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USA vs. Canada Gold Medal Hype Thread (Game CHAT)

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The only thing I hate, and I'm sure it's been said in the 34 pages, but, OF ALL FREAKIN PEOPLE to score the game winner, it had to be that douche, Cindy. I would have felt better if Nash, Richards, Pronger or anyone else for that matter to have the game winner.

It would've been worse for me had Corey Perry been the game winner. Now there's a guy I absolutely dislike. If people want to talk about whiny diving cheap shot artists, he's at the top of the list for me.

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If you guys were to put an American Flag on your car, how long would it take before someone egged your car?

The front plate of my car has an American eagle and flag, my car has never been egged :D Except on my birthday.

Somebody took a **** right next to my car while in the States for having Quebec plates (im guessing), although I stopped in Newark cause I got lost, so that's my own fault :ols:. Never going to stop there again for a Big Mac and to make a phone call. Although watching them try to help their friend run with his pants around his ankles was fun, I had no idea what was going on at the time.

You're wrong about the french Canadians hating Americans though, most of these French people that you think hate Americans, just hate anyone that speaks English and not French :ols:

I got hated on in Quebec City for speaking english, I was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec. There's just a crowd of people that hate everything english, we don't like them either.

The 1% difference in the referendum would never happen again to be honest. If they held one again, most people would vote against it. Last time they had a vote, most of the people thought it was a joke and didn't even bother going to the polls. The Partie Quebecois (PQ) that keeps wanting to separate, usually comes in 3rd in votes, behind the Liberals and Conservatives and by a huge margin.

Back to hockey: Great game, definitely good for the sport. I hope this makes Bettman look like an even bigger Jackass for not wanting NHL players participate in the Olympics. That guy needs to be replaced.

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For what it's worth...after 9-11 I was one of the pledge takers for the 9-11 fundraiser that was on national TV. I received a LOT of calls from Canadians pledging money. I fact the first 2 or 3 calls I received were from Canada. They didn't sound very anti-American to me.

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it would've been worse for me had corey perry been the game winner. Now there's a guy i absolutely dislike. If people want to talk about whiny diving cheap shot artists, he's at the top of the list for me.
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I'd seriously let this all go if it weren't for the continued insistence that we don't know our history. Make a statement like that and you'd better get it right yourself. I didn't say the locals weren't Canadian. I said Canada wasn't a country. You referred to it as a country. That was incorrect.

The French and Indian war wasn't fought between the United States and France. It was between the British and the French. The War of 1812 wasn't fought between Canada and the US. It was between the British and the Americans.

As far as George Washington goes, of course he was a traitor to the British crown. Remember Ben Franklin's famous line 'We must all hang together or, most assuredly, hang separately.' That's because all the founding fathers were considered traitors. I know in Canada, where in 2010 the Olympics are STILL opened by the viceregal representative in the federal jurisdiction of the Canadian monarch and head of state, Queen Elizabeth II, that's considered a terrible thing. In the US it's a badge of honor. Maybe that's why we were a country in 1812 and Canada patiently waited until 1931 ... or 1982 ... or ... well maybe the expert on non-Amerocentric history can tell me.

So yes, enough about 1812. It should have never been brought up in the first place.

Congratulations to the Canadian team. I would have liked to see the Americans win it but I can't say the Canadians didn't deserve it. I have to admit though that I wish it was anyone but Crosby that scored the winning goal. Now we'll never hear the end of it about that guy. :)

What you said was that it wasnt canadians who burned down the white house, In actuality we are both half right because actually the troops under General Ross were a mix if british regulars and militia from canada, which makes them Canadian and british. Your argument that as a british colony we arent entitled to claiming nationhood was facetious at best.

I never said anything about the War of 1812 being between Strictly canada and the US although the bulk of it was fought there.

and yes Henry we are a constitutional monarchy and still are closer to being a true democracy than the US.

either way it was a good game and im Glad canada won.

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and also btw I dont have animosity towards americans and the comment about the lack of knowledge about history is towards the general populace. I tried to youtube a show called this hour has 22 min where they used to ask average americans questions about canada , that was some funny stuff.

My favourite was "who is the ruler of canada and what is he called?" and a lady from New York said " Wayne Gretzky , El presidente " LMAO

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I WILL say this: Canada does export some FINE hotties:

-Elisha Cuthbert

-Trish Stratus

-Evangeline Lilly

-Natasha Henstridge I think?

-Pamela Anderson (at least previously)

-Mia Kirshner


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All time medal leaders (dating back to 1896):

•United States – 2,547

•Soviet Union/Russia* – 1,754

•Germany** – 1,617

•Great Britain – 737

•France – 730

•Italy – 627

•Sweden – 604

•Hungary – 465

•Finland – 454

•Norway – 446

•Australia – 441

•China – 430

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and also btw I dont have animosity towards americans and the comment about the lack of knowledge about history is towards the general populace. I tried to youtube a show called this hour has 22 min where they used to ask average americans questions about canada , that was some funny stuff.

My favourite was "who is the ruler of canada and what is he called?" and a lady from New York said " Wayne Gretzky , El presidente " LMAO

Oh, now we're citing youtube as a source.

put the shovel down Ryman, the hole isn't getting any shallower. :)

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Why do people hate Crosby? Heard he is nothing but a class act! US must be jealous of him making them lose the gold medal I take it!

If that were the case, we'd have to hate every single player that was on the Canadian team.

I hate him because he is a whiner and because he is a Penguin.

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I think almost everyone in Canada with a TV was watching the game.

The consortium reports that 26.5 million Canadians watched some part of the game, meaning 80 per cent of the country tuned in at some point.

Two-thirds of the country, or 22 million people, were watching when Sidney Crosby scored the winning goal.


That is crazy. The U.S. can't get two-thirds of the country to do anything together. The Super Bowl this year had 106 million viewers, but that's only one-third of our population. Even the M*A*S*H finale had less than half the country watching.

80% of the country watching the same thing on TV. They love their hockey up there, eh?

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I love hockey. Just not the way we play it here.

I love car racing, just not the way we do it here.

We could start a new topic on this but it's sad that sponsers don't get behind hockey as nuch as other sports.

Tigers' Wood would be a really good example.

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I WILL say this: Canada does export some FINE hotties:

-Elisha Cuthbert

-Trish Stratus

-Evangeline Lilly

-Natasha Henstridge I think?

-Pamela Anderson (at least previously)

-Mia Kirshner


Yup I went to junior high with Natasha, she used to be homely but her mom was ridiculous hot and has a newfie accent.

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Oh, now we're citing youtube as a source.

put the shovel down Ryman, the hole isn't getting any shallower. :)

LOL Im not citing Youtube as a source, the Tv show is called "this hour has 22 minutes" its a canadian comedy but Youtube does have a few of the funnier episodes on it, LOL its not like I quoted wikipedia ffs.

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