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Jesse Jackson "defends" Lebron's honor.


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Because there is some truth to it. People here don't think outside the box. What Jackson said has nothing to do with money.

Except money makes all the difference between a slave and a non slave.

Jesse's comparison is off base, it paints the Cavaliers owner as a racist, and there's no evidence of that at all. His letter was not about him losing LeBron, it was about him trying to fire up his fan base so he doesn't lose season ticket sales now that his star attraction is gone. And there was quite a bit of anger, to be sure, but none of it was in any way racially motivated, or "Slave-ownership" motivated.(However, it was hilarious, at that. What a mess.)

If we are to thinbk outside the box, then you must consider the sports franchise owner's position. He's in show business, and he had a star under contract, paid him extremely well, and lost him fairly in a situation where the athlete (slave??) dictated the terms of how much he got and where he went.

Jackson has injected race into a situation that had none of it, and the box you guys are talking about is the one Jesse has fabricated.

i wonder, did he make the same gripes when Will Smith got to the point where he could choose his roles rather than fulfilling a studio contract?

Did he feel this way when James Earl Jones transcended his contemporaries and became a star of the stage and began making films of his own choosing?

Did he view Barry Gordy as a slaveowner when he owned the contracts of all the Motown stars?

Hell no he didn't, and there isn't a lick of difference between any of them. All Jesse has proven is that he sees this because the owner of the Cavs is white. He has contrived every bit of it in his own mind. And people who do that.. well, we know what they are.

LeBron James personifies the American success story. His ability and talent have given him absolute freedom, more than any of us enjoy.


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Seems that whenever Rev. Jackson enters the public arena , people already have ideas on this subject and love to blow him out of the water. Yet when Rush, Levin ,Beck and others speak on the LeBron situation there is nary a mumble. The slave reference is an analogy thats used by the Black community that in esssence states that no matter how how high one reaches in American society you'll be brought down to Earth .....quickly.

America likes its Black athletes humble ,docile and happy to be here.oh, and keep that smile on your face at all times.

People love to blow him out of the water because he's a publicity grabbing jackass and because he makes stupid, ridiculous, racist statements that only end up making things much worse.

And as for your last sentence.


How is that different from anyone else?

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If that's what you want to believe, OK.

That's great what he did 45 years ago. But that was 45 years ago. We actually did in fact pass the Civil Rights Act, we did elect a non-white President and most members of society don't like to associate with legitimately racist people.

Why does he feel the need to interject race into every damn issue? It takes away from what he and others did 45 years ago.

He, and I are afriad people your age will forget about the struggle. This country has a funny way to make you forget about hsitory. Most peole don't know about "Black Wall Street", or the Oklahoma Race Riots. Race is the unerlying conudrum pertaining to this country. It's going to be that way. Whether you are black, white, jew, german, hispannis, asian, etc., each culture has dealt with oppression. This country is suppose to be a haven from such things, and until it is, we will keep fighting, and men atuned to that struggle, like Jesse, Al Sharpton, Jim Brown, etc. will continue to voice their opinion. I am all for it. I know this is off the point, but I feel the best days for this country is ahead of it. We built an empire on the ideals of liberty. And the struggle continues.

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He, and I are afriad people your age will forget about the struggle. This country has a funny way to make you forget about hsitory. Most peole don't know about "Black Wall Street", or the Oklahoma Race Riots. Race is the unerlying conudrum pertaining to this country. It's going to be that way. Whether you are black, white, jew, german, hispannis, asian, etc., each culture has dealt with oppression. This country is suppose to be a haven from such things, and until it is, we will keep fighting, and men atuned to that struggle, like Jesse, Al Sharpton, Jim Brown, etc. will continue to voice their opinion. I am all for it. I know this is off the point, but I feel the best days for this country is ahead of it. We built an empire on the ideals of liberty. And the struggle continues.

So a way to remind people of something that happened over 150 years ago is to compare athletes that make 7 figures and have the world in the palm of their hand to slaves who had to work hard for no wages and were beaten? Yeah NBA players now have it so hard...

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He, and I are afriad people your age will forget about the struggle. This country has a funny way to make you forget about hsitory. Most peole don't know about "Black Wall Street", or the Oklahoma Race Riots. Race is the unerlying conudrum pertaining to this country. It's going to be that way. Whether you are black, white, jew, german, hispannis, asian, etc., each culture has dealt with oppression. This country is suppose to be a haven from such things, and until it is, we will keep fighting, and men atuned to that struggle, like Jesse, Al Sharpton, Jim Brown, etc. will continue to voice their opinion. I am all for it. I know this is off the point, but I feel the best days for this country is ahead of it. We built an empire on the ideals of liberty. And the struggle continues.

