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FoxSports/Jason Whitlock: Shanahan crosses line with McNabb


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I have always hated the term “pulling the race card” because, to me, it implies that racism is no longer a problem in this country. DarrellIsMyHero said it best in an earlier post about this very issue. Having said that, while I don’t think that race was the issue in the benching – I think it’s more to do with McNabb and the younger Shanahan not getting along (frankly, I’m not sure Kyle knows what he’s doing and his dad is blind to it) – given pro football’s history of being slow to accept blacks as being smart enough play quarterback, I can see where some might reach the conclusion of race being involved here.

I also think the "chicken grease" comment was stupid.

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If there was any bigotry in his article it was more directed at the "white-man" who was born with a silver-spoon in his mouth (Kyle) and the white back-up QB who was given the job because he was best buds with Kyle. Grossman might not be Peyton Manning or someone you want to build a team around but he had to have talent to get drafted, he knows the offense and he is a servicable back-up.

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Agreed with all the banter and how the chicken grease comment was just careless and hideously irresponsible.

How about this moronic statement:

[“(Albert) plays a major part in our defense and everybody knows that,” McNabb said in early September. “Albert is one of our brothers in the locker room... We can’t win without him. I think he’ll be here. I hope he’ll be here.”

That is the most controversial and establishment-challenging statement McNabb has made in his entire career.]

:stop: Pathetic, putrid journalism at its finest.

P.S. This thread should be titled FoxSports/Jason Whitlock: Whitlock crosses line with this moronic article.

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Jason Whitlock is literally the worst sports journalist in the world.


Everything is racist according to him.

Exactly. I guarantee if Rex or any White QB had been benched, Whitlock would never have written a column on it. I wish people could just grow up and stop looking at color and race. :doh:

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People talking about the race issue, maybe read a little more of the article first:

"Before the week is over, I fully expect Shanahan to suggest that fried-chicken grease prevented McNabb from properly gripping the football.

Stop. Quit whining. I’m not accusing Shanahan of bigotry. I’m not playing the race card.

I’m saying that Shanahan’s attack on McNabb is personal, intended to injure McNabb’s reputation and unwittingly pandering to racial stereotypes. All of us, regardless of color, are capable of resorting to lowest-common-denominator personal attacks when we are controlled by our emotions rather than logic"

The chicken grease comment was foolish, but he is NOT saying Shanny benched him due to his race. He's saying he benched him due to McNabb making his son Kyle's offense look bad.

Holy crap! someone on this board actually read a Jason Whitlock article before commenting on it. Is Hell freezing over? Whitlock knows how to stir the pot and he did it with this article. I never was really good at English in school, but the one thing I remember is that you make your conclusion in the last paragraph, and if you read that Whitlock does state that he thinks Rex got the call because his BFF, Kyle, convinced his Dad that Rex could help them win. That is Whitlock's take, along with a rant on "silver-spooned" kids of NFL coaches.

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I usually don't agree with Whitlock and especially not here. Kyle Shanahan was offensive coordinator for the # 1 offense in football last year. He earned his place here.

Now I think the Shanahans are guilty of trying to force their offensive and defensive systems on the players rather than bend their systems to best suit the players on the roster but to scream Nepotism! and Racism! from the town square is yellow journalism and accomplishes nothing.

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I have always hated the term “pulling the race card” because, to me, it implies that racism is no longer a problem in this country. DarrellIsMyHero said it best in an earlier post about this very issue. Having said that, while I don’t think that race was the issue in the benching – I think it’s more to do with McNabb and the younger Shanahan not getting along (frankly, I’m not sure Kyle knows what he’s doing and his dad is blind to it) – given pro football’s history of being slow to accept blacks as being smart enough play quarterback, I can see where some might reach the conclusion of race being involved here.

I also think the "chicken grease" comment was stupid.

