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PRESS RELEASE & ESPN 980: Colt Brennan Cut!! (AKA The Cut Of Colt) (MET)


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Is this the bizzaro-world? Since when do you and Koko-baby make the majority? It's almost a spectacle coming in here with you two and your strange fascination with a QB that wasn't good enough for the Redskins. I don't get it?

Here's a tip, did you know Colt has his own website?

http://coltbrennan5.com/ <---------PLEASE GO THERE

It even has a forum so you and Koko can take your creepy obsession in there! And why this isn't locked is beyond me. After JC got traded (who is leaps and bounds better than Colt....and that's not saying much) all threads with his name were moved asap. It's a train-wreck in here.

Well there is tons of redskins news and other threads. Why don't you go to them instead of this one.

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Well Iam sorry to tell you but you are in the minority.

Buddy, do you remember the big ass hourglass TK posted? Have you happened to notice the custom title under your screen name? Take a freaking hint and let it go or you're going to get banned.

This is extremeskins, not extremecoltbrennan. He's gone and ALL FURTHER DEBATE IS IRRELEVANT.

I'm trying to help you here, and that's not really my style, so take your need to advertise your mancrush elsewhere or stick around and move on to topics still relating to the Washington Redskins. Keep tempting them and they will drop the hammer on you.

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Well there is tons of redskins news and other threads. Why don't you go to them instead of this one.

Well, why don't you? Oh, I forgot....you don't care about the Redskins; pseudo-fan. Shaka and aloha to that. Chances are Colt is going to have to take a restraining order on you shortly anyhow.

http://coltbrennan5.com/ <-------------Your new home, go there.

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Who knew that a 3rd string QB with a horrible throwing motion would garner so much attention. Maybe he can join the new USFL team starting here in Norfolk so I can see what the hype is about in person.

Anyone who remembers Casey Bramlet... although I'm pretty sure he was a fourth stringer when ES' resident lunatics anointed him as the QB of the future :pfft:

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Anyone who remembers ***** *******... although I'm pretty sure he was a fourth stringer when ES' resident lunatics anointed him as the QB of the future :pfft:

You had to go and actually type his name out didn't you? Hopefully none of the weirdos from back in the day "heard" it.

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I don't care. The moderator can ban me. If they ban me for showing him the same appreciation he showed to the Redskins then I don't even want to be apart of this forum. I haven't even talked smack like some of these idiots. I really can say a lot more but I re-frame from it because I'am better then that. He's not even on another team yet.

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I don't care. The moderator can ban me. If they ban me for showing him the same appreciation he showed to the Redskins then I don't even want to be apart of this forum. I haven't even talked smack like some of these idiots. I really can say a lot more but I re-frame from it because I'am better then that. He's not even on another team yet.

"All too easy"

In parting, the point isn't the HE isn't on another team yet but rather that he is no longer on THIS team.

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I don't care. The moderator can ban me. If they ban me for showing him the same appreciation he showed to the Redskins then I don't even want to be apart of this forum. I haven't even talked smack like some of these idiots. I really can say a lot more but I re-frame from it because I'am better then that. He's not even on another team yet.

You wouldn't be banned because of the "appreciation". No one cares that you like Colt Brennan, although your obsession with him is...strange. You'd be banned for spamming threads with the garbage that are your posts.

Also, its "refrain". :)

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Mike Shanahan is going to cut or trade a number of players that some fans like and some fans, I guess, hate.

He certainly has started with the QB position, getting rid of Collins, and then Jason Campbell, a guy who cost us a first round, a third round, and a fourth round pick. We got a fourth round pick in 2012 for him. So, we will learn what that was worth in a couple of years. I really didn't see anybody complain about that.

There were a lot of Campbell fans who claimed that Campbell will excel with another team and that we will regret it. I hope they are right. It will be good for him, the NFL, some Redskin fans who like him and maybe even the Redskins.

Now, he has gotten rid of a sixth round pick, Brennan, and I really haven't seen anybody complain about that. With a thread with over 1,000,000 views, it is fair to believe that there are a lot of people who want the guy to make it. He was and is an underdog for sure.