If they forget about the struggle, there won't be any need for it anymore.

Sorry, Jesse fanned his own flames here.

One thing I notice about today's youth as opposed to my own generation and the one before me,, they DO want to get past this stuff. They are more accepting than we were before them as we were more accepting than our parents before us.

It keeps being thrown in their face, and it isn't necessary. This comment by Jesse isn't a teaching moment for the struggle. It's an accusation that is baseless. Nothing more.

All struggles always continue. You're never ever going to convert people to any way of thinking 100%. There's communists in America. real ones, not phony baloney political jabs. There will always be racists. There will always be nazis. There will always be satanists. There will always be people who believe the friggin' earth is FLAT for pete's sake. (Don't believe me? Here's a Flat Earth forum with over 11,000 members discussing it right now)

All Jesse does by saying this is pick at a scab. He's not telling any sort of truth. He's created a notion that heretofore did not exist in this story.


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He, and I are afriad people your age will forget about the struggle. This country has a funny way to make you forget about hsitory. Most peole don't know about "Black Wall Street", or the Oklahoma Race Riots. Race is the unerlying conudrum pertaining to this country. It's going to be that way. Whether you are black, white, jew, german, hispannis, asian, etc., each culture has dealt with oppression. This country is suppose to be a haven from such things, and until it is, we will keep fighting, and men atuned to that struggle, like Jesse, Al Sharpton, Jim Brown, etc. will continue to voice their opinion. I am all for it. I know this is off the point, but I feel the best days for this country is ahead of it. We built an empire on the ideals of liberty. And the struggle continues.

The point here is that any time race is injected into a situation where it doesn't belong(see Bang's comments above for a good synopsis), it cheapens the the awareness of that true struggle. There are plenty of instances where racism is real and these guys can have a true positive impact but when they say things like this just to get a rise out of people it takes away from those real instances.

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"His feelings of betrayal personify a slave master mentality. He sees LeBron as a runaway slave. This is an owner employee relationship -- between business partners -- and LeBron honored his contract."

STFU Jesse. Don't bring race into this....you could've made that exact same point without sounding like a moron.

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You had some nice points until you got to the above post.

As for being "thrown away," pro sports in the USA pay enough between these ages to keep you stable for life. It's what you do with your money during that time that determines whether you are a man or a boy. Just ask Antoine Walker.

I know what you are saying. WHy does a man need 4 Bentleys or Machbachs? I think like most people in America we have an idea what wealth is suppose to be. A lot of people try to live up to that idea, and unfortuantely the well runs dry. Compound that with a lack of education and there you have it, the poor athlete living out their car like Mike Webster. You know that is why I admired Troy Aikman (BLASPHAMEY! I know that), is because he knew he was going to be a well paid athlete. So what was his major in college....money management. Now see that is smart, but most athletes see the moment as a lifetime until its to late, and then they are broke.

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I know what you are saying. WHy does a man need 4 Bentleys or Machbachs? I think like most people in America we have an idea what wealth is suppose to be. A lot of people try to live up to that idea, and unfortuantely the well runs dry. Compound that with a lack of education and there you have it, the poor athlete living out their car like Mike Webster. You know that is why I admired Troy Aikman (BLASPHAMEY! I know that), is because he knew he was going to be a well paid athlete. So what was his major in college....money management. Now see that is smart, but most athletes see the moment as a lifetime until its to late, and then they are broke.

I read a few months ago that something like 70% of NFL players are broke within five years of leaving the league.

I just saw the other day that Dermonti Dawson is millions in debt.. another example.

When you've got THAT kind of money, you attract whole different kind of thief.


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The point here is that any time race is injected into a situation where it doesn't belong(see Bang's comments above for a good synopsis), it cheapens the the awareness of that true struggle. There are plenty of instances where racism is real and these guys can have a true positive impact but when they say things like this just to get a rise out of people it takes away from those real instances.

I agree. I don't believe race has anything to do with this. LeBron is a once in a lifetime athlete. Jesse sees things from one context, but don't codemn him for it. Almost like Cotton in King of the Hill; people that lived through a certain era see things in certain ways. They fought to make the place better. You can fault them for what they say, but their heart is in the right place, even if they don't say the right things.

