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What is your favorite breed of dog? Pics welcome

Commander PK

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The Caucasian Mountain Dog


Just kidding, if there is a breed of dog that needs a license, no questions asked it's these things. Ever since AdamB pointed them out to me in another Pit Bull debate thread I have been facinated by them. I was watching a video about them, and a breeder compared them to having the stopping power of a .357 magnum,:doh: their sole purpose is to protect and kill. From what I understand they are like owning a bear and the breeders start testing their levels of aggression at 2 weeks. The only purpose I can see them being used for is to patrol prisons between two razor wire barrier fences.

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Love my dog. Would get another border collie in a heartbeat.

Border collies are a phenomenal breed. I just had to have my Lexi put down last spring. I curled up on the floor with her as she fell asleep from the pre-shot sedative and wailed like an infant.

If you want sheer genius in a dog, as well as loyalty, and work ethic, look no further. Lexi actually made it her job to sleep at the door of my girls rooms when they were babies, and come get us whenever they woke up.

Be warned. You've got to be prepared to exercise these dogs if you plan on getting one. They are absolutely tireless. But IMO, there's no better breed on earth.

Another one of Lexi's favorite things to do was to chase the geese that would land on the ponds in front of our development. She'd single one out, swim all the way across the pond, and then the goose would fly to the other side. You could almost see her roll her eyes and say, "Damnit!" as she refocused and started across the pond again.

Every 15 minutes or so, she'd lay down on the "beach," catch her breath, and then go right back at it for an hour-and-a-half or more. Seriously, when I say "tireless" I mean tireless.

RIP Lexi-girl.

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Personally, I love English Bulldogs and Pugs.

A friend of mine in college had a Carolina Dog, which is basically a dingo. That dog could go from being the sweetest, most playful thing, to an absolute nightmare, in about 5 minutes.

My girlfriend has a West Highland Terrier that's pretty good.

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Tough... I think I want a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, which is the larger, smooth coat version of the Bernese Mountain Dog.



Another option would be a Great Dane.


I also really like Komondors, they're some of the best dogs I've been around. Too much damn hair for me though, unless you keep them shaved.


^ That is a picture from the Westminster Dog Show from about a week ago. That Komondor belongs to be girlfriend's grandparents.

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