As a season ticket holder for 33 years now, I can say that I put my money where my mouth is. Some of the most aggressive negative attack posters? Well I wonder if they truly support the Redskins.

They wouldn't last long in my section. I'll tell you why. A great friend of mine who has held seats in other sections and has sat in my seats many times tells me that there is no other section of more loyal Redskin fans in the entire stadium. I'll believe it, because we know that we have been instrumental in many victories. That is a fact.

Haters who come into our section? They learn what respect is all about pretty quickly.

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Mike Shanahan is going to cut or trade a number of players that some fans like and some fans, I guess, hate.

He certainly has started with the QB position, getting rid of Collins, and then Jason Campbell, a guy who cost us a first round, a third round, and a fourth round pick. We got a fourth round pick in 2012 for him. So, we will learn what that was worth in a couple of years. I really didn't see anybody complain about that.

There were a lot of Campbell fans who claimed that Campbell will excel with another team and that we will regret it. I hope they are right. It will be good for him, the NFL, some Redskin fans who like him and maybe even the Redskins.

Now, he has gotten rid of a sixth round pick, Brennan, and I really haven't seen anybody complain about that. With a thread with over 1,000,000 views, it is fair to believe that there were a lot of people who want the guy to make it. He was an underdog for sure.

As a season ticket holder for 33 years now, I can say that I put my money where my mouth is. Some of the most aggressive negative attack posters? Well I wonder if they truly support the Redskins.

They wouldn't last long in my section. I'll tell you why. A great friend of mine who has held seats in other sections and has sat in my seats many times tells me that there is no other section of more loyal Redskin fans in the entire stadium. I'll believe it, because we know that we have been instrumental in many victories. That is a fact.

Haters who come into our section? They learn what respect is all about pretty quickly.

And what does any of this have to do with the price of cat **** in China?

This is what I just read:

Not only am I an internet tough guy, but I think I'm a tough guy in real life too. And my friends and I are all bigger fans than you, which makes my opinion the only relevant one.
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As a season ticket holder for 33 years now, I can say that I put my money where my mouth is. Some of the most aggressive negative attack posters? Well I wonder if they truly support the Redskins.

I've seen you cite this, "I've been a season ticket holder for this many years" over and over and over again on this board, and I tried to ignore it. You can cite that all you want, but nobody but you actually believes it gives you any more insight or knowledge or passion about the team than anyone else. You cite it as if it makes you better than others at giving out your opinions, but it doesn't add anything to your point and it makes people take you less seriously.

As an addition, my family does own season tickets, but I know plenty of people who are just as big fans as I am that don't. And I don't go around using that to show why I'm a "better" fan than anyone else.

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I've seen you cite this, "I've been a season ticket holder for this many years" over and over and over again on this board, and I tried to ignore it. You can cite that all you want, but nobody but you actually believes it gives you any more insight or knowledge or passion about the team than anyone else. You cite it as if it makes you better than others at giving out your opinions, but it doesn't add anything to your point and it makes people take you less seriously.

As an addition, my family does own season tickets, but I know plenty of people who are just as big fans as I am that don't. And I don't go around using that to show why I'm a "better" fan than anyone else.

I appreciate your views. In fact, I agree with you.

Certainly, I have learned here that quoted text can be edited completely, have no truth whatsoever, and thusly fraudulent. (and, so you won't think I am referring to you personally, I am not.)

