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PRESS RELEASE & ESPN 980: Colt Brennan Cut!! (AKA The Cut Of Colt) (MET)


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Colt and Beck came out the same time. Shannahan must like how the Ravens develop players more then the Redskins.

One was evaluated and found wanting. Now the other will probably go through the same.

The one thing in common is zorn was the last to work with both before shanahan. Beck has just had less time to be corrupted.

Look, its obvious you are young and pretty naive. We all were once. Let it go before you get a vacation.

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Colt and Beck came out the same time. Shannahan must like how the Ravens develop players more then the Redskins.

Shanahan has been quoted saying he liked Beck in college... he's been watching for some time, and finally had a chance to snag him

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Well someone has to fill the 3rd string spot, and I'm not sure how anyone can say who it'll be.

Beck has the advantage in my opinion only because Shanahan seems to like him. From what I've read, all the QB's have looked kinda crappy so far.

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Well someone has to fill the 3rd string spot, and I'm not sure how anyone can say who it'll be.

Beck has the advantage in my opinion only because Shanahan seems to like him. From what I've read, all the QB's have looked kinda crappy so far.

Since I'm in Utah, just read this on Beck.


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This thread will probably be closed after all the haters have gone on to hating other things.

This kind of post just perpatuates the animosity. Sometimes you just gotta rise above it. That goes for both sides. The guy is gone. The time has come and gone for pot shots.

The Cultists have to stop portraying him as some sort of super star QB who just hasn't been given a fair shake and the people who feel like he's right where he should be have to stop beating the guy up.

Lets just move on.

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This kind of post just perpatuates the animosity. Sometimes you just gotta rise above it. That goes for both sides. The guy is gone. The time has come and gone for pot shots.

The Cultists have to stop portraying him as some sort of super star QB who just hasn't been given a fair shake and the people who feel like he's right where he should be have to stop beating the guy up.

Lets just move on.

Thank you AR, that schtick is getting quite old. Best of luck to those that have gone, and those that still remain. Peace out!

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I'm a firm believer if Colt didn't get hurt last year he would of easily had the opportunity to start. While JC's numbers looked solid on paper, the team wasn't winning. It was a Donny5 type deal vs the Ravens. Walrus pulled Donny5 during the Ravens game and I think it was like 10-3. CB would of played the San Diego game.....Well never know but the haters even should be wishing him luck. Like him or not, just like JC, I will make it a point to watch the Raiders this year and watch a game if CB is given an opportunity. I won't be watching the Raiders to watch them fail either....

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You know maybe its just my thinking, but I think AR just makes a very good point:

Sometimes you just gotta rise above it. That goes for both sides. The guy is gone. The time has come and gone for pot shots.

Players come and go, thats a part of professional football, and anybody that wants to continue the animosity of consistently referring to their Redskins brothers/sisters as "haters", well maybe they should just move on.

Otherwise, accept the reality that no single member of this board has participated in the negotiations of any single person being considered for, or against, participation as a player of the Washington Redskins, regardless of there circumstances, and therefore such animosity has no place here.



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Players come and go. But none like Colt Brennan. 3rd string QB's that draw that much excitement on a team are few and far between

Yes, but only because these kinds of obsessive, irrational fans are few and far between.

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Well Iam sorry to tell you but you are in the minority.

Is this the bizzaro-world? Since when do you and Koko "the hater" make the majority? It's almost a spectacle coming in here with you two and your strange fascination with a QB that wasn't good enough for the Redskins. I don't get it?

Here's a tip, did you know Colt has his own website?

http://coltbrennan5.com/ <---------PLEASE GO THERE

It even has a forum so you and Koko can take your creepy obsession in there! And why this isn't locked is beyond me. After JC got traded (who is leaps and bounds better than Colt....and that's not saying much) all threads with his name were moved asap. It's a train-wreck in here.

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