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What is your favorite breed of dog? Pics welcome

Commander PK

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Here are some pics of my Redbone. Good pets and great hunters.

Yeah, this is what my parents have. Great dog and very smart.

I am going to get a dog in the near future, but I am not sure what quite yet. I almost ended up with a rhodesian ridgeback a few weeks ago as my friend had gotten one, but really did not have the space.

We were arguing over what this fella was in this picture from Westminster. Anybody know?


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I may be wrong but what I read from your response is you want the world's best dog but don't have the training, time or space to make it happen.

Your dog cannot and won't be all those things.

Well, I certainly don't want the world's worst dog.:) And of course a dog can't be everything you want. I was just throwing out there the things I do and don't want, and seeing if anyone could match as many of those characteristics to a certain breed as possible. My favorite dog would not be everyone's favorite dog. Some people want a little cuddly thing, while others may want a massive, vicious dog to kill anyone who comes in your home.:whoknows:

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I admit to now knowing much about them. I like them, but have never really been on my radar. I have heard that they can be a handful, and some sites say they are fine companion dogs with solid training, while others recommend them for more experienced owners. I would suggest that, if you decide to go in that direction, calling local/state breed clubs, breeders, etc. and talk to them (or any dog you choose really).

Generally speaking, any dog that lists "strength" or "muscular" in the first line of a breed description is going to need training on both your's and the dog's part.

Oh yeah. I'm definitely going to do my homework. I'm just getting a general sense of a handful of breeds to start looking at. I didn't mean to imply I can't do any training. During the summer, for example, I'll have a ton of time. I just can't expect to do a huge amount of training during the school year. I can definitely do some, and I need to do as much as I can.

The problem is that a few of the breeds I like have so many health complications.

I feel somewhat obligated to get a rescue dog just to be a nice person.:)

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video of puppy falling asleep

That video is adorable and reminds me of my old golden retriever, Sandy, who died a few years back. She would always prop her head up on the bottom shelf of the coffee table or pretty much anything else she could find, putting herself in the most uncomfortable position imaginable. But she looked so content!

One of my parents' goldens now always manages to squish herself in between their two couches such that her head is almost burrowing back into her chest. Again, looks so uncomfortable but she does it every night!

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Oh yeah. I'm definitely going to do my homework. I'm just getting a general sense of a handful of breeds to start looking at. I didn't mean to imply I can't do any training. During the summer, for example, I'll have a ton of time. I just can't expect to do a huge amount of training during the school year. I can definitely do some, and I need to do as much as I can.

The problem is that a few of the breeds I like have so many health complications.

I feel somewhat obligated to get a rescue dog just to be a nice person.:)

If you do end uup getting a dog I'd really consider a lab or a lab/mix of some kind. No breed fits all of the traits you described but the lab is about as close as any breed I can think of.

Rescuing would probably great for you because you could probably find a dog that was at least trained in the basics since you said you want to train but don't have a ton of time.

However, I'd reconsider getting any dog if you don't have time to spend time with it. I feel bad enough having to leave my boy at home while I work or go to the movies - and if you are never going to be around it's really not fair to any dog. They love being around their people.

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Yeah, this is what my parents have. Great dog and very smart.

I am going to get a dog in the near future, but I am not sure what quite yet. I almost ended up with a rhodesian ridgeback a few weeks ago as my friend had gotten one, but really did not have the space.

We were arguing over what this fella was in this picture from Westminster. Anybody know?


Shiba Inu maybe?

EDIT: On second thought maybe not. Although I know I've seen that breed before I just can't think of where or the name.

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The Caucasian Mountain Dog


Just kidding, if there is a breed of dog that needs a license, no questions asked it's these things. Ever since AdamB pointed them out to me in another Pit Bull debate thread I have been facinated by them. I was watching a video about them, and a breeder compared them to having the stopping power of a .357 magnum,:doh: their sole purpose is to protect and kill. From what I understand they are like owning a bear and the breeders start testing their levels of aggression at 2 weeks. The only purpose I can see them being used for is to patrol prisons between two razor wire barrier fences.

