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We only have the MLE and BAE to spend in free agency this summer. And only have Nene's contract, some TPEs, and future draft picks as viable trade assets. What do you expect us to do?

The team isn't compromising anything for Durant next summer. All of our core pieces are under contract or team control long term already. Preserving the cap space to sign him means we'll have the cap space to sign anyone next summer if he doesn't come here. And we'll have the season toto see how he recovers from his injury before his free agency.

There really is no downside in keeping max room for next summer. Truly the only player decision effected by it is Seraphin. Either he signs here for a reasonable, affordable MLE type deal. Or he signs somewhere else for a foolish overpay. I don't view letting him walk because his price tag sucked as a bad outcome.

Wouldn't mind signing David West for the MLE either. He's a classy player with good leadership qualities and he's hungry to win.

Edited by stevemcqueen1
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They aren't exactly betting the farm on one guy though.  A lot of guys just don't want to come here and there's pretty much nothing management can do about that.  Wall, Beal and Porter is one hell of a nucleus if they play the same way they did in the playoffs. But the reality is the franchise has waited this long and one more year to at least see if we can get Durant is more than worth it.  


I don't understand...how is what you just outlined not betting the farm on one guy?  Porter played well in the postseason but I don't think anyone should write him in as a sure thing.  You're right, its a great nucleus if they do play like they did in the postseason, though.  


Guys not wanting to come here is an excuse.  Pierce wanted to come here.  Historically this is a bad franchise and it's not in one of the NBA's big sexy markets like LA or NYC.  But it can change, look at what Dallas has become over the years.  They have a dynamic owner who isn't afraid to spend and treat his players well.  Suddenly, it's a destination.  San Antonio has had a great run despite being a place that isn't a major media market.  They've kept a core nucleus together for a long time.  


Just today, apparently LaMarcus Aldridge wasn't impressed with the Lakers pitch.  Durant stayed in OKC.  There are guys out there that'll want to play in off the beaten path cities.  The Wiz just have to try a little harder and get more creative than most.  


Anyway, I'd stay away from Durant and his foot.  Too risky.

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I wonder if West would take the MLE? Huge paycut from what he was set to make before opting out. But it's all we can offer him. Winning is his first priority, so what are his options? Clippers and Cavs are both out. Atlanta is out. Chicago has too many PFs already. The Raptors aren't a better option to win than we are and I don't think they have any money. Not sure Houston is a good fit. Memphis just signed Brandan Wright with their MLE. Portland is about to take a major step back. Dallas might too. SA isn't interested in him. Neither is Golden State as far as I can tell. OKC can't afford him and doesn't have a rotation spot for him.

I really feel like we're his best option to play for a winner. But it'd have to be for the MLE, and we'd have to figure out what in the Hell to do with Nene.

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If guys don't want to play here it's management's job to find out why and change that. That's precisely what a GM is paid to do. If the GM can't, or he's the reason they won't come here, the owner needs to fire him and hire someone who guys do want to play for.

The wizards aren't beggars. They've won a playoff series two years in a row, both against higher ranked teams. We didn't beat the 7th or 8th seeds.

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Do you still take a shot at Durant if he's hobbled with the same foot injury this year?

If the doctors say he's fine, of course. If he's hurt all year again due to it then maybe I'd be a bit apprehensive but honestly I'd still most likely take the chance.

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I think it's plainly obvious that the Wiz are all in for Durant.

Am I the only one concerned about Durants injury? Is it his foot or knee?? I saw on PTI a few months ago where both Mikes were talking about how it can be a potentially BAD injury. Anyone familiar with his injury?

Edited by LetMeSeeYourWarFace21
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Why would we want David west? Nene is the same player, same build, same everything.

We should be trying to grab mirza over anyone else.

Nene needs to go. He's a drag on the team, he is always hurt, and he was a disaster in the postseason. I'd be trying to trade him this summer.