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Nope, Koko cites his 33yrs as a season ticket holder to give credence and credit. As a fan that has been blasted for being a new Redskins fan and only becoming one because of Colt, Koko's statement is clearly understood by me. I watched the Redskins before many of you were born and yet I've been literally flipped off by many of you because 1) I joined this board after Colt was drafted. 2) Because of my moniker HawaiianTime. It doesn't matter that I used to watch the Redskins back in '72, it doesn't matter that I was fan back then. I got no respect, same as many of you are giving Koko no respect for having been a season ticket holder for 33yrs. How foolish are you to not understand that Koko loves the Redskins that he will give his hard earned money to watch them. He didn't just buy a ticket here and there, he paid for the whole kit-n-kabootle. Maybe most of you are rich, but I'm not, so I can appreciate a long standing season ticket holder as a true supporter of the team. He not only voiced it, he backed it up with cold cash for 33yrs. He's not saying he's better. He's saying I'm a fan, not only in spirit, not only in voice, but he's a fan in body as well. A body in the stands through thick and thin. If you guys can't understand that, than it really is your loss, and a poor indication of where we stand today.

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Nope, Koko cites his 33yrs as a season ticket holder to give credence and credit. As a fan that has been blasted for being a new Redskins fan and only becoming one because of Colt, Koko's statement is clearly understood by me. I watched the Redskins before many of you were born and yet I've been literally flipped off by many of you because 1) I joined this board after Colt was drafted. 2) Because of my moniker HawaiianTime. It doesn't matter that I used to watch the Redskins back in '72, it doesn't matter that I was fan back then. I got no respect, same as many of you are giving Koko no respect for having been a season ticket holder for 33yrs. How foolish are you to not understand that Koko loves the Redskins that he will give his hard earned money to watch them. He didn't just buy a ticket here and there, he paid for the whole kit-n-kabootle. Maybe most of you are rich, but I'm not, so I can appreciate a long standing season ticket holder as a true supporter of the team. He not only voiced it, he backed it up with cold cash for 33yrs. He's not saying he's better. He's saying I'm a fan, not only in spirit, not only in voice, but he's a fan in body as well. A body in the stands through thick and thin. If you guys can't understand that, than it really is your loss, and a poor indication of where we stand today.

All of this is true, and to be respected. Unfortunately, with the tone of his posts, he DOES tout this as a reason why his opinion should be respected more. And as such, it has the opposite effect, just as terp says.

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You wouldn't be banned because of the "appreciation". No one cares that you like Colt Brennan, although your obsession with him is...strange. You'd be banned for spamming threads with the garbage that are your posts.

Also, its "refrain". :)

You know you secretly love Colt. Thats why you continue to follow this thread. Dont worry its alright. I know.

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They wouldn't last long in my section. I'll tell you why. A great friend of mine who has held seats in other sections and has sat in my seats many times tells me that there is no other section of more loyal Redskin fans in the entire stadium. I'll believe it, because we know that we have been instrumental in many victories. That is a fact.

I'm not doubting your loyalty but what a hoot. I've played sports and when you're out there on the field and concentrating on the game, the last thing you hear is the cheering of any specific section of a 91,000 seat stadium. But for you to think that you and your group have been instrumental in many victories is not only arrogant, it's i44q49.jpg

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I'm not doubting your loyalty but what a hoot. I've played sports and when you're out there on the field and concentrating on the game, the last thing you is the cheering of any specific section of a 91,000 seat stadium. But to think that you and your group have been instrumental in many victories is not only arrogant, it's i44q49.jpg

We just try to ignore these posts, pretend they never happenned. Kind of like the Zorn years...

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You know you secretly love Colt. Thats why you continue to follow this thread. Dont worry its alright. I know.

No, that's really pretty far from the truth. Its guys like YOU that keep me coming back to this thread, buddy :ols:

Discuss this?

QB John Beck. Made a few nice throws, though one was helped by a major defensive breakdown. Still, he’s starting to get comfortable. He hit Brandon Banks on a go-route down the right side (Banks dusted Ramzee Robinson) for a score. He also rolled to his right and found Lee Vickers with a sidearm toss; there was a narrow window and he squeezed it in. Beck definitely missed on some throws, but considering when he came here, he’s doing fine. Better than Colt Brennan, that’s for sure.

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My question is why would the Raiders sign two of the nicest guys in the NFL to be their Qb's. Looks like they are turning over a new leaf:)

Maybe Colt knows something we dont know. He could actually beat out JC on level playing field. hmmmm.....Hope this doesnt bite us in the ass.

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