OK wow.... just watched that video on youtube from national geographic. That is one crazy ass dog. I'd totally get one if I lived in some crazy remote area. A few of those will keep the bears and crazy mountain people away. :)

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OK wow.... just watched that video on youtube from national geographic. That is one crazy ass dog. I'd totally get one if I lived in some crazy remote area. A few of those will keep the bears and crazy mountain people away. :)

Just watched that same video. The idiot that places his infant daughter inches from that thing deserves to be bit by it. Sometimes, animals lash out for no apparent reason. No way I'd trust it that much.

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Despite a few somewhat sarcastic posts recently,I pretty much love all kinds of dogs,(and cats and....). I get along with most of them pretty well. That and having owned or been around so many breeds it's a touch call on favorites. Most of my experience has been with Goldens and Border Collies,so I tend to lean that way. Can't have one,but if I could,I'd say I'd start with one of those two AFTER trying the rescue way first,(no specific breed to look for in that area for me).

You'd love my Hobbs :) Golden/Collie mix.





My baaaaaby:)

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I have a somewhat cool dog story.

The best Dog I ever had was a half newfie / border collie and half blacklab. We Named him Chimgauts which means "short legs" in Cree.

he ended up being the size of a newf with short legs like the collie but massively built, he weighed almost 200 pounds with very little fat. he had massive paws and even with short legs came almost to my mid thigh (I was about 6-3 at the time)

How we got him was a cool story, I was about 6 years old and my dad and I were driving back out to the ranch from town, we saw a skinny starving black dog lying in the ditch, my dad thought it got hit so he got out to put the poor thing out of her misery, she got up and ran into the bushes when we stopped.

Merv went back and got a steak out of the groceries and cut off a piece and called her. She still wouldnt come. I got out of the truck and called her as well, both of us yelling "cmere girl come on" It took her a while , about an hour but she finally came out and took the meat very gently from my dad even though she looked about to starve to death.

Long story short she was an amazing dog, loyal, smart, and friendly. She never did trust most people though and would hide when we had visitors. She would never come to anything but "Girl" and only if my dad or me called her. If not for Chimmy she would have been my favourite dog. I would like to find the people who abandoned her and beat the **** out of them.

anyway she was a strictly outside dog but my dad would try to get her to come in when it was really cold she very rarely did but when she did she went straight to my room which was close to the porch and would hide under the bed. One night it got crazy cold about -65 or so, so merv told me to go let Girl in the house, I went and let her in and she ran straight under the bed lol, I left her a bowl of water and some food and went to bed. I woke up because I felt something soft and squishy (I thought it was a mouse) so i turned on my lamp and saw 4 little pups cuddled up next to me lol. I looked down and there was girl with the 5th one in her mouth looking at me funny. she placed that 5th pup on the bed very gently and then looked at me with a funny look. I petted her and then got up to go get my dad. I woke Merv up and told him about the pups and he told me I could keep one but we would have to give the rest away. but once he saw them he said , "well maybe we will keep the whole bunch for sled dogs"

I picked 2 the biggest one who was jet black and fuzzy, I named him Musqua which means Bear in Cree, and the smallest one who had funny little short legs and was coloured like a collie.

Thats about enough typing I think. but I love Dogs more than I like people.

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Well, I certainly don't want the world's worst dog.:) And of course a dog can't be everything you want. I was just throwing out there the things I do and don't want, and seeing if anyone could match as many of those characteristics to a certain breed as possible. My favorite dog would not be everyone's favorite dog. Some people want a little cuddly thing, while others may want a massive, vicious dog to kill anyone who comes in your home.:whoknows:

Sorry don't mean it in a condescending way but i think you might be looking for too much out of your potential dog. Id research basic dog types but go off of their nature (hopefully after interacting with them then their breed pedigree).

Also as a student can you afford to take care of a dog? My lovely lab has cost me close to 1.5k this year alone on medical bills. All of them were unexpected but every trip to the vet alone is basically at least 300 bucks.

Might I suggest waiting a bit? One of my biggest problems now is always missing work happy hours and other events because I have to rush home to let me dog out or feed her. Not to mention getting someone to watch her when I do go on vacation is expensive.

It's not the same as having a kid but it is pretty close. They need and deserve tons of attention and time.

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