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I know what you are saying. WHy does a man need 4 Bentleys or Machbachs? I think like most people in America we have an idea what wealth is suppose to be. A lot of people try to live up to that idea, and unfortuantely the well runs dry. Compound that with a lack of education and there you have it, the poor athlete living out their car like Mike Webster. You know that is why I admired Troy Aikman (BLASPHAMEY! I know that), is because he knew he was going to be a well paid athlete. So what was his major in college....money management. Now see that is smart, but most athletes see the moment as a lifetime until its to late, and then they are broke.

Poor athlete? That's their fault that they don't go to college or only stay for a year. I'd venture to say that just about athlete in the NBA, NFL, or MLB was offered a scholarship to college. They didn't have to come out early. They CHOSE to leave early and not continue their education. There are plenty of athletes like Shaq, Vince Carter, etc. that go back even though they left early. That's their fault, not anyone else's.

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The point here is that any time race is injected into a situation where it doesn't belong(see Bang's comments above for a good synopsis), it cheapens the the awareness of that true struggle. There are plenty of instances where racism is real and these guys can have a true positive impact but when they say things like this just to get a rise out of people it takes away from those real instances.

Totally agree. Well said.


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I read a few months ago that something like 70% of NFL players are broke within five years of leaving the league.

I just saw the other day that Dermonti Dawson is millions in debt.. another example.

When you've got THAT kind of money, you attract whole different kind of thief.


Agree. I mean you are in rare air, so the theifs will be more creative and destructive. The Bernie Madoffs of the world come knocking at your door with a briefcase and a smile.

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So, if a black man were to say this to another black man, would he be trying to act as a slave master?

I have a sneaking suspicion that if LBJ played for the Bobcats and this was Michael Jordan that wrote the letter we wouldn't have heard from the good reverend.

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Agree. I mean you are in rare air, so the theifs will be more creative and destructive. The Bernie Madoffs of the world come knocking at your door with a briefcase and a smile.

But a lot of these guys do it to themselves. They get the biggest house, the most expensive cars and enough bling that would have made Liberace blush.

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Poor athlete? That's their fault that they don't go to college or only stay for a year. I'd venture to say that just about athlete in the NBA, NFL, or MLB was offered a scholarship to college. They didn't have to come out early. They CHOSE to leave early and not continue their education. There are plenty of athletes like Shaq, Vince Carter, etc. that go back even though they left early. That's their fault, not anyone else's.

Not saying it's anyones fault. But athletes see dollar signs. They are your age. if I said to you "hey you are 24, you run the 40 in 4.3 seconds, and if you come out this year you will make close to 8.5 million a year", what would you do? But you are 24, you don;t see life down the line. You are dumb and full of ***, because experience is the best teacher. Like you and me, they don't count every penny, until they have to, and by them it's to late. But this is off the subject.

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Not saying it's anyones fault. But athletes see dollar signs. They are your age. if I said to you "hey you are 24, you run the 40 in 4.3 seconds, and if you come out this year you will make close to 8.5 million a year", what would you do? But you are 24, you don;t see life down the line. You are dumb and full of ***, because experience is the best teacher. Like you and me, they don't count every penny, until they have to, and by them it's to late. But this is off the subject.

No I see what you're saying. But like I said, there are guys who still go back and get their education. So its not like they can't get an education.

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You know who else was a hard working advocate for the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s?

Fred Phelps.

Yeah, that Fred Phelps.

Of this I was aware. Though I'm not really sure what this has to do with anything unless you're trying to imply I'd stick up for Phelps now based on what he did in the past.

It's strange how pointing out that the idea Jackson "never worked a day in his life" is false somehow morphed into a defense of his recent actions.

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Lets be real. College IS NOT for everybody. Some of these guys simply aren't college material.

I never have liked that cliche line. College is available to EVERYBODY, and college is for EVERYBODY. Whether the individual is willing to work hard enough, and whether they have enough funding, is entirely up to them, but once you're there, there is NO reason why you shouldn't be capable of graduating, with all of the resources that are available to you.

On the other hand, if someone offered me 4 mil per year today, I would take it in a heartbeat, but the difference between a CEO and a star athlete is that the athlete, sooner or later, will have find another way to earn a living, while the CEO keeps lining his pockets. You have to be smart and fiscally responsible with your money, and think about what you want to do when your career is over with, so you don't end up like Sprewell, Kemp, or some of these other guys.

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