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FoxSports/Jason Whitlock: Shanahan crosses line with McNabb


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can we post every DMac article in threads that are already in process as there seems to be a new article every 2 hours. All sort of say the same thing and it is pretty clear that most of the media disagrees with Shannys handling of this matter. I disagree with much of the article and the reported mentions the race card at every opportunity

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Regardless of how smart/stupid it was to bench Mcnabb this article is utterly ridiculous. Shanahan didn't make anyone hire Kyle other than maybe Snyder but he had that authority anyway. Kyle worked his way up the ladder (although obviously getting a good recomendation for the first rung) and earned his position. Whether he is doing a good job here in Washington is debatable but he earned the opportunity.

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Whitlock likes to think outside the box and challenge standard logic.

Sometimes its very successful (I agreed with him about the ND kid, Lebron, and and Portis/Sainz in the past few weeks).

Other times, he completely misses the mark. This is one of the worst researched, sloppiestly constructed, biggest chop-job columns I have ever seen. I'm not even sure you can classify this as missing the mark, since he was aiming 180 degrees in the wrong direction.

Ironically, he's a bit like his favorite player McNabb in that regard. He'll make some really great points one week, and the next, he'll write this crap, which is like when McNabb fires a ball at a WR's feet or throws up an easy pick six. Really good one minute, and cover your eyes bad the next.

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Whitlock likes to think outside the box and challenge standard logic.

Sometimes its very successful (I agreed with him about the ND kid, Lebron, and and Portis/Sainz in the past few weeks).

Other times, he completely misses the mark. This is one of the worst researched, sloppiestly constructed, biggest chop-job columns I have ever seen. I'm not even sure you can classify this as missing the mark, since he was aiming 180 degrees in the wrong direction.

Ironically, he's a bit like McNabb in that regard. He'll make some really great points one week, and the next, he'll write this crap, which is like when McNabb fires a ball at a WR's feet or throws up an easy pick six. Really good one minute, and cover your eyes bad the next.

Sorry, but I totally disagree.

There are plenty of racism issues in the world that the general public wants to ignore because people want to believe that racism died with the Civil Rights movement and they're completely and totally unaware of the institutional racism that occurs every day in our society. They aren't aware of how segregated this country is, and think that because there are laws in place that are supposed to protect against discrimination that it doesn't happen.

Whitlock is a Jessie Jackson. An ambulance chaser in the world of race issues. He tries to bring race into EVERY argument and tries to pass it off as being out of the box. There are some issues where I'm sure he's made good points but the reality is most of his writing is bull****. Add the fact that he tries to act all "hood" on twitter when he clearly can communicate via his column in perfect English and I give you Jason Whitlock in a nut-shell: A fat, black guy that wishes he was cool enough to hang out with the athletes and idolizes rappers and the stereotypical ghetto mentality in one part of his life and tries to be an intellectual black man that rants and raves about how racist society is in the rest of his life.

Pathetic. He's literally the worst kind of person. A person that disrespects the real issues that African-Americans face on a regular basis by spewing this bull**** all over the internet week in and week out.

Its difficult to express how angry this truly makes me in this thread because its a Stadium thread and these issues really belong in the Tailgate. I'm probably more liberal on the issue of race and racism than most, so some would presume that I'm on Whitlock's side but I really couldn't possibly hate him more.

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Typical pile on media of the hot subject and he has to put a wild spin on it to attract readers. So Kyle is just a born on 3rd base, silver spoon son who has absolutely no experience or qualifications to be a coach and only has Rex here because they're BFFs? That's one of the most negative call out articles on a coach that I've ever read. WOW

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Even though I did not read Whitlock's article nor will I because it will be something I probably already heard, Czabe on the sports reporter pointed out race also so lets not just make it a Whitlock race war.

I cannot believe people are trying to make this a race issue.

They're suggesting that Shannahan thought "I can't trust a black guy when the game's on the line, so I'll put in Rex"

I mean ARE YOU KIDDING!? I'm sure it was racism when he started Kory Lictensteiger over Dockery, or Cooley over Davis. Shanny is secretly in the KKK! John Thompson did the same thing apparently. God people are stupid.

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People talking about the race issue, maybe read a little more of the article first:

"Before the week is over, I fully expect Shanahan to suggest that fried-chicken grease prevented McNabb from properly gripping the football.

Stop. Quit whining. I’m not accusing Shanahan of bigotry. I’m not playing the race card.

