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Best way to move?


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I'm moving in a couple of days, and obviously it's always a pain in the ass. However, I've gotten a couple good tips from people about how it can suck a little less (like getting a little cart so you can move several boxes to the truck at the same time), and I was wondering if anyone had any other tips and tricks. So, who knows how to move well?

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I'm moving in a couple of days, and obviously it's always a pain in the ass. However, I've gotten a couple good tips from people about how it can suck a little less (like getting a little cart so you can move several boxes to the truck at the same time), and I was wondering if anyone had any other tips and tricks. So, who knows how to move well?

Be generous to your friends who are helping you move. Turn it into a party.

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You're doing a smart thing already. My last major move was in August. It was 90 degrees and humid as heck. I think I lost 10 lbs that day schlepping things up stairs and going back and forth from the uhaul. Man, that was rough.

If you have the luxury (and it sounds like you're doing a self-move) don't do it all in one day and be as organized as you can be. Spacing it over two or three days is a lot easier. Also, before doing the big move be brutal about stuff you need and don't. This is the time to pare down your crap. Why keep stuff you no longer need unless there's real sentimental value.

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You're doing a smart thing already. My last major move was in August. It was 90 degrees and humid as heck. I think I lost 10 lbs that day schlepping things up stairs and going back and forth from the uhaul. Man, that was rough.

If you have the luxury (and it sounds like you're doing a self-move) don't do it all in one day and be as organized as you can be. Spacing it over two or three days is a lot easier. Also, before doing the big move be brutal about stuff you need and don't. This is the time to pare down your crap. Why keep stuff you no longer need unless there's real sentimental value.

Good advice. It's also good to do it now before it goes the other way and gets freezing-ass cold. I have tended to end up moving in the dead of winter and that is just as bad or worse than summer. Definitely get rid of as much useless junk as possible.

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Also, before doing the big move be brutal about stuff you need and don't. This is the time to pare down your crap. Why keep stuff you no longer need unless there's real sentimental value.

And when you decide you do want to keep the sentimental stuff that you don't use daily, pack it up for the attic or whatever, not just thrown in a box for the move. Take that stuff straight in and stash it. Label everything extensively, that's a lot easier and less time consuming than tearing open all the boxes later looking for a specific item.

If moving yourself give some thought to ordering it, first into the house is stuff deepest in, so you're not tripping over hassocks or rugs schleppin everything through the front door. People tend to put the largest furniture items in a truck first, so by the time you dig them out you have to negotiate a maze of other stuff to get them in place.

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Hire a moving company!

Seriously, I moved so much in my young adult life that I swore when we bought our house(s) that I would never move myself again.

Some of the best money I have ever spent.

Emphatic +1. Movers rule. They're super fast and not really that expensive, particularly after you back out the cost of pizza and beer for your friends and renting your own truck. Small increase and totally worth it

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Just always keep the hand truck in front of you. Pulling a hand truck can lead to an accident. Be careful of sliding truck doors (no, I'm not kidding). They are very dangerous. You can chop off a finger by slamming it on yourself or someone else.

Don't try to be a tough guy. Use two or three people to pick heavy items up. Last thing you need is a hernia to ruin your 2011.

I don't use moving companies because they are scam artist. Their are good ones out there, but they are too hard to find. They rip you off at the point of sale and again by stealing property.

Good luck with the move, bro.

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^^^ Never had a moving company steal from me. That would infuriate me.

They do, all the time. Plumbers, electricians and cleaning persons too. Always keep an eye pealed for theft. a lot of people steal.

* I suffer from extreme paranoia. Always keep that in mind when listening to Polywog.

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People tend to put the largest furniture items in a truck first, so by the time you dig them out you have to negotiate a maze of other stuff to get them in place.

I think that is generally so they can pack the truck as full as possible and make sure it all fits. Good point, great when it's feasible, sometimes it's just not. And you're also right about labeling extensively. Didn't do it when I moved from OH to MD because it was a hasty solo job, regretted it bad. It helped immeasurably when we moved down here. Another thing: if you have helpers, always team up in like-height pairs. I had a friend help me once who is 6'4"; I'm 5'6".

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Been there. done that.

If you can, anything that you can fit into your vehicle, take them if you ever visit the new digs. If you have the key, that's even better as you can come and go as you please, each time with a vehicle full of things needed.

For the heavier stuff / final move, get a removalist (as mentioned above). They know what to pack when, and have the right equipment to move the heavier stuff. They are also conditioned to do the job; if you lift something wrong once, you will suffer for it. Just make sure they are covered by insurance; both for their own safety, and in case something of yours gets broken or goes missing.

