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Jesse Jackson "defends" Lebron's honor.


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I definitely don't deny or begrudge Jesse his past accomplishments. Over the last 15 years though, he's transformed himself into a cartoon character. He's now the boy who cried wolf so every time he comes out with some outrageous statement like this people just laugh at him or completely ignore him.

It's unfortunate because there are so many positive things he could still be accomplishing but instead he's rendered himself pretty much irrelevant.

Exactly the way i feel about it.

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It is unfortunate , to say the least, that Jesse Jackson has once again invented racial overtones from his deluded mind.

Unfortunate, because when real racism does rear it's ugly head, many people, tired of the race card, will tune him and others like him out.

Jackson has become not only irrelevant in our day, but perhaps even more sadly, a victim of that which he has tried to champion during his lifetime-- a bigot in his own right.

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"He speaks as an owner of LeBron and not the owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers," the reverend said in a release from his Chicago-based civil rights group, the Rainbow PUSH Coalition. "His feelings of betrayal personify a slave master mentality. He sees LeBron as a runaway slave. This is an owner employee relationship -- between business partners -- and LeBron honored his contract."

Man, if I was Lebron I'd be like "Please don't defend me Jesse. I'm doing alright by myself." At this point Jesse is nothing but a caricature. Does anyone really take this guy seriously anymore?

I am offended by this statement. Jesse went to war with this country so it could live up to the creed we proudly put in the face of others. He saw Martin Luther King gunned down because he went against the ideals of a class system. Jesse is going to be remembered as a civil rights LEADER. He did something, he made a difference. Respect that!

I have said that Jesse is like Jim Brown. They are from an era that I can only dream about in my nightmares. They forged away for people that came after them. They feel they invested in the future by the way they conducted their lives.

With that said the athlete has been treated like a slave. They are used up and thrown away, only to pop up on ESPN. There is no other profession in the world that employment last from 21 to 35, leaves you with injuries. In the NFL the average life span is up to 55. I mean all athleles whther black or white. We watch them, wtahc them get old, then throw them away. Owners get enormous revenues from athletes like LeBron, and his like. It's a business. Don't treat them like boys. they are men, and can make decisions that are in their best interest, just like every enterprise, corporation, etc.

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With that said the athlete has been treated like a slave. They are used up and thrown away, only to pop up on ESPN. There is no other profession in the world that employment last from 21 to 35, leaves you with injuries. In the NFL the average life span is up to 55. I mean all athleles whther black or white. We watch them, wtahc them get old, then throw them away. Owners get enormous revenues from athletes like LeBron, and his like. It's a business. Don't treat them like boys. they are men, and can make decisions that are in their best interest, just like every enterprise, corporation, etc.

If they're getting "thrown away" I've been in the dumpster for a very long time now.

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Jesse Jackson just needs to stay out of this. That is the most ignorant statement I think I've ever heard.

Yeeks... what a dumb way to view this. I view it more like a spurned lover personally.
I liken Jesse's remarks to those that speak of sports in terms of going to war. It's an insult to the memory of those that actually suffered and toiled in slavery.

All of the above. Plus, Jackson has now helped Gilbert by making him a 'victim' with his comments.

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As funny and silly as it all is... the fact is JAmes made the Cleveland owner a $h** load of money over 7 years. I enjoyed his scathing letter but the dude should have showed some class and thanked James for the 7 years and bags of cash.

Poor Cleveland. F'd again.

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As funny and silly as it all is... the fact is JAmes made the Cleveland owner a $h** load of money over 7 years. I enjoyed his scathing letter but the dude should have showed some class and thanked James for the 7 years and bags of cash.

Poor Cleveland. F'd again.

Not to mention, this knuckle head owner (not too long ago) was on his knees begging for LBJ to sign back with Cleveland. If LBJ was so bad, then why would you want him on your team. Hind sight isn't only 20/20, it can also be very hypocritical.

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Not to mention, this knuckle head owner (not too long ago) was on his knees begging for LBJ to sign back with Cleveland. If LBJ was so bad, then why would you want him on your team. Hind sight isn't only 20/20, it can also be very hypocritical.