I'd want West because he's easily one of the best players you could get for the MLE. He's still good and he would replace some of the leadership we lost with Pierce leaving.

West is a lot better that Teletovic.

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Wiz found out at same time rest about Pierce. Werent willing to invest more $ and years in a 38 yo #WizardsTalk @CSNWizards #NBA




To be clear, 2nd yr in offer to Pierce = team option. Theyre set on being under cap so basically a 1 yr deal #WizardsTalk #NBA @CSNWizards


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Pierce isn't worth investing 3 years long term into. Yes he was great in the playoffs(not good, GREAT), but people forget how lousy he was for most of the 2nd half of the season. He's only going to decline more.


Fact is, if we want a title, we have to land Durant. Nobody else is on Lebron's tier as a player and if we don't get someone on that tier, we have no chance of beating him in the playoffs(unlikely we'll be able to build a team the way the Warriors did).


Our best bet is to try to win 45-50 games again next year with this current core, and then go all in on Durant, convincing him that he could be the cog that takes us to a ring and pushing the fact that winning a title in his hometown would make him God for life here.

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Pierce definitely had to be on a one year deal.  If he was only planning to play one more season, then it made sense for him to come back here.  But if he wanted to play longer, then he wasn't going to be able to do it here.  We have Otto, we just drafted Oubre, and we're trying to sign Durant.

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I was looking through the comments section of the link I posted and came across this convo. 


The bolded part of J Michael's response is what I've suspected all along.



Rajat Garg:


At what point does this pursuit of Durant actually become a detriment? This team isn't that far away from contending in the weaker Eastern conference. Yet, they have essentially placed all of their eggs in the Durant basket, so to speak. What happens if he doesn't come?? At this point, I would guess the odds aren't in the Wizards favor.

J Michael:

@Rajat You make a plan and you see it through. You don't change it every 5 minutes because of a whim. I mention the Sacramento Kings for a reason. That's what a franchise looks like when they have no direction. .... The Wizards know already that Durant has them in their top 2 destinations if he leaves OKC. No one can say anything publicly b/c it would result in a massive fine for "tampering." So you plan to land him -- and you always have a plan b, c & d in case you don't -- but the fact is you have your core of Wall, Beal, Porter & Gortat under contract when he's a FA. And you have a massive amount of cash to throw at him. ... The Wizards planned on Ariza returning, he didn't. So Pierce was their Plan B. Not a bad Plan B at all. They got him, benefited greatly from him, didn't tie themselves up long term in the process. I'd say the plan they've instituted has worked so far. There's only detriment if you set a plan of this nature in place for KD and then start spending money carelessly to handicap yourself in what you're able to offer in 2016

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Why are people complaining about the whole Durant situation.


We aren't "close" to be contenders in the east.. we are contenders in the east. Beal/Wall/Porter all coming back again and probably better. 


We lost in 6 to the Hawks in very close games basically without Wall.


Durant is a top 2 player in the game, probably the best scorer in the game and is a real possibility to sign with us. Of course we should go for him... if we lose out.. oh well. We have Porter and Oubre still here with a good amount of cap space to go get someone else of need.


For this year I'd like to try and use the execeptions on guys like Watson and Belinelli if possible. And also try and Sign Biyombo to cheap deal.


Thank the lord that Nene is gone after this next season I hate his contract.

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It is my opinion the Wizards made the trade for Oubre with KD's blessing. They are making the moves to make this team more attractive to him in 2016. I think we are already the frontrunner to land him considering Wall is a better fit at PG for his game than Westbrook. 

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#Wizards & Bradley Beal's camp have begun discussion about an extension, I'm told. I spoke to Beal today and he believes he's a max player.

He's not a max player today, but he will probably get paid like one. In my book, there probably shouldn't be more than five max players in the entire NBA. Then again, I think of max players in the way I do franchise players. Not every team has one and those that truly are that great are a rarity.

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