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Why does John Boehner cry all the time? Opinion?


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Just watching 60 Minutes, and Majority Leader Rep. John Boehner has cried in like 2-3 different interview scenes. They have shown clips of him crying on several different occasions as well. He says he cries all the time.

Do you care if a politician cries a lot? Does it effect your opinion of them? Make them more human, humble and regular-guy like or weak and weird?

What would your reaction, or the media reaction be if Obama cried a lot?

Personally - I thought it was a bit weird. He seems like a genuine person, but something just seemed weird seeing one of the most powerful people in the world, and someone who will need to lead us out of a economic disaster crying on national TV on several different occasions. The media seems to think it is "cute" and "sensitive" but I think the national media would be crazy if Obama was crying that much or at all.

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I saw him cry on election night and thought it was pretty sincere. It looked like he was thinking about how it felt to go from janitor in some two-bit restaurant to speaker of the house.

Honestly, he was just thinking about what he was going to have to do to the country to make sure things were so bad that Obama lost in two years. See, he'll do it anyway, but it makes him feel bad. He's a party man.

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I like when his wife kind of rolled her eyes when she was asked if he cries a lot and she said no. It was a complete act to try to get people to think of him as this humble every day guy.

Saw a tagline, the other day:

Behind every great man, there's a woman rolling her eyes.

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I like when his wife kind of rolled her eyes when she was asked if he cries a lot and she said no. It was a complete act to try to get people to think of him as this humble every day guy.

that was some pretty harsh ownage :ols:

Leslie Stahl: "Is he like this all the time?"

Wife: "No." :ols: :ols:

---------- Post added December-13th-2010 at 10:20 AM ----------

I thought about starting a thread on this, but decided instead to just post it here.

Did anyone else guffaw out loud last night when Stahl asked him where he would cut? "Congressional Budgets!" :dunce:

What a ****ing moron. Seriously. One more example of how ****ing dumb the Tea Party is. We're spending trillions upon trillions on defense and these dumb****s are worried about health care and "the size of government"

Of course, the Tea Party cannot lobby for military spending. All the red blooded Americans (i.e. former military) in their ranks would disagree. "No no no... we're against BIG GOVERNMENT, silly! Military spending is okay!"

:dunce: :dunce: :dunce:

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that was some pretty harsh ownage :ols:

Leslie Stahl: "Is he like this all the time?"

Wife: "No." :ols: :ols:

---------- Post added December-13th-2010 at 10:20 AM ----------

I thought about starting a thread on this, but decided instead to just post it here.

Did anyone else guffaw out loud last night when Stahl asked him where he would cut? "Congressional Budgets!" :dunce:

What a ****ing moron. Seriously. One more example of how ****ing dumb the Tea Party is. We're spending trillions upon trillions on defense and these dumb****s are worried about health care and "the size of government"

Of course, the Tea Party cannot lobby for military spending. All the red blooded Americans (i.e. former military) in their ranks would disagree. "No no no... we're against BIG GOVERNMENT, silly! Military spending is okay!"

:dunce: :dunce: :dunce:

I think my favorite part was common ground vs compromise.

STAHL: But governing means compromising.

BOEHNER: It means working together.

STAHL: It also means compromising.

BOEHNER: It means finding common ground.

STAHL: Okay, is that compromising?

BOEHNER: I made it clear I am not going to compromise on my principles, nor am I going to compromise the will of the American people.

STAHL: What are you saying? You’re saying, “I want common ground, but I’m not gonna compromise.” I don’t understand that. I really don’t.

BOEHNER: When you say the word “compromise,” a lot of Americans look up and go, “Uh oh, they’re gonna sell me out.” And so finding common ground, I think, makes more sense.

Then she brought up that he compromised on the Tax Cuts JUST THAT WEEK :ols:.

Boehner said it wasn’t a compromise and said “I reject the word."

Translation - "My supporters don't like the word compromise. So it "makes more sense" to call it seeking common ground."

How sad is it that compromise has become a dirty word in politics?

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Honestly, he was just thinking about what he was going to have to do to the country to make sure things were so bad that Obama lost in two years. See, he'll do it anyway, but it makes him feel bad. He's a party man.

Of course he's a party man. 99% of Congress are "party men." You halfway recognize that fact with the Dems, but post the same thing multiple times in a thread concerning Republicans. It seems you think the Republicans are more partisan the Democrats.

He and 99% of Congress couldn't give two craps about any of us.

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Translation - "My supporters don't like the word compromise. So it "makes more sense" to call it seeking common ground."

How sad is it that compromise has become a dirty word in politics?

Yah :ols:

In years past, I might even have called this segment a hit piece. But how can you cover these clowns without some measure of irony?

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Of course he's a party man. 99% of Congress are "party men." You halfway recognize that fact with the Dems, but post the same thing multiple times in a thread concerning Republicans. It seems you think the Republicans are more partisan the Democrats.

He and 99% of Congress couldn't give two craps about any of us.

I do think that the Republicans are more partisan than the Democrats. Why? Unanimity of their voting record. Republicans march to one drummer. If fact, a lifelong Republican who voted well over 90% of the time with the Republican President was seriously labeled a maverick, an independent mind, and derisively called a RINO. More, if you listen to Republicans, Republican media, and what not there is almost no other sane interpretation about the degrees of partisanship.

Heck, democrats can't even agree with each themselves.

Finally, look at any thread where a politician has been caught red handed doing something wrong. Democrats will flame their own and condemn them. Republicans will divert the topic or blame the media for making a big deal about this. I've seen this happen literally dozens of times.

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