Yup. He probably was on his knees that very afternoon, and then wrote that letter later that evening when he "suddenly" discovered that LeBaby is a self centered egomaniac. If Gilbert didn't already know that after dealing with James for 7 years then he got what he deserved: nothing.

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I am offended by this statement. Jesse went to war with this country so it could live up to the creed we proudly put in the face of others. He saw Martin Luther King gunned down because he went against the ideals of a class system. Jesse is going to be remembered as a civil rights LEADER. He did something, he made a difference. Respect that!

I have said that Jesse is like Jim Brown. They are from an era that I can only dream about in my nightmares. They forged away for people that came after them. They feel they invested in the future by the way they conducted their lives.

With that said the athlete has been treated like a slave. They are used up and thrown away, only to pop up on ESPN. There is no other profession in the world that employment last from 21 to 35, leaves you with injuries. In the NFL the average life span is up to 55. I mean all athleles whther black or white. We watch them, wtahc them get old, then throw them away. Owners get enormous revenues from athletes like LeBron, and his like. It's a business. Don't treat them like boys. they are men, and can make decisions that are in their best interest, just like every enterprise, corporation, etc.

Jesse may have done some great things in the past but he is a joke now. His actions are laughable and so is this post. Now Mel Gibson on the other hand... everybody needs to leave that man alone. He made Braveheart people. BRAVEHEART!!!

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With that said the athlete has been treated like a slave. They are used up and thrown away, only to pop up on ESPN. There is no other profession in the world that employment last from 21 to 35, leaves you with injuries. In the NFL the average life span is up to 55. I mean all athleles whther black or white. We watch them, wtahc them get old, then throw them away. Owners get enormous revenues from athletes like LeBron, and his like. It's a business. Don't treat them like boys. they are men, and can make decisions that are in their best interest, just like every enterprise, corporation, etc.

If that's what you want to believe, OK.

That's great what he did 45 years ago. But that was 45 years ago. We actually did in fact pass the Civil Rights Act, we did elect a non-white President and most members of society don't like to associate with legitimately racist people.

Why does he feel the need to interject race into every damn issue? It takes away from what he and others did 45 years ago.

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With that said the athlete has been treated like a slave. They are used up and thrown away, only to pop up on ESPN. There is no other profession in the world that employment last from 21 to 35, leaves you with injuries. In the NFL the average life span is up to 55. I mean all athleles whther black or white. We watch them, wtahc them get old, then throw them away. Owners get enormous revenues from athletes like LeBron, and his like. It's a business. Don't treat them like boys. they are men, and can make decisions that are in their best interest, just like every enterprise, corporation, etc.

You had some nice points until you got to the above post.

As for being "thrown away," pro sports in the USA pay enough between these ages to keep you stable for life. It's what you do with your money during that time that determines whether you are a man or a boy. Just ask Antoine Walker.

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boobie, you and Jesse Jackson both insult the memories of slaves and diminish the hardship they faced by comparing them to professional athletes whose contracts pay them millions and millions of dollars. A family of four could get a week's worth of groceries on one NBA player's daily travel per diem meal allowance.

So let's retire the slave metaphor when referring to NBA players.

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Seems that whenever Rev. Jackson enters the public arena , people already have ideas on this subject and love to blow him out of the water. Yet when Rush, Levin ,Beck and others speak on the LeBron situation there is nary a mumble. The slave reference is an analogy thats used by the Black community that in esssence states that no matter how how high one reaches in American society you'll be brought down to Earth .....quickly.

America likes its Black athletes humble ,docile and happy to be here.oh, and keep that smile on your face at all times.

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Seems that whenever Rev. Jackson enters the public arena , people already have ideas on this subject and love to blow him out of the water. Yet when Rush, Levin ,Beck and others speak on the LeBron situation there is nary a mumble. The slave reference is an analogy thats used by the Black community that in esssence states that no matter how how high one reaches in American society you'll be brought down to Earth .....quickly.

America likes its Black athletes humble ,docile and happy to be here.oh, and keep that smile on your face at all times.

What did Rush, Levin, and Beck say about LeBron?

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