I’m saying that Shanahan’s attack on McNabb is personal, intended to injure McNabb’s reputation and unwittingly pandering to racial stereotypes. All of us, regardless of color, are capable of resorting to lowest-common-denominator personal attacks when we are controlled by our emotions rather than logic"

The chicken grease comment was foolish, but he is NOT saying Shanny benched him due to his race. He's saying he benched him due to McNabb making his son Kyle's offense look bad.

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People talking about the race issue, maybe read a little more of the article first:

"Before the week is over, I fully expect Shanahan to suggest that fried-chicken grease prevented McNabb from properly gripping the football.

Stop. Quit whining. I’m not accusing Shanahan of bigotry. I’m not playing the race card.

I’m saying that Shanahan’s attack on McNabb is personal, intended to injure McNabb’s reputation and unwittingly pandering to racial stereotypes. All of us, regardless of color, are capable of resorting to lowest-common-denominator personal attacks when we are controlled by our emotions rather than logic"

The chicken grease comment was foolish, but he is NOT saying Shanny benched him due to his race. He's saying he benched him due to McNabb making his son Kyle's offense look bad.

He says he's not playing the race card...and then he pretty much does. The fact that he even had to write the line "Stop. Quite whining....I'm not playing the race card" makes it obvious enough. The dude is just like so many other sports personalities like Cowherd and Balis who write **** just to piss people off and get ratings.

Whitlock is useless.

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Jason who?

I refuse to read any more McNabb media anyway. I'm actually disappointed with some of the guys who actually ran with this as far as they could. Like nothing else is happening in the NFL.

No one's talking about this in 3 weeks.

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I cannot believe people are trying to make this a race issue.

They're suggesting that Shannahan thought "I can't trust a black guy when the game's on the line, so I'll put in Rex"

I mean ARE YOU KIDDING!? I'm sure it was racism when he started Kory Lictensteiger over Dockery, or Cooley over Davis. Shanny is secretly in the KKK! John Thompson did the same thing apparently. God people are stupid.

As Czabe put it Shanahan should talk to a public relations individual before stepping to the podium. Doc made the point that it is not uncommon to change out te, ol, dl, and other positions during the game with less than two minutes in a game that is common but unheard of for a qb in the last two minutes of a game to be fair to the John Thompson Show.


The link to the Sports Reporter


the link to the John Thompson Show

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Did people read the entire article? Had I just skimmed through it I would have thought the main point was race...it wasn't. Though it was very idiotic of him to mention it at all in the 1st place. Makes things more awkward and next thing you know...people will backlash against McNabb as if he wrote this article

The part that grabbed me though was the Father-Son dynamic...saying that if Kyle doesn't like McNabb, instead of Mike being a mediator how is McNabb supposed to win against either of them? It kind of makes things sketchy and it's a reasonable question in terms of whether the father-son thing is affecting the way this is playing out

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Sorry, but I totally disagree.

There are plenty of racism issues in the world that the general public wants to ignore because people want to believe that racism died with the Civil Rights movement and they're completely and totally unaware of the institutional racism that occurs every day in our society. They aren't aware of how segregated this country is, and think that because there are laws in place that are supposed to protect against discrimination that it doesn't happen.

Whitlock is a Jessie Jackson. An ambulance chaser in the world of race issues. He tries to bring race into EVERY argument and tries to pass it off as being out of the box. There are some issues where I'm sure he's made good points but the reality is most of his writing is bull****. Add the fact that he tries to act all "hood" on twitter when he clearly can communicate via his column in perfect English and I give you Jason Whitlock in a nut-shell: A fat, black guy that wishes he was cool enough to hang out with the athletes and idolizes rappers and the stereotypical ghetto mentality in one part of his life and tries to be an intellectual black man that rants and raves about how racist society is in the rest of his life.

Pathetic. He's literally the worst kind of person. A person that disrespects the real issues that African-Americans face on a regular basis by spewing this bull**** all over the internet week in and week out.

Its difficult to express how angry this truly makes me in this thread because its a Stadium thread and these issues really belong in the Tailgate. I'm probably more liberal on the issue of race and racism than most, so some would presume that I'm on Whitlock's side but I really couldn't possibly hate him more.


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Every day I'm becoming more and more disgusted with all these media outlets and their opinions of this situation.

Yes, I said opinions, because there isn't a shred of journalism going on here. Pathetic. Whatever happened to honest reporting that left it up to the reader to decide? Now they feel they should tell us our opinion for us. It's the same thing with ESPN. I could barely sit there and watch these clowns talk about how McNabb is out and JaMarcus Russell is in.

What a bunch of goons. Report the facts and leave your ****amamie thoughts out of it. You're not journalists, so cut the ****.

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