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AP: Tiger Woods' wife Elin Nordegren wants the kids and 'half his fortune'


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I have no problem with the kids getting half .... but getting half should not be used as punishment.

It is not her money. He earned it. Set the kids up right. Give her enough to be happy. I don't like Tiger. He should've kept it in his pants, or never have gotten married.

But she comes out looking bad just trying to be a money grubbing *****.

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Are you guys more upset that she's asking for half their household assets than you are that she wants sole custody of the kids? Seriously?

Of course they are. They actually have sympathy for him getting caught and potentially having to pay the piper than what he did to his wife and kids.

I wish she could get half and the kids and it was the standard in all cases when the man or wife cheats for the wronged to get half (all if the cheater didn't have any income) and the kids.

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Are you guys more upset that she's asking for half their household assets than you are that she wants sole custody of the kids? Seriously?

That's another good point that has been completely lost in this whole fiasco. The children.

I'm not blaming Tiger. He ****ed up big time. I'm really not blaming her either, she's just doing what she's legally allowed to do. Can't blame her at all, she was the victim. I understand that.

But... Divorce law and child custody law needs to have comprehensive reform.

Many men get screwed and many women take advantage of this totally unjust system.

Why the prenup with the structure it had if this wasn't a business deal from the get go?

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I have no problem with the kids getting half .... but getting half should not be used as punishment.

It is not her money. He earned it. Set the kids up right. Give her enough to be happy. I don't like Tiger. He should've kept it in his pants, or never have gotten married.

But she comes out looking bad just trying to be a money grubbing *****.

She was part of the tailored squeaky clean family man image that landed him endorsements.

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That's another good point that has been completely lost in this whole fiasco. The children.

I'm not blaming Tiger. He ****ed up big time. I'm really not blaming her either, she's just doing what she's legally allowed to do. Can't blame her at all, she was the victim. I understand that.

But... Divorce law and child custody law needs to have comprehensive reform.

Many men get screwed and many women take advantage of this totally unjust system.

Why the prenup with the structure it had if this wasn't a business deal from the get go?

He has a prenup. He won't give up more than what's in the prenup unless he negotiates a settlement to hush her up.

I blame him for not laying it out before he was married. The guy basically travels all the time and he should have been up front with her about the expectations he had about seeing other women.

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I love all of the people in this thread who think arguing against her getting half means we are defending cheating on your wife.

Listen I personally would NEVER cheat on a girlfriend, let alone a wife. I have pretty grandiose views of marriage. I think that it is a beautiful thing and cannot wait until the day that I find that perfect girl to spend the rest of my life with.

However, there is no way in hell you can convince me that she or any woman really deserves an automatic, cut and dry HALF.

In this case, whatever the amount is, will be MORE than enough for her and the kids to live happily ever after without her having to generate one single dollar of income for herself for the rest of her life.

Eddie Murphy really does put it best in this bit,

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Half??? I'm sorry, but there's no way she's entitled to half of his money. He's a total scumbag for what he's done, but half???

exactly, the biatch was cleaning houses when he found her. that's what's profoundly wrong with the court system, with regards to property division. where's the incentive to try and work things out when you can just leave with half of what you never earned. She's just as big a scumbag imo.

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She will get it and deserves it.

marriage is awesome so long as you find the right woman. If you marry the right woman then you dont NEED to sleep around with thousands of women.


And financially, marriage is a good move. two incomes is better than one:D.

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I'd like to point out that being able to knock a little ball into the ground with a stick doesn't explain why Tiger deserves more money than God either.

All athletes are stupidly overpaid. (Okay, all athletes in big-time sports.) But to say that the justice system should be intentionally stupid is, well....

I hope you aren't gnashing your teeth because you've only just now discovered life is unfair.

I hope you still have teeth to gnash. :silly:

JMS is right. A family is not just a collection of people. It a single unit. Marriage isn't about 'this is mine and that's yours.' It's about 'this is ours.'

Only one person in Tiger's marriage doesn't respect that, and that's Tiger.

Platitudes are tubular. They don't provide a sound reason for a legal right to $300 million, though. Unless you really believe that Anna Nicole Smith deserved her own billion or so.

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Platitudes are tubular. They don't provide a sound reason for a legal right to $300 million, though. Unless you really believe that Anna Nicole Smith deserved her own billion or so.

Again, I'm not saying she deserves half. I just think all this hand-wringing over the fact that she's asking for it is silly. And calling her a whore, a **** with a c and whatever else is completely uncalled for.

She can certainly make a case that she contributed to his income. Since this whole thing blew up people have been talking about how his image has been tarnished, an image which he exploited for all sorts of endorsements. If his marriage didn't contribute to this image he wouldn't be losing some of those endorsements now. After all, a large percentage of his income is not from golf at all.

She can absolutely make the case that he used her, and their children, to foster an image in order to make more money. Meanwhile, he's sleeping with half the women west of the Mississippi.

Does she 'deserve' half? Maybe not. But she's not a ho. And there's nothing wrong with opening negotiations with a high number.

As far as Anna Nicole Smith goes, she didn't win that money in a divorce. She inherited it.

Please feel free to rail against a person's legal right to leave his estate to whomever he chooses. Maybe we can solve all the world's problems in this thread. :)

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He reportedly hooked up with one chick when his dad was dying,

I don't know if this is a fair bit of evidence, other than it wasn't his wife. The reason is simple. You read anything about how people react to terrible situations, even in the movie High Fidelity, Cusack's gf has sex with him after her father's wake. She LOVED her dad. Tiger did love his dad and he didn't hook up with that girl when his father died, only that his father was in a bad way and he had sex with her.

Be it the deep emotion unleashing the physical, an attempt to find a harbor of pleasant sensation when your world is crumbling, etc---I don't think it's an indictment of your character.

I had a girlfriend who had beloved grandmother who died and she got drunk and we had pretty wild sex. It wasn't that she didn't care about her grandmother, she was seeking a form of consolation and abandon to escape the pain.

(and yes, he should have been with ELin if they were together, I'm not arguing that. Only that it doesn't mean he didn't care about his father.)

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Calling her names really makes people look like garbage. She married a man, stayed faithful and raised his children. She did nothing to betray him at all. The only thing Tiger Woods had to do to keep every single penny of his money was to either stay true to his word (which in this day and age is asking too much apparently) or to be honest with himself and not get married. What he chose to do instead was to get married, father children, and then drag his entire family through a media **** storm. He chose to publicly humiliate all of them. His wife, himself, his children, and anyone that shares his family name. If he couldn't keep from bangin basically anything female he should have divorced prior to having children.

There is only one person to blame in this, Tiger Woods. A man built up because of one skill, destroyed by a complete lack of anything resembling integrity. He brought it entirely on himself.

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But she'll try to take half of money unearned, right---because it's fair (meaning benefits a woman?)

Would you consider a world where men can steal the lives of women in their prime, betray them completely, and send them away with a pat on the ass for thier trouble? Would that be more fair? Marriage is no small commitment, if a person has no integrity they shouldn't enter into it.

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exactly, the biatch was cleaning houses when he found her. that's what's profoundly wrong with the court system, with regards to property division. where's the incentive to try and work things out when you can just leave with half of what you never earned. She's just as big a scumbag imo.

Incentive to try and work things out? Are you friggin kidding me? This is her doing her best to make him feel some pain. He's the scumbag. I don't think there was ever any previous notion that she was a money grubber. I can't even imagine what his actions did too her. This wasn't a typical situation where a guy gets caught cheating. His behavior is so over the top given the public nature and the details revealed it's hard to fathom. Making her out to be the bad guy is laughable.

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