Anything you pack yourself (boxes), mark it CLEARLY what room it is for, and what is in it. As they come off the truck, they can go straight into the room intended. There's nothing worse than opening an unmarked box in the kitchen, to find it is full of (upstairs) bedroom stuff!

The first thing we did was to make sure our beds were in place and made. Nothing worse than hitting the wall and wanting sleep, only to realise you still have to make your bed.

Work on one box per person at one time. Don't go from box to box looking for something specific. It will turn up eventually. As you empty each box, collapse it so it isn't taking up a huge amount of space and stand it up against a wall out of the way. When you unpack a box, don't just stack it on a bench and go on to the next box. It's best to wash everything BEFORE you put it all away. If you have too much stacked up, you will run out of room. Wash it, dry it, put it where it's going to 'live', rinse, repeat until that box is empty, move on to the next box.

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This won't help you - but for a long distance move sell EVERYTHING to re-buy it on the other end. Moved to Austin, TX with my GF, car, clothes and my dog. That was it. What fit in the car made it. The rest I sold on craigslist, then replaced when I got here.

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Good luck. I've moved at least 5 times in the last 10 years and have worked on refining ways to make it less horrible...although it's always pretty damn awful everytime.

First and foremost, throw away everything you can part with. Seriously. I'm selling/throwing out everything before our next big move because it's a pain in the ass hauling a bunch of crap around.

Anyway, as far as the actual move:

1. Make sure your boxes are labeled properly, I label by room of house (kitchen, master bedroom, etc.). It makes unloading so much easier so you don't have to act as cruise director at your final destination.

2. Make sure you have a lot of extra blankets and/or towels to put over furniture so it does get scratched when stuff shifts around. Duct tape towels around certain things, like legs of furniture, etc.

3. Dolly (which you've already figured out).

4. Make sure you keep a lot of extra supplies on hand during the move (tape, blankets, bubble wrap, sharpies) because you'll be using them unexpectedly...and a lot.

5. You probably know this, but common sense dictates heavy on bottom, light stuff on top...

6. Put all the fragile and/or valuable stuff, as much as you can, into your own car where you have more direct supervision over it.

7. Profusely thank anyone who helps you move and if they're friends and won't accept payment, it's nice if you at least feed them and make sure they have enough to drink.

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Profusely thank anyone who helps you move and if they're friends and won't accept payment, it's nice if you at least feed them and make sure they have enough to drink.

Order enough pizza for everyone to have at the end of the move and keep coolers stocked with soda/water/beer. Don't even ask, they'll want this and they deserve it.

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If you have a truck and a lot of furniture, definitely HAVE A PLAN as to how you will load it so you don't waste space/have to make extra trips. Also start packing early and pack everything in boxes or bags. I hate last minute packing bc I always end up with like 10 grocery bags just full of crap and they're a ***** to pack into a truck or car.

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As someone who has spent most of his life moving, let me offer you this nugget of wisdom: Don't buy boxes. They're expensive as hell.

Rather, go to Wal Mart or Target and buy those rubbermaid storage bins with lids. They're the same size as a cardboard box, and sometimes even cheaper than what they charge at U-Haul places, etc. (you can get them for around $5) Your stuff will be stored in a waterproof box that is stackable and sturdy. And in your new place you can re-use them over and over again for storage.

You're welcome.

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As someone who has spent most of his life moving, let me offer you this nugget of wisdom: Don't buy boxes. They're expensive as hell.

Rather, go to Wal Mart or Target and buy those rubbermaid storage bins with lids. They're the same size as a cardboard box, and sometimes even cheaper than what they charge at U-Haul places, etc. (you can get them for around $5) Your stuff will be stored in a waterproof box that is stackable and sturdy. And in your new place you can re-use them over and over again for storage.

You're welcome.

Wait wait, hold on... plastic bins are less expensive than cardboard boxes? Seriously? How the hell much do cardboard boxes cost? I thought it would be like ten cents per box.

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Wait wait, hold on... plastic bins are less expensive than cardboard boxes? Seriously? How the hell much do cardboard boxes cost? I thought it would be like ten cents per box.

you're in for a rude awakening. it's been a while but iirc UHaul charges $5-$10 each.

If you must use boxes go to a liquor store and ask. They always have some extra and if you haul them away they'll thank you.

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you're in for a rude awakening. it's been a while but iirc UHaul charges $5-$10 each.

If you must use boxes go to a liquor store and ask. They always have some extra and if you haul them away they'll thank you.

Jesus ****ing Christ, $10 for a damn box?

Thanks for the tip. That's craziness.

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