since taking over the Redskins in 1999. A lawsuit against City Paper's owners for defamation is being considered but has not been filed.

The City Paper published McKenna's "Cranky Redskins Fans Guide to Dan Snyder" in November. It was an encyclopedic A-Z look at Snyder's "many failings" and featured a picture of him with penciled on devil horns and goatee. McKenna chronicled most of Snyder's missteps, most of which already were on the public record. This piece wasn't reporting as much as it was collecting.


The author (Chase) concludes:

All this does is confirm that Snyder has learned next to nothing in his 12 years as Redskins owner. He still doesn't know how to work with the media (suing a journalist is sure to please all the other reporters at Redskins Park), he has no self awareness (a rich guy stomping on the little guy never looks good) and he never sees the big picture (now everybody is going to read that long-forgotten article).

The good news for McKenna and City Paper is that if Snyder's past is any indication, this lawsuit will fail. Dan Snyder is like the bizarro King Midas. Everything he touches falls to pieces.


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For fans who truly love this team and franchise, this could be an important development.

The only thing our moronic owner accomplishes with this stunt - believe me, the ONLY thing - is that millions more people will read McKenna's outstanding article.

The owner truly looks like a childish idiot. And suing a news publication is yet another stupid move, and not one that his fellow owners are likely to look kindly upon.

If this blows up into the scandal that it has the potential to, the league and owners may start to take a hard look at what is going on with the Washington franchise, and whether the current owner is the type of person with whom they really want to be associated.

I can hear the lemmings resorting to the "Do you know how much money the current owner makes?" so just stop now. Anyone with a brain knows that a monkey could make money if it owned this team. The NFL could take the team from Snyder and find an owner who will generate similar revenue by simply grabbing the first person they find on the street.

So keep doing what you're doing, Napoleon. Push this lawsuit as far and as publicly as you can. This is the first sign of something very promising: that our owner is just stupid enough to force the league to take this team away from him. We should all hope that this happens.

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Dan never learned the lesson that you never wrestle with a pig.

You get muddy while the pig enjoys himself.

This right here.

I have very little respect for McKenna. Unfortunately Snyder just made himself out to be an even pettier (I hate to use this word) douche than McKenna is, which is no easy task. McKenna doesn't deserve the attention this article is going to give him, but Snyder just can't help himself I suppose.

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