How does Kyle not know what he's doing? He had the best passing offense in the league last yr? are u kidding?

he wasn't handed the job, he had the credentials for having the best passing offense in the league - and before he was added and for the past 5-6 yrs we haven't had much passing offense...so Kyle does know what he's doing.

now Mcnabb may not respect him because he is older than kyle but that is an issue with mcnabb not kyle - and should be dealt with not in the last 2 minutes of the game but definately should be dealt with in house

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People talking about the race issue, maybe read a little more of the article first:

"Before the week is over, I fully expect Shanahan to suggest that fried-chicken grease prevented McNabb from properly gripping the football.

Stop. Quit whining. I’m not accusing Shanahan of bigotry. I’m not playing the race card.

I’m saying that Shanahan’s attack on McNabb is personal, intended to injure McNabb’s reputation and unwittingly pandering to racial stereotypes. All of us, regardless of color, are capable of resorting to lowest-common-denominator personal attacks when we are controlled by our emotions rather than logic"

The chicken grease comment was foolish, but he is NOT saying Shanny benched him due to his race. He's saying he benched him due to McNabb making his son Kyle's offense look bad.

He is actually saying that Shanny benched McNabb because McNabb had just finished eating his KFC on the sideline and his hands were greasy.

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Fried Chicken Grease. The assumption that only black people eat fried chicken. What, white people only eat baked chicken or something?

I dislike Whitlock. Be assured he has a basic hatred for anything and all Redskins. Gives up a wet fart from time to time to let us know he's still around.


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Today on CBSsports.com: "McNabb benching sheds new light on Shanahan legacy."

About Shanahan: "What if he's just a mean-spirited, nepotistic little moron?""

"I'm calling Shanahan stupid. Because no smart coach screws up a franchise as quickly, unnecessarily and irrevocably as Shanahan screwed up the Redskins this week."

"Now I'm wondering. Given the way he screwed up the McNabb situation from start to finish, I look back on that Haynesworth situation and I wonder about Shanahan's motives, about his understanding, about his intellect."

These quotes are from a white reporter about a white coach. I hope this helps some people get off the racism kick. Here is the whole article:


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Honestly, I'm probably the only person who didn't bat an eye at the benching. Wasn't it under two minutes, down by twelve? When I saw Rex go in, I just thought that it wasn't a big deal. McNabb had been getting banged around all game, and didn't do much. Play the backup for a couple minutes, then move on. Then the coach goes and starts talking nonsense, and its a huge mess.

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Honestly, I'm probably the only person who didn't bat an eye at the benching. Wasn't it under two minutes, down by twelve? When I saw Rex go in, I just thought that it wasn't a big deal. McNabb had been getting banged around all game, and didn't do much. Play the backup for a couple minutes, then move on. Then the coach goes and starts talking nonsense, and its a huge mess.

No, we were down by 12 after Suh took Rex's sack-fumble back for 6 (and the Lions failed a 2 pt conversion).

We were up 5 before McNabb's INT. Down 3 after the Lions ensuing TD and 2 pt. try. Down 6 after the awful decision to go for it on 4th and 10 inside our own 30, putting the Lions in FG range while only down 3. At the 2 minute warning the Redskins were only down 6, so the game was still in reach.

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but really, why is Rex on the team and who in their right mind did not see a turnover coming?? Which is more embarrassing??? (a)Swinging gate, (b)Loss to Detroit I, or ©the benching of McNabb for Mr. "**** It I'm going deep" who comes in and on the 1st play and gives up a sack 6 leading to loss to Detroit II??

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Rex should not be on the 53 man roster. I think Whitlock is right that Little Shanny brought in Rex and Big Shanny could not say "no" to his son. Yes, Whitlock often writes garbage but this article suggests that really McNabb can't win because he is fighting both Shanahans. I would not blame McNabb if he decided to leave after this year. Hope he hangs in there and keeps competing. He gives us the best chance to win and the players know it even if the coaching staff is trying to blow smoke by the fans and the local media.

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Today on CBSsports.com:

These quotes are from a white reporter about a white coach. I hope this helps some people get off the racism kick. Here is the whole article:


that reporter didn't mention race once in that article? he just said shanahan's decision was stupid.

no one is accusing whitlock of being racist towards shanahan.

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