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Couldn't agree more ren. Ridiculous.

World class player. World class headache.

The ball for the first equaliser and the headed equaliser were top drawer. Then there's the penalty and the bite which will get ALL the headlines and rightly so. I doubt he leaves '74.unless someone offers stupid money. His talent far out weighs his descetions.

But this latest one needs the club to come down hard on him before the FA act.


Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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I just don't even understand the thought process for biting someone. Slapping or punching or even headbutting, sure. But biting? Are you 3?

Zero impulse control and not the first time he has done it. Not to mention the racial stuff last year. Great player, horrible person. Something like that deserves a lifetime ban.

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dude Luis first punching this week now biting. Jeez man. Self control.


Sidenote: Someone drop a piano on me. I'm starting to like Barca. I blame hours of using them online and building my ultimate team with tiki taka style using mainly Barca players. I'm sickened with myself. No way I could support that club especially with my Manchester United fandom ( Doesn't really affect my Dortmund supporting)

Edited by RichmondRedskin88
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On a positive note, Sturridge looked fantastic when he was inserted in the game. As a Liverpool fan, I will not defend his actions, but I will always marvel at his abilities. I will defend him against the trumped up Evra charges and subsequent witch hunt after, but not for this latest incident.

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I doubt he leaves '74.unless someone offers stupid money. His talent far out weighs his descetions.

The board may have to accept some financial loss and ship him out on the cheap.

His first ban for biting was 7 games in Holland.

This one would have to be for more than that. Probably does him for the first month / month and a half of next season given the FA want his head on a stick already. Your season's usually over by October so what the point of keeping him...........


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Puts the club in a terrible position.

Fully expect the FA to ban him for the rest of this season, and a large chunk of next. 7 games when he bit the lad in Holland. 9 for the Evra B/S. ( As noted above, that was utter B/S and the media witch hunt was a complete disgrace.). They'll go to town and it will be Glenn ****erill-esq. Certainly double figures.

You sell him now, people know why and his price drops.

Real difficult position for the club but they defo need to act and act fast.


Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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Puts the club in a terrible position.

Fully expect the FA to ban him for the rest of this season, and a large chunk of next. 7 games when he bit the lad in Holland. 9 for the Evra B/S. ( As noted above, that was utter B/S and the media witch hunt was a complete disgrace.). They'll go to town and it will be Glenn ****erill-esq. Certainly double figures.

You sell him now, people know why and his price drops.

Real difficult position for the club but they defo need to act and act fast.


Witch hunt? Sure lets give the nut job that bites someone on a football pitch during a world wide televised game the benefit of the doubt. I suppose Ivanovic had just git bitten by a snake and Suarez was trying to suck the poison out. Maybe he'll even try the this is acceptable in Uruguay cop out again.

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Witch hunt? Sure lets give the nut job that bites someone on a football pitch during a world wide televised game the benefit of the doubt. I suppose Ivanovic had just git bitten by a snake and Suarez was trying to suck the poison out. Maybe he'll even try the this is acceptable in Uruguay cop out again.

I'm gonna' refrain from jumping on you and let you re-read my post/ s and the incident I was referring to.


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In this week of all weeks when the club yet again acts with complete dignity, he goes and does that.

Absolutely disgusted. Can't defend that in any shape or form.


Dude has just been completely off his rocker this week. His actions keep getting worst and he's disgracing the entire Liverpool name.


I'm shocked you didn't take any shot at my Barca post lol.

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Well at least the PR is improving at Anfield. Tonight's response to the disgraceful scenes this avvi:

Luis Suarez:

'I am deeply sorry for my inexcusable behaviour earlier today during our match against Chelsea.

I have issued an apology and have tried to contact Branislav Ivanovic to speak to him personally. I apologise also to my manager, playing colleagues and everyone at Liverpool Football Club for letting them down.'

Ian Ayre (Managing Director):

'Luis has made an unreserved apology for his actions today.

His behaviour is not befitting of any player wearing a Liverpool shirt and Luis is aware that he let himself and everyone associated with the club down. We will deal with the matter internally and await any action from the FA.'

Brendan Rodgers (Liverpool manager):

'Having reviewed the video footage and spoken to Luis, his behaviour is unacceptable and I have made him aware of this.'

Good, positive, swift response from the club. I'd personally like them to go further and shut down Luis' season before the FA inevitably acts. Liverpool FC is still as big as any club on the planet that you care to mention, with a global reputation to match and uphold. Today's indefensible, inexcusable disgrace needs dealing with to the fullest.

But that's a good start from all concerned.


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Not sure what the big deal is. Suarez didn't even break skin. In most cultures that's considered foreplay.

Well combine his biting antics with punching a player in the face in a WCQ this week. Plus Liverpool has too much history to support that junk. I mean fans will always do stupid things(GHH I'm talking about all fans here. Liverpool and Utd fans have done stupid/classless things including to each other) but you can't have players consistently doing dirty things. Especially if you are trying to make it known to the football world you are class organization. Liverpool is in position right now where its trying to start over from the youth to inside the organization itself. It's been doing a decent job and everytime Luis pulls this stuff it brings negative attention which overshadow the good things they are doing. If Rooney,Hernandez,etc ever got this way I'd want him shipped out(Rooney does some very dumb things but he doesn't go out of his to act like a punk).

sidenote: I hope it wasn't foreplay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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That is a beautifully worked free kick above. Nice to see some team actually working on something on the training ground.

Not enough of that these days.


At the risk of sounding like Alan Hansen (who I actually really like) it was also absolutely disgraceful defending. First the lack of awareness by the what I asume is the full back not to close down the Spurs wide player, then half the City defence play a high line while the other half drop off, then its a game of statues as everyone in a City shirt watches the ball as it passes by and finally no one reacts to the far post run. Truly awful.

On the Suarez incident - it was a disgrace and he should (and will) get a long ban but I dont think Liverpool should unload him. He is the one truly world class player they have and if they try to sell him now they will get low-balled on whatever offers they get. Keep him to the end of next season, see how he behaves when he gets back and I think then at the end of that season they might get offers from Spain for him and they should cash in then.

Edited by MartinC
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Interesting you should mention current Utd players Richmond. And I aren't turning this into a Liverpool/ United thing. I think I've been scathing enough on Suarez and still am today.

Just as I was thinking of comparable incidents and two that sprung to mind as equally disgusting and indefensible were Cantona attacking a fan; and Keane openly going out to end Haalands career, then standing over him after he did him screaming abuse as his victim rived in agony with a shattered leg.

As these were both in you're supporting lifetime, did you want those two out of the club or support them Out of pure interest?


*Edit* In reality Martin, I don't think we'd take too much of a loss if we were to move him on. (Which I'd be all for as happens.). He's the top striker in Europe over the past year. Top of the group just behind Messi and Ronaldo. Put him on the open market, and they'll be a slew of major clubs offering major money and ignoring his character. World class talent is always